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 World of Arts

Please come in and share your passions.. whether it be drawing, sculpting, painting, working with clay or photography, just to name a few.

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5. Septembre 2005, 04:54:14
Foxy Lady 
Sujet: Re: wow I see fencer created a board for art..
baddessi: I didn't think of that and i should no better.I'll try that with the pudding tomorrow and i'll let ya know how we make out.

5. Septembre 2005, 04:56:35
Sujet: Re: wow I see fencer created a board for art..
Foxy Lady: Have fun! : )

6. Septembre 2005, 00:36:11
Sujet: Re: wow I see fencer created a board for art..
ScarletRose: re: I also paint windows...
ty now there is an art subject not in my "art directory"ty cathy.

also,I have seen painted walls,like this eg:

also painted exterior building walls like this:

there is also Supergraphics, interior home painting emphasizing decorative rather than architectural.:

6. Septembre 2005, 00:36:52
Artful Dodger 
any other art teachers on here??

6. Septembre 2005, 04:30:44
Sujet: Re: wow I see fencer created a board for art..
nobleheart: wow.. I love that first link there.. I will have to really look through your links after my connection.. which by the way is schedied for tomorrow morning at 8am.. whoo hoo.. Cathy is going to be one happy momma .. hehe

6. Septembre 2005, 05:38:12
Foxy Lady 
Sujet: Re: wow I see fencer created a board for art..
baddessi: Well we did the pudding thing
Laci thru her bag on the floor about 4 times,screaming each time.So dear dad gave her a small bowl which she plasted all over her hair.
Alan opened his bag up and ate it all and looked for more.Thats it for me

6. Septembre 2005, 11:42:15
Sujet: Famous Quote of the Day
modifié par LuckyCat9 (6. Septembre 2005, 15:08:57)
As Lenny Bruce once said: "Art is just one big piece of ****."

6. Septembre 2005, 15:07:11
Foxy Lady 
Sujet: Re: Famous Quote of the Day
LuckyCat9: QQ

6. Septembre 2005, 21:38:47
Sujet: Re: Famous Quote of the Day
Anna Lyzethis: Not sure about that one, definitely remember the Virgin Mary out of elephant dung. That one was the stinger for Mayor Guiliani who wanted to evict the Brooklyn Museum for presenting the "Sensation Exhibit" back in the late 90's. As you can probably guess, it brought up certain issues having to do with american rights. You can google for more info.

6. Septembre 2005, 21:42:20
Sujet: Re: Famous Quote of the Day
Re: Harley

I would elect that you remove this post, because even the little dots might be upsetting to any children passing through this extremely safe website. Thank you.

6. Septembre 2005, 21:46:02
Sujet: Re: Famous Quote of the Day
LuckyCat9: Harley was acting as requested.. I hadn't been here otherwise I would have sent a personal warning to you to edit a word in your post..

6. Septembre 2005, 21:47:52
Sujet: Re: Famous Quote of the Day
ScarletRose: I don't see an edit button. Where is it?

6. Septembre 2005, 21:50:32
Sujet: Re: Famous Quote of the Day
LuckyCat9: Oh.. I guess since you are a pawn you can't edit on your own.. my mistake.. the post was properly taken care of none the less..

6. Septembre 2005, 21:55:13
Sujet: Re: Famous Quote of the Day
ScarletRose: It should be utterly destroyed for its vulgar dots!! I won't be happy till I see it gone. There are children on this site for godsake!

6. Septembre 2005, 21:56:36
Sujet: Re: Famous Quote of the Day
ScarletRose: Don't you know if kids really want to know what the funny word means, they can count the dots, and ask a friend, unless of course they can't count, and then you don't haveta worry then.

6. Septembre 2005, 21:57:47
Sujet: Re: Famous Quote of the Day
LuckyCat9: I guess if you want to start up on me.. I could always hide you on this board.. I notice you are throwing tantrums on other boards as well.. would we perhaps know you by another ID??

6. Septembre 2005, 22:01:13
Sujet: Re: Famous Quote of the Day
ScarletRose: I been here for a few months and enjoy chatting with different folks from all around the world. I checked your profile, can I ask you a question? What is that you are holding in your hand in your picture? No heat, just curious.

6. Septembre 2005, 22:02:11
Sujet: Re: Famous Quote of the Day
LuckyCat9: a glass of grape juice.. :)

6. Septembre 2005, 22:03:58
Sujet: Re: Famous Quote of the Day
ScarletRose: Oh, do you often drink grape juice in a wine glass? :b

6. Septembre 2005, 22:12:02
Sujet: Re: Famous Quote of the Day
LuckyCat9: Yes..

Now.. let's get back to the topic of this board.. shall we?

What all medians have you been creative with in Art?

6. Septembre 2005, 22:22:38
Sujet: back on Topic
All. Including the careful shaping of sound molecules. You? :)

And now for the picture of the day. The most BEAUTIFUL GIRL in the WORLD!

