Come and wish your friends (or a stranger) HAPPY BIRTHDAY We have numerous birthdays for you to choose from each month. We never have enough though so don't forget to add your Birthday, Anniversary or other day special to you.
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Gawwwwwwwwd! You're old!!!!! Almost as old as me! You can but you can't catch me!!!!
Hope your day is special and you have many many years more full of happiness!
hi, my name is amandalove and today is my first time as a registrard member. my Special Day is coming up and this year looks so good to me a lot of nice things in my life are coming my way.
Grenv..Hope you have a great Birthday and many more. Have lots of fun.
We are going to celebrate our daughters birthday, today.. and 3 year old twin boys that was yesterday. I will eat a piece of birthday cake for yours also..Goodness that is 4 I have to eat. They better be real small.
thanks everyone, I had a great birthday, had all my family staying with me, 16 of us altogether, it was great, but sad to see them all go yesterday.
Thanks to you all for your good wishes