Backgammon CHAMPIONSHIP Invitational (51-60) (Backgammon - näytä säännöt) This tournament is for the winners of #51-60 "Fast Start - First 5 to sign up - Backgammon" tournaments. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Those invited are: (#51 - Hannelore), (#52 - Hannelore), (#53 - Goonerg), (#54 - grillyx), (#55 - David S), (#56 - MsDelete), (#57 - MsDelete), (#58 - panda), (#59 - cariad), (#60 - peacepickle) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Also, before the "Big Crash" of BrainKing awhile back, there was also a few people who had won these tournament (even playing in THIS tournament) who are no longer the winner. And since they did win one of the tournament in a former life, they will also be invited to this tournament - those people are: Stinger & Mr Buildmother, . Tournament will start in about a week or once all the people reply or sign up. Thanks, and good luck to all! (update: David S. declined the invitation & peacepeakle is not longer an active player) Takaisin pelityyppilistaan Ottelutyyppi: Normaali peli Turnaustyyppi (?): yksi peli paria kohti Jäsenyyden taso: Pelaajien minimimäärä: 4 Pelaajien maksimimäärä: rajoittamaton Pelaajien maksimimäärä erässä: 8 Loppuottelutyyppi kahden pelaajan lohkolle: 3 voittoa -ottelu Ajanotto (?): 7 päivää, normaali vapaa Pelaajaluokitus: 100 <= BKR <= 4000 Luokittelemattomat pelaajat: kyllä Luokittelemattomat pelit (turnauksen pelit eivät vaikuta BKR-arvoihin): ei Yksityinen turnaus (lähetät henkilökohtaiset kutsut): kyllä Lajittele pelaajat BKR:n mukaan: kyllä Tila: päättynyt
(piilota) Jos etsit tietyn tasoista vastustajaa, voit peliä luodessasi määrittää haluamasi BKR -rajat. Tällöin kukaan valittujen rajojen ulkopuolella oleva ei näe tai voi hyväksyä tarjousta. (Katechka) (näytä kaikki vinkit)