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Purple: GST (Grooves Speed Team) was an online checkers team from 1999-2003. The leader was Favian Elmore (gst_favian) and consisted of very good online players, a few mediocre tournament players, and a few program players. These players played at IYT, Kurnik checkers and Yahoo! checkers. The team is dead now - I haven't seen a player with the gst subname in 2 years or more...
There are many checkers teams in kurnik checkers, and maybe some in yahoo checkers. These players don't play in BK or IYT. They are highly skilled speed players.
DMatt: "I beat the last 3 human world champions in at least one game."
I've beat Alex Moiseyev over 30 games at Kurnik.org. According to your standards, I must be a grandmaster!
You also said "I can't help it that I was good at a game that you wasted decades of your life playing. It's a joke. It's a child's game, and you act purely infantile if you insist that I can't play the game."
I've only been playing since 2002-2003. If checkers is a joke, then why include yourself in the ACF website forum? Are you sure you want to be involved in our "joke" game? hmm. If checkers is a child's game, then why include yourslef in anything checkers related? Are you a child?
If you say you can't use a program in a 3 minute game timer in checkers, then this is a perfect timer for us to play eachother. I am offering you a cash match of $100 each, winner takes all, to play me at Kurnik in a set of 10 games GAYP and 10 games (5 ballots) of 3-Move. with the 3 minute timer. We will paypal the money to Alex Moiseyev as a neutral money holder :) After the match, Alex will paypal the $200 to the winner.
<span>"Concern your question about Ed Trice. I can't tell that he is my close friend. We played very actively online back to 1997-2001. I played with WCC on Mac Banks ladder. Ed also often helped me with WCC 10 pieces database to analyse some positions. And finally, one time, when I visited my old son in Phili, we both came to Ed house and spent one evening.
It was wonderful time. I met him and his family (wife and daughter). All I can tell you - his personality is: "heavvy nurd". He likes jokes, fooling people etc. But he is really nice person. We played couple checkers games, and I wouldn't rate his level higher than "very advance novice" <img>
When I played with him online at the end of 90's, it was obvious to me, that he uses program. In fact - he tested program. So - for him it wasn't wasting time or fooling only. But he wanted to make it more attractive. It didn't bother me at all.
Alex "
Trice evidently never participated in any NACA 11-man ballot event as he once claimed. I guess he claimed his offline games were in Roberto W.'s Games Database - but I was a member in Roberto's club and there were no such games. Roberto also said none of the games were played by Ed Trice and there wasn't any "NACA" event games in the Database.
So...the truth is obvious now - so the discussion should end.
Gabriel Almeida: Alex Moiseyev plays at www.kurnik.org under the name "rusms"
Many other Expert - Master - Grandmasters play there as well.
It's not mail-play like BK though - and you most likely won't get a game timer over 3 minutes against Alex - he likes fast games online - but many other good players play longer timers.
The USA 3-move Nationals started today (6/19) - Ryan Pronk won the Youth Nationals again.
I read in earlier posts from last year about Ed Trice. He said Alex Moiseyev went to his house and they played some checkers. This is true. It sounds to me that Ed Trice is thought of as a Master player. That's ironic because, when I talked to Alex Moiseyev recently, he told me that Ed Trice was no better than "an advanced novice". He also had no doubt in his mind that Ed Trice used WCC in his online games at various websites - most frequently, zone.com, from 1997-2001. I guess this solves any argument of this kind from the past.
John Baker: If one side has Red and the other has Black then it's not regulation! Pogo.com checkers has these colors and has Red moving first, Black moving second. BK uses Black and White so Black moves first in Checkers here in BK. You can go to checkers settings and make this possible.
The currect 3-Move Checkers World Champion, Alex Moiseyev, is completing his first checkers book called "SIXTH". You can pre-order the book in the American Checkers Federation' Store here: http://usacheckers.com/viewstore.php?cat_id=2
For all you Americans (or anyone planning to go), the American Checkers Federation has announced the 2006 US National Tournament will be played in "Medina, Ohio" from June 19th-23rd. More detailed information is at the American Checkers Federation's WEBSITE at USACHECKERS.COM.
Checkers and Anti Checkers Master, George Miller has won the 2005 Brainking Autumn Checkers Championship, going undefeated getting 7 points out of a possible 8.
daniel2: I don't think this should be added until brainking has added the traditional variants of checkers - international 10x10, brazilian, italian, russian, etc. I am still hoping for 7x7 checkers too :)
If you have not aleady recieved an invite and you are 2100 then tell me! If you are a border line 2100, then you have 9 days to get there! Starts December 1st.
