Tablut Reborn - Teach and Learn #1 Welcome to Tablut Reborn's first Teach and Learn tournament. The purpose is to improve everybody's game by sharing ideas about how we play. Experienced players are encouraged to impart their wisdom and understanding. Intermediate players can pick up a few tips. Beginners can learn some basics. No one need jeopardise their BKR.
Here are the rules:
This is an open tournament. Everyone in the fellowship can join. It doesn't matter what your BKR is.
The tournament results will NOT affect your BKR. This is to encourage dialogue.
All players must agree to explain why they made their last move to their opponent.
To make sure that players are exposed to as many different styles as possible, the sections are as large as possible.
As well as commenting to your opponent, if you think a position would be of interest to the whole fellowship, then you should post the URL to the new Teach and Learn board (to be set up at tournament start time).
Yhteisö:Tablut Reborn Ottelutyyppi: Normaali peli Turnaustyyppi (?): yksi peli paria kohti Jäsenyyden taso: Pelaajien minimimäärä: 4 Pelaajien maksimimäärä: rajoittamaton Pelaajien maksimimäärä erässä: 8 Loppuottelutyyppi kahden pelaajan lohkolle: 3 voittoa -ottelu Ajanotto (?): 5 päivää, normaali vapaa Pelaajaluokitus: 100 <= BKR <= 4000 Luokittelemattomat pelaajat: kyllä Luokittelemattomat pelit (turnauksen pelit eivät vaikuta BKR-arvoihin): kyllä Yksityinen turnaus (lähetät henkilökohtaiset kutsut): ei Lajittele pelaajat BKR:n mukaan: kyllä Tila: päättynyt