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Rose: Thanks! I never bothered to install the Service Pack 2. It looked as if it was going to take up too much memory.
I had 98 but for the life of me I can't remember what it was like! I've been happy enough with XP.
I has 2000 at one time and I thought XP was better than that - or maybe it just was better suited to my requirements.
Thanks, rabbitoid and Summertop. I guess that's a 'no' then! Time to break into the piggy bank.
Just as a matter of interest though, as I'm going to fork out, how much better than Windows 98 is XP? And which is the best Windows version of all (although I suppose it's horses for courses on that one).
Help please!
I have a computer with Windows XP and I have the disk, COA, number etc.
I then buy another computer without Windows.
Can I use the Windows XP disk etc I have on the new computer?
BerniceC: Kerio Personal Firewall (KPF) is a software agent that builds a barrier between your personal computer and the Internet. KPF is designed to protect your PC against attacks from both the Internet, and other computers in the local network. Free for personal use.
As you're here Rose, what should you do when you finish a session on the computer? Should you turn off the computer or put it on standby eg overnight? Yeah, I'm thick!
Thanks, Radiant - and thanks to everyone that helped and provided ideas.
Well we counted them out - now we have to count them back again! Apart from webtv users, I'm sure there are a lot of pc users that have the same problem as Eriisa and myself had (Eriisa still might).
<Since BK1 has been back I haven't been able to access the log-in page at all. I get a 'page cannot be found' notice. (I'm currently using a webtv-type thingy).
I have Window XP and Internet Explorer (I have tried Mozilla but still no luck).
I've deleted all cookies.
I've deleted all temporary internet files.
I've deleted history.
I've tried a 'restore' - back to before Saturday and BK2.
Nothing works.
What am I missing? (don't say it!)>
If you have any idea of the problem, please let me know (in plain simple language please!).