Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.
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Bernice, do you cut your pawpaws tops off? I heard that if you do that they branch and won't grow any taller. Oh a tin can is placed on top of the trunk to stop water getting into the trunk.
Had the BIG party on Sat night and today went for luch with my GF and her hubby and of course Vern...It was nice.....
So as to make thins as NOT OFF TOPIC....she gave me an aged bottle of whiskey/scotch, which I will plant and see if I can get seedlings hehehehe...
Dolittle: It could be.. will have to go to the storage and look.. it just sprinkles onto the bushes.. leaves a white dust.. but, it kills the insects and doesn't hurt the bushes..
Foxy Lady: Do you sprinkle that one bug dust on it.. Hmmm I will have to look that stuff up.. don't have the stuff at this house.. it is in storage.. It is a popular name though..
Eriisa: We trim ours in the fall.If i have trouble this year with the green worms i'm digging up that bush and stating over.LOL we got snow showers coming can ya beat that.
I haven't seen any Foxy. Last year, when I moved in, these bushes were some 8 feet tall and oh so straggly! I trimmed them back a couple weeks ago to about 4 - 5 feet, and should have trimmed them more, but the weather's been so crazy here in Dallas.
if you are familiar with them,do you know their are many varieties:
this one is great:
'Kwai mi' or 'Kuei Wei', (cinnamon flavor) which came to be called 'Mauritius' is smaller, heart-shaped, with rough red skin tinged with green on the shoulders and usually having a thin line running around the fruit. The seed is small and the flesh very sweet and fragrant. The branches of the tree curve upward at the tips and the leaflets curl inward from the midrib.
nobleheart: The pluot does have a pit similar to a plum. Since it is from grafted trees, I don't know what you would get. If they have them at the market this year I will save you some seed!
BTW, pay no attention to Tootsie Roll Pops are locked up in a safe place!!
BerniceC: LOL I also freeze grapes for a treat for my oldest.For some reason the dark color are good for you,which is why my granfather uses only the red ones to make homemade wine.I read somewhere the darker ones are good for your heart.
nobleheart: One of australia's top sportsmen had gotten overweight in the off season and put himself on the frozen grape diet....yep he only ate frozen grapes for however long and lost weight...I havent tried it because Im a guts and like to put 2-3 in my mouth at a time LOLOL,
ewwwwww.... I found this...dont sound to appetising
With the grape cure eat black or purple grapes. Eat them with skins and pips. Preferably chew some of the pips to release their antioxidants. Soak the grapes with the addition of some hydrogen peroxide to kill and remove any fungi.
Eat about 1 kg daily according to appetite. If a temporary aversion to grapes develops, have a few days of juices with plenty of beetroot in-between. Eat only a few grapes at a time to avoid a strong rise in the blood sugar level. Be very careful to store grapes cool and dry, a good way is to hang them over a washing line in a garage.
I love watermelon too { steve pinches watermelon seeds like tiddywinks..shoots a few at Dolittle & Foxy Lady }
hey,seriously.this is a refreshing treat in summer.
get SEEDLESS green grapes.
wash & separate them.
freeze them,they are like little real fruit popsicles.
BerniceC: I love watermelon juiced and Mangos yummy i'll get my full when we go on vacation.
Juicing can run into alot of money,you don't get very much,but it's all power pack with vitamins.
Foxy Lady: I live in Mango country :) well all tropical fruit grows here LOL...I just love slurping on watermelon...seedless....wonderful...have never bothered juicing them....
nobleheart:I believe in the olden days quinces were used to help make the apples go further when making jams. All the old orchards [1800's] all have a quince tree in them
there is an lonng abandoned overgrown apple orchard I of the tress,the fruit was weird..after closer idenetification,it turned out to be a quince tree.
skipinnz: My sister has oranges,apples,kumkwats and bananas in her yard no bug problem.I hate them bugs they got down there,their at your door with suitcases.
Foxy Lady:only problem with a warmer climate is that there are more bugs that want to help you eat all that lovelly fruit. Better to stay in a cooler climate, you get to keep a little more fruit.
Dolittle: Oh great,i'd have to plant them in the house they'd never live here.My banana tree is doing great and we put it outside in the Summer.I love to go pick fresh fruit everyday.Maybe i'll move to Fla lol.