Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.
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plaintiger: itty bitty wee tiny cabbages and I love 'em. LOL....after I have cooked them I add a knob of butter and sprinkle them with lemon juice...beautiful...In fact had that last night hehehehe
There ya go! Brussel Sprouts are great home grown.
I also thought you might be talkin bout bean sprouts, which you eat as soon as they, well, sprout!
Keep your seedlings in a fairly cool but sunny location indoors. You don't want them to get leggy before plantin time.
If it is sunny enough during the days you can set em outside to harden off. They're too tender to leave out overnight, yet, even in a cold frame. But they should be gradually introduced to the outside world, so they are not shocked when you plant em. Just DON'T let em freeze!
plaintiger: No when I refer to sprouts I expect everybody to be a mind reader lol! Mine are Brussels, Brussels is the only way to go! Gives me Brussels with butter and pork and stuffing and and roast potatoes and and onions and and I,m getting carried away!
i just wondered if You meant bean sprouts or alfalfa sprouts or brussels sprouts or...something else. but i guess when a gardener refers to "sprouts" every other gardener knows what She's talking about?
i'm the slow kid in this particular class, You see...
Mousetrap: Hi Mouse how ya be.......Ya sprouted the sprouts too early.Can you get a wooden box big enough to put them in? I don't have my thinking cap on yet,too early in the morning here.I did that one year with tomatoes and had to get a box built or would of lost the seedlings.Not to high just enough so i could keep them.You could use a cardboard box line with plastic,to keep the dirt in and transplant the sprouts for now.
Anyone know where I can put me sprouts? LOL!
I started me sprouts off in a propergator and they are about a couple o inches high, I canna put em outside yet as the weather is not yet suitable, I have quite a few of em and aprat from transfering em to a made up compost box and keeping em in the kitchen I donno what to do. It is the first time I have tried growing sprouts. Any one got any ideas? Thanks very much!
Foxy Lady: i haven't (but then i haven't had a garden in decades, myself). been busy juggling and taking pictures. but the time is surely arriving! pretty pretty blossoms all over the trees...buds sprouting and nice...
No I have both! Poison ivy has grown in a certain section of my garden and we've had it killed last summer by experts. But it is so tenacious that it came back again this spring and even though I didn't see it, it saw me. I have the rash on my hands my thighs and my neck.
I think that the more you get it the worse it is every time. That's my homegrown theory, anyway.
It is true however that I am itching all over. I went to the doctor this morning, got the shot and the pills and the ointment. I am so allergic it's a wonder that I am actually a gardener at all. I'll have it twice more before the summer is over.
(piilota) Häviätkö pelit ajan loppumisen takia? Maksava asiakas voi määritellä loma-ajan, jonka aikana aikalaskuri ei juokse. (pauloaguia) (näytä kaikki vinkit)