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Why do I occasionally hear thunder from my computer speakers? I remember reading an article a few years ago that said if you heard different strains of music they meant different things. For example one meant your fan had stopped working. So I was wondering if the thunder meant anything and if so what and if not why is it doing it. It has nothing to do with the weather outside.
MadMonkey: I missed the spider but they may have added him since I set it up. I've a tab for recipes, images tools and the main one for news and Garfield cartoon You can choose a different Theme for each tab if you wish.
Firefox has a spellchecker that underlines misspelled words in red. It works for me almost everywhere but here. I was wondering if it works here for others or not?
Yes it is, so play some games. You have been here for 2 weeks. In that time you have resigned 1 game after 0 moves, resigned a second game after 3 moves and are playing 1 game. In the same 2 weeks you have made over 60 posts. And most of them were to complain and let us know how we are doing everything wrong and how you could do it better.
I suggest you go play a few games and rethink your attitude for you will never meet a nicer bunch of people than the ones who play here.
rod03801: I've had the AT&TYahoo DSL for a couple years. They gave my the modum and an ethernet card that had to be installed in the computer plus 5 (widgets) You must plug a widget into any phone jack in your house you use for a phone and then plug the phone into the widget. Plus one widget between the computer and a phone jack. One plus over some local dial up is the abiliety to use the computer and the phone at the same time. It made peace in my house. Can you believe I was accused of being on the computer all the time so the phone could never be used
My ISP is associated with Yahoo. So the email account my ISP provides is very much like a Yahoo email account. When I type or cut & paste a URL into an email it does not come out clickable. When I'm using Firefox but it will be clickable in IE. Does anyone know of a change I can make to Firefox so any URL I place in an email will be clickable?
The last few days my computer has been running slower than a snail. I did one of the speed tests offered on the net and got, download = 611bps & upload = 273.78 kbps. It seems to be back to normal today. This has happened a couple times in the past and I always assumed it was my ISP working on their equipment but now I wonder. My question is, would this be my ISP or could it be my computer. It's a Dell running windows ME.
Can anyone help? After downloading Thunderbird it went out and picked up an old email account I haven't used in 19 months instead of my current one. I changed ISP's. I removed Thunderbird and re-downloaded it but this didn't help it still shows up with my old email account folders and address book in tow. Is there any way to wipe Thunderbirds memory?
Was looking around in my puter and found that system restore is disabled. No idea how, why or when this happened. Does anyone know a reason why I shouldn't turn back on system restore?
*edited to add*
I have a couple system restore points that I have set myself. Last week I tried to use system restore to fix my puter by using one of these points. It told me that it could not restore my puter to this point. Does anyone know a reason it would refuse to restore my puter.
One of the things I like about Firefox is that you can tell it not to let certain sites put cookies on your puter. I've always wished IE had this option. This tool, WinPatrol gives you that option. Plus it does a few other tricks. Avoiding start page hijacking for one.
Aragon: thanks i'll try taskmanager next time it starts doing it's odd thing again. But if i remember correctly it gives you a list of everything that is using power and won't necessarely indicate what the puter is up to. And i don't know enough to pick the righ one out of the list. I will try the other task manager you suggested it will probably give more information. Thank you
Otsikko: Is there a way to find out what your puter is doing?
My puter has started something new. When i'm just playing games the puter makes an internal noise periodically, indicating that it's doing something. It only lasts a few seconds. While it is doing whatever it's doing i can't do anything. For example if i'm typing the cursor freezes in place and then after it stops the letters i've typed appear. I'de sure like to know what it's doing. I use windows ME