Jan Mortimer of New Zealand was the challenger vs. current title holder, Patrica Breen of Ireland. Jan Mortimer won the first game but Patricia came right back with a win in the 2nd game, it never trailed after. The final score was 6 wins for Patricia Breen, 1 win for Jan Mortimer and 8 draws.
Patrica Breen withstands the challenge is still the Womens 3-Move World Champion and in my opinion has reached grandmaster status, even compared with the men.
Jan Mortimer had just played in the Women's World GAYP Championship tournament a week earlier, which could have affected her endurance.
17 year-old Amangul Durdyeva of Turkey, current Women's GAYP World Champion, should now have the rights to challenge Patrica Breen for the 3-Move title.
~ GAYP means Go-As-You-Please which is the same style we play here at Brainking :)
World GAYP Qualifier - The winner is Jim Morrison from USA and he will play Ron King for the GAYP World Championship Title Match.
Place - Name - Nation - Points
1. Jim Morrison, USA, 26
2. Bagtyar Durdyev, Turkey, 24
3. Mustafa Durdyev, Turkey, 24
4. Dr. Richard Beckwith, USA, 23
5. Michael Holmes, USA, 20
6. Rawle Allicock, England, 19
7. Ingo Zachos, Germnay(?), 18
8. Dave Harwood, England, 17
9. Thomas Canning, Ireland, 17
10. Dennis Pawlek, Germany, 16
11. Tomas Novotny, Czech, 14
12. Igor "sobek" Keder, Czech, 13
13. Jaroslav Tichy, Czech, 12
14. Sune Thrane, Denmark, 9
Women's World GAYP Championship - The winner is 17 year old Amangul Durdyeva winning all her games and she is declared the Women's World GAYP Champion. Patricia Breen of Ireland is the 3-Move Women's World Champion and will be facing Jan Mortimer of New Zealand for the title this month.
1. Amangul Durdyeva, Turkey, 16
2. Jan Mortimer, New Zealand, 10
3. Kim Willis, USA, 7
4. Alena Sorokina, Czech, 6
5. Marie Reidlbauchova, Czech, 1
Youth World GAYP Championship - The winner is Lukas Valenta of Czech Rep and is declared the Youth(under 21) World GAYP Champion.
Round 1 and 2 have been completed. I don't see Milan "Goldarrow" Sip's name under the Qualifying Tournament. I suppose he is just attending the Czech Checkers Championship later in the week.
Igor "sobek" Keder faced English Master, Rawle Allicock in the first round and lost one and drew the other. In Round 2 he faced fellow Czech player Jaroslav Tichy and split the two games.
Qaulifying Tournament Standings after 2 rounds:
1. Mustafa Durdyev, Turkey - 7 Points
2. Michael Holmes, USA - 6 Points
3. Jim Morrison, USA - 6 Points
4. Rawle Allicock, England - 5 Points
5. Richard Beckwith, USA - 5 Points
6. Dave Harwood, England - 5 points
7. Bagtyar Durdyev, Turkey - 5 Points
8. Thomas Canning, Ireland - 4 Points
9. Ingo Zachos, New Zealand - 4 Points
10. Igor "sobek" Keder, Czech Rep. - 3 points
11. Dennis Pawlek, Germany - 2 Points
12. Thomas Novotny, Czech Rep. - 2 Points
13. Jaroslav Tichy, Czech Rep. - 2 Points
14. Sun Thrane, Denmark - 0 Points
Jan Mortimer of New Zealand and Amangul Durdyev of Turkey are tied for 1st place in the Womens Championship with 8 points.
Lukas Valenta of Czech Rep. is leading the Youth Championship with 7 points. He defeated the favorite, Basham Durdyev both games in round 1 with dramatic fashion.
Round 3 update: Mustafa Durdyev of Turkey drew both games with Jim Morrison of USA in round 3. So If Mustafa can put up a good score against Richard Beckwith of USA there might be no catching him.
mp_friesland annd SOCRATES are co-chamions of the Oct Checkers Open. Signups for the Nov Checkers Open will begin now :)
The World Qualifier Tournament, Youth World Championship and Womens World Championship for Go-As-You-Please starts today in Prague, Czech Rep and our very own Igor "sobek" Keder and Milan "Goldarrows" Sip are participating. The events take place from Oct 10th-14th.
