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14. Mai 2004, 10:51:41
*whooossshhhhhhh* im gone lol

14. Mai 2004, 10:47:19
It won't effect any tournaments that are already running. You just cannot start any new ones.

14. Mai 2004, 10:40:24
Noooooooo Fencer LOL, you dont want to release it yet ;o)
(well i know you probably do want to, as everyone wants it here, think some things still need sorting there first) :-)

12. Mai 2004, 02:18:07
Why would it discourage any higher rated player if they are good at a game, UNLESS as has happened before when the 'KM crowd' were about they like to play against themselves (still here just a different name now).
Most normal game players on this site would not worry about it, to them a game is a challenge.
Sadly, to some it is not - its a cheat !!

11. Mai 2004, 00:14:54
*keeping eyes peeled, just been told that someone is going to copy our database and take it with them*

10. Mai 2004, 23:56:27
Sujet: NTL
Have we got any users on BrainKing that use an NTL connection here in the UK. If so could you contact myself or rod03801 please.


8. Mai 2004, 16:37:29
I must learn to type faster LOL

8. Mai 2004, 16:35:37
Cole: When you choose what game you want (e.g. Crowded Backgammon), then who you are playing (or leave that open for the Waiting room) you have the screen entitled 'Select this game parameters'. On the right hand side you will see a box asking how many games you want to create.
Hope that helps :o)

1. Mai 2004, 11:11:41
Sujet: Re:
As you say Fencer today (1st) is May Day, but they always hold a Bank Holiday on the first Monday after it. :o)

30. Avril 2004, 12:29:24
Fencer: I don't know if you know but Monday is a Bank Holiday over here :o)

28. Avril 2004, 12:20:26
Sujet: ! The Ladder Fellowship !
I have renamed my Scrabble Fellowship to ! The Ladder Fellowship !

This is due to all the hard work Stevie & Aragon have put into designing a web-site dedicated for Ladder games.
It also has loads of other things to take part in & use there (Forums, Free Downloads, Games etc...).
All the ladder games will be played here on BrainKing except for the scrabble games (on Bug cafe), so as well as watching your ratings here change, you can try and climb the ladders (or fall off the bottom LOL).

So anyone interested in playing on a Ladder, just come along to ! The Ladder Fellowship !

15. Avril 2004, 01:24:54
You wont need to do that on BK 2.0 AD, there is a sent message box LOL

14. Avril 2004, 11:54:09
Wheel WOW ? I got a BALL on mine.........

OH - sorry, it was upside down LOL.
(best go to general chat i think lol, or computer board LOL)

14. Avril 2004, 11:48:07
Thats what that little bar, now i have a new toy LOL

14. Avril 2004, 11:27:35
Exactly the problem, and as most of the time you are in games or maybe reading another board the bottom ones do get missed.
Maybe (looking at Fencer LOL), if a new message is placed on one of your favourite boards it automaticaly goes to the to top of your list :o)
(apart from your own BB fellowships, which should always stay there).

14. Avril 2004, 11:07:50
Now you got me thinking Aragon (and its early) lol, they should be grouped somehow.
Maybe public & fellowship, and then sorted into preference.
Personally, i think every BB should have there fellowships at the top of there list. There are some fellowships that i am in where i have there board on my favourites list, but if they are at or near the bottom, sometimes i dont even notice a post there.

11. Avril 2004, 21:59:18
I think anything you offer a little extra for Fencer, people will prefer to use.

10. Avril 2004, 15:46:25
Sujet: ! Alphabet Soup !
For those of you in the fellowship, but have not seen the DB there yet, please read A.S.A.P. - Important Notice

30. Mars 2004, 14:28:30
Sujet: Angel Fellowship members & harley
I would like to appologise for any distress caused to members of the 'Angels' Fellowship & harley for what was written in the 'OLD' Cave fellowship.
In no way was it said in the manner in which it has been perceived.


19. Mars 2004, 10:49:37
Sujet: ! Alphabet Soup! Scrabble
I have started a new Fellowship for anyone intersted in Scrabble. Just pop along and ask to join. We will be holding tournaments and hope to run a ladder system as well. Of course we will also be playing all the normal Brainking games there as well.
So if your interested, just pop along to ! Alphabet Soup! Scrabble and have some fun with the letters :o)

16. Mars 2004, 23:11:30
Sujet: Puzzles & Quiz
In the QMA in a few minutes..........

17. Février 2004, 16:48:05
RAHVIN, that was brought up a long time ago. At the time Fencer was against it, although maybe now he may have another think about it.

2. Février 2004, 12:51:10
I did not even notice that harley, mind you i never look at the story board, most of the other boards are stories in themselves anyway LOL

2. Février 2004, 01:26:12
Sujet: Re:
I thought that Fencer had stopped pawns posting on any boards (well the Main ones anyway), don't see why those 2 should be different.

30. Janvier 2004, 02:08:11
The only thing i can see against the hide function is basically as Vikings & rod say, but not so much in the case of Kights & Rooks as they could be playing alot more games.
What about a pawn with a max of 20 games AND alot of there opponents decided to use this hide feature. They would look at opponents on-line and just go again as there would be no reason for them to stay (apart from hope lol).

