WASHLET for offices has IMITATION SOUND equipment. This equipment was introduced in the 1980s. It produces a sound of flushing water without need for actual flushing. A purpose of using it is that Japanese women prevent others from hearing the sound of bodily functions during urination or defecation by covering with the imitation sound. Takaisin pudotuskisalistaan
Pudotuskisan tyyppi: Pudotuskisa (Run around the pond) Pudotuskisa ID: 7140 Pelaajien minimimäärä: 16 Pelaajien maksimimäärä: 23 Aikaa siirtoa kohti: 1 päivä 12 tuntia Alku: 22. Huhtikuu 2012, 16:05:09 Loppu: 15. Toukokuu 2012, 04:05:05