USA wins the match with 71 wins. UK had 18 wins and there was 111 draws. Best individual performance came from Joe Schwartz(USA) with a 10-0-10(W-L-D) record. Hugh Devlin gave the best individual performance for the UK team with a 6-2-12(W-L-D) record.
There will be a tournament book which will present annotated games, pictures and other features. See www.usacheckers.com for more info.
Hugh Devlin has been elected as the new WCDF(World Checkers/Draughts Federation) President. The position was held by our very own George Miller before the new election.
After 7 rounds of play - the USA is ahead of the UK 51 wins to 8 wins.
Statistics for USA team:
Rank Name W-L-D
1. Schwartz 7-0-7
2. Webster 6-0-8
3. Laverty 7-1-6
4. Lindsay 7-1-6
5. Morrison 6-1-7
6. Nash(22 Years Old) 4-1-5
7. Beckwith 2-0-12!
8. Walker 2-0-0
9. Millhone 3-1-4
10. Holmes 2-1-9
11. Levitt 1-0-7 (Has left early because of illness)
12. Lopez 1-0-3
12. Bishop 3-3-6
Statistics for UK team:
1. Devlin 2-2-10
2. Breen(Ladies World Champion) 2-4-8
3. Harwood 2-4-8
4. Moran 3-0-11
5. Doyle 0-5-9
6. O'Driscoll 0-5-9
7. Owens 2-7-5
8. Dobbins 0-6-8
9. Young 0-6-8
10. Lucas 1-7-6
I'm not aware if any of these players play here at brainking.com. The match is being held in Las Vegas and is 10 rounds. 3 more rounds to go with means 60 wins up for grabs, so the USA has not clinched victory yet.
I'm going to cancel the tournament because of the ratings and just stick with the October Open for now. I'll have a Tournament every month and the winners of those tournaments will all play in an end of the year championship.
Otsikko: Re: IYT Ladder..Hard To Read Here..But I am proud. :)
Purple: Very good :) you are a good player, Purps, and you deserve it. I am also in that ladder so I'll be gunning for you :) I think I am in the 70's right now after only 2 matches, so I have a ways to go. Great job, invite me for some more games here when you're ready.
Qualifying GAYP Tournament - Winner plays the Bajan, Ron King for the GAYP World Title.
Players from North America attending: Michael Holmes(USA), Jim Morrison(USA), Clayton Nash(USA,Reigning Junior World Champion) and Dr. Richard Beckwith(USA).
Womens Championship - Winner is declared Women's GAYP champion(or champion of everything?). Kim Willis(USA Women GAYP Champion) is the North American Entry.
Junior World Championships - 21 and younger championships. Winner is declared the Junior World Champion. Players from North American attending: Yunior Lopez(USA) and John Post(USA).
ID = sobek (Igor Keder,Czech Rep.)
ID = Globalarrows (Milan Sip,Czech Rep.)
---Those are the ones I know of---
The favorites for the Qualifying tournament are Jim Morrison(USA) Mustafa Durdyev(Turkey).
Favorites for the Junior Champions are Lukas Valenta(CzechRep), and Bashim Durdyev(Turkey)
Favorites for Womens Championship are Jan Mortimer(NewZealand) and Amangul Durdyev(Turkey).
This is by far my most enjoyed checkers game yet here at brainking. I played kelso line going down a man early. It is a loss for red but it reminds me of the fife man-down game. This game was drawn but look it over and comment. :)
11-15 23-19
8-11 22-17
9-13 17-14
10x17 21x14
15-18 19-15
4-8 24-19
6-10 15x6
1x10x17 25-22
18x25 30x21x14
2-6 29-25
13-17 25-21
11-16? - Losing move. White to play to get shot. Position becomes a 4v4 game with white having strong winning position.
New site and new federation of the World Checkers/Draughts Federation (WCDF).
Secret video on the website too. Click on People page and then click on Don Oliphants picture and you will see a short video of him after he won the German Open.
The People page will also have pictures of many other champions :)
Black is up by one piece and blatantly has stronger position.
In the White Dyke opening, ( 11-15 22-17; 8-11 17-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14;) in this position i think the 15-18 attack (instead of the popular 12-16 or 4-8 attack) for black creates a more interesting game. The mistake here for white would be 26-23 (24-19 or 24-20 is the book move). The 15-18 black attack also makes it hard for white to make the "Dyke" ( the Dyke attack in the White Dyke opening would be be white putting pieces on 14, 18 and 23. This attack is obviously trying to weaken Black's double corner.
The game is the White Dyke opening and I played black side side. Black has a winning move in this position. The problem is maybe above intermediate level but not advanced level.
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