Tämä sivu näyttää nykyisen ( tai viimeisimmän ) julkisen äänestyksen. Jos äänestys on vielä käynnissä voit antaa tai muuttaa äänesi. Luettelo julkisista mielipidekyselyistä
One of the nice things about BrainKing is the site owner was never "afraid" of competition - or talking about other game sites. Myself, I've always voiced the opinion that people should try a few different site, and find out what works out well for you - and even play on a couple of different sites if you have time time.
As some players may be looking to check out other game sites, this poll is to see who plays on other turn-based game sites. Below are the 10 other game sites that I know about. I know there are others, some are just for 1 type of game (chess only sites, etc...).
PLEASE visit the Other game sites Discussion Board to discuss (NICE) other game sites - if you have negative to say about other game sites, please keep away - let others try out what works best for them.
I'm listing the below in alphabetic order - again, visit the Other game sites Discussion Board to talk about or list other sites.