28. Janvier 2004, 22:08:22
Sujet: Re: Tournaments
vitalik: I have just been there and signed for one, seems ok.

28. Janvier 2004, 21:41:53
Also i would rather play games that are running short of time OR others against people that are online(pawns mainly), without having to keep going to check at the Who is on-line page.

28. Janvier 2004, 21:37:57
I am not saying i need to know at all, but i do agree with Caissus it is a nice feature special to BK.
On GT you can have all your friends on line, but no moves to makes for ages, they could just be sat there.

28. Janvier 2004, 21:28:38
Well what would be the point of a Friends list, apart from to tell us who we have added, we would not know if they were playing games or just have there screen on refresh every minute.
It would basically be the same as the Who is on-line feature & on-line opponents. They would all become pointless as such.
Optional would be good ellie.
I wonder if anything can be done about messaging as well, as there are people that just use BK as a way to keep in touch with others, yet are not worried about there games.

28. Janvier 2004, 20:15:35
I agree harley, just thinking out loud for a change lol.
Who is on-line or on-line opponents surely are not needed either if it will speed things up or take pressure off the database as most have others on there friends list.

28. Janvier 2004, 20:05:13
The only thing with the profile pages is that alot of the Big Boses include links within them and of course the Customer Service Links as well.
Unless they can be set to disable when the site gets busy.

28. Janvier 2004, 19:49:52
Thinking about that Fencer, is there anything else you can disable that would take pressure off the database server, but not effect the site running to much ???

28. Janvier 2004, 19:46:35
aahhhh that explains why i keep changing it & it still won't show up LOL :o)

28. Janvier 2004, 19:43:20
Well done Fencer & Liquid :o)
Good to be back.....

20. Janvier 2004, 12:02:26
Sujet: Re:
Sorry Whisperz, i thought that is what you meant. It would be interesting to know how many moves we have made since we joined though.

20. Janvier 2004, 11:19:53
You can find you total for the day Whisperz at the top of the main page, where it says:
Yesterday's most active player: Steve R (779 moves) (more ...)
If you click on the more link is will show you where you are in the list & how many you have made.

20. Janvier 2004, 10:42:55
Sujet: Re: How Many Moves in a Day
I thought along the same line as LongJohn a while ago, i think i mentioned it on the Feature Request board. If your number of moves is a running total stored in the database (or even one subtracted from the other), that it could be displayed somwhere, maybe beside your number of moves from the previous day. That way you could see how many moves everyone way making during the day, and you know the sort of competitions people have round here LOL
Who can make the most LOL ? :o)

17. Janvier 2004, 13:36:49
So is what you mean is that the same pawn is through to the next round in tourny 'A' for example, and has been allowed to sign new tourny 'B' ?
It never used to be possible, as you say it may be a new bug (unless Fencer has changed pawn tourny rules).

17. Janvier 2004, 12:31:33
It can only be done Jason if they ask Fencer to remove them from a tournament that they have already been knocked out of (e.g. There is no chance they will go any further), even if that tournament is still running.
Then they can sign for another tournament.

7. Janvier 2004, 14:54:12
I would say that a great idea Filip. How would you get round the problem of top rated players just taking on the very lower rated ones though ?

4. Janvier 2004, 21:41:45
I just hope it doesn't go like last night, that was a nightmare.
I don't have a problem with 2 other site i have open though ?

4. Janvier 2004, 21:30:58
Is anyone else having problems with the site going very slow ?
There are about 140 on line at present though.
I hope it is not going to meltdown like last night again LOL

3. Janvier 2004, 13:49:23
Well no members (apart from a selected few) know anything about what is being developed,as we are not allowed. It has been announced on the BrainKing Board and therefore must be open for anyones opinion.

3. Janvier 2004, 13:22:54
I know Steve, its a private club i to asked to join.
Lets hope no Rooks or Knight run into financial problems when there memberships are due to be renewed.
Everybody in the world has money problems at some time.

3. Janvier 2004, 12:43:57
I hope someone is also discussing the same thing for those Knights & Rooks that are struggling to keep there membership going.

30. Décembre 2003, 18:36:55
I thought it was just my PC Long John, keeps going slow then normal again.

23. Décembre 2003, 12:29:48
Sujet: Re:
The trouble of monitoring things like that is that anyone that knows enough about computers and systems can change IP address's so it is not very easy at all. Fencer has found a few though. Then of course there is also that more than one person in a house could be signed up for BrainKing or they could be using a public computer.

19. Novembre 2003, 20:53:53
LOL - thanks BBW, you were not here and i had to message Fencer for the answer - thanks anyway

19. Novembre 2003, 20:52:58
Sujet: World of Sport
A new discussion board is here for anyone interested (or would like to be) in sport.
World of Sport

19. Novembre 2003, 20:36:43
Sujet: Re: World of Sport
oh right - got ya, i thought they had both been linked together now, cheers

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