50 pts for brains if you can name the artist

Whoops! Please remove previous previous posts, the ones below this one.. Ough typos everywhere :x

6. Septembre 2005, 22:25:53
Sujet: Re: back on Topic
modifié par ScarletRose (6. Septembre 2005, 22:28:11)
LuckyCat9: syd barrett

First time I have seen his work.. almost deathly, gothicish.. drab.. I suppose to some it would inspire, to me it makes me want to throw it on the ground and stomp on it.. and hard! LOL

but, then that is my opinion.. ;)

6. Septembre 2005, 22:29:42
Sujet: Re: back on Topic
ScarletRose: Well, I'm sure there's some of your favorite art that would make me feel the exact same way, but then you'd not know me ;)

6. Septembre 2005, 22:34:30
Sujet: Re: back on Topic
LuckyCat9: What genre do you usually follow?

6. Septembre 2005, 22:40:22
Sujet: Re: back on Topic
ScarletRose: Whatever speaks to me. You?

Here's another picture, guess who the artist is and win an extra 50 pts, that'll be 100 :P

A wonderful family outing:

6. Septembre 2005, 22:50:24
Sujet: Re: Famous Quote of the Day
Anna Lyzethis: If you haven't heard of the case, I suggest to go to and type in "The Brooklyn Museum Case". That should tell you both sides, including the wrong one :D

6. Septembre 2005, 22:57:45
Sujet: Re: back on Topic
ScarletRose: Oh, and incidently scarlet. A little trivia for ya, Syd still paints to this day, but it's rare to see any of his paintings, because as soon as he paints them, he burns them. So, the ones that do get to see the light of day are precious for that reason. That is why one would find your comments highly insulting. But then I know you'd allow me the same bashing of your favorite artist, wouldn't ya? :)

I guess it's true what they say:
"Art Is Not Eternal" (Now you think about that now!)

6. Septembre 2005, 23:04:48
Sujet: Re: Famous Quote of the Day
Anna Lyzethis: Ahhh, good question! I don't like some of the stuff personally. However, I do think the Museum has the right to show the exhibit (with warning signs put up for children under 12 and the easily offended, which was acknowledged by the museum), just like the public library has the right to have offensive books available to the public. The Mayor had no grounds to evict the Brooklyn Museum, because he is not above American law.

6. Septembre 2005, 23:06:58
Sujet: Re: back on Topic
LuckyCat9: that is very interesting.. Why would he burn them??

And Lucky.. that was my opinion.. it doesn't mean I don't like the artist.. or his other works.. it just meant my first reaction was a depressed one.. perhaps his choice of color.. Black gives off that feeling to me.. I don't know.. I am more of an upbeat person.. I am inspired more with wit, love, laughter, happiness.. and so works I enjoy are more upbeat and happy..

You really shouldn't be taking my opinion to heart dear.. art is critiqued over and over again..

6. Septembre 2005, 23:13:12
Sujet: Re: back on Topic
ScarletRose: Oh, he's just a little funny that way. I see no one has answered the last painting, guess I've stumped 'em!

Call it my critique of your critique, deary :P

I may be alone in this, but I have the ability to look beyond color, behind the darkness, to see the beauty within the mind of the art's creator. Intention and experience is what matters to me.
Get to know the artist like you'd get to know the author of a book. From my standpoint neway.

6. Septembre 2005, 23:20:15
Sujet: Re: back on Topic
modifié par ScarletRose (6. Septembre 2005, 23:21:55)
LuckyCat9: yes.. I am sure you are quite talented in that respect.. get to know the artist.. I would love to .. although, that is a rarity.. isn't it? Unless, I surround myself in their gallery.. which Wyoming offers very little of that..

My 360 when you get to that page you will see some photo albums a few to choose from.. this is my scribbles and trials..

6. Septembre 2005, 23:28:56
Sujet: Re: back on Topic
modifié par LuckyCat9 (6. Septembre 2005, 23:34:03)
ScarletRose: Oh you got one of those too, eh? Well, here's mine

I got an art site too, but it's only for those who really really want to see it :)

6. Septembre 2005, 23:29:37
ow those are excellent Cathy. I especially like the hummingbirds.. and the rose pictures. You should be proud.

6. Septembre 2005, 23:35:50
Sujet: Re:
harley: I study roses.. so when I get the chance I am usually drawing them or doing something with them.. I also have my dinning room in Hummingbirds.. so I again will dabble around with them to add to the room.. and thanks Harley..

6. Septembre 2005, 23:37:16
Sujet: Re: back on Topic
LuckyCat9: I hurridly fixed the link so it would work.. I think yahoo is touchy and that last symbol / was holding it up and not allowing peeps to view it.. at least it did on me..

I would be very interested in seeing your art site LuckyCat..

6. Septembre 2005, 23:39:54
Sujet: Re: back on Topic
ScarletRose: Thanx, it was iffy for me as well. Kay, one link via pm coming right up :P

6. Septembre 2005, 23:41:18
Sujet: Re: back on Topic
LuckyCat9: :) thankies.. I look forward to it..

6. Septembre 2005, 23:46:12
Sujet: And now for our next fine picture

6. Septembre 2005, 23:59:53
Sujet: awwwwwwwww Picasso
in his abstract/cubism phase..

Factory in Horta de Ebbo

I love this artist.. he was so flexible.. and his style was unique.. never afraid to try anything..

7. Septembre 2005, 00:20:58
Sujet: Re: awwwwwwwww Picasso
ScarletRose: Picasso rocks :D

7. Septembre 2005, 00:22:55
Sujet: Getting to know your artist
Here's one way, study their bio:

7. Septembre 2005, 01:51:20
Sujet: Re: Getting to know your artist
re : Getting to know your artist
so true,there are many artists who are interesting to learn how they lived,what they did,what was happening culturally,policitally,socially,philisophically in their time.

also there are many works of art that are interesting to find out why it was painted,what the artist was trying to say.

I could make a list
re : ScarletRose ** So when you going to become a member there noble or will I have to sponcer ya??
how does that work,spondorship,I will loook it up here.
hey another art catagory I didnt know about:

7. Septembre 2005, 01:55:47
Sujet: strange FTP site
this strange FTP site has some unusual artistic renditions of christ.

7. Septembre 2005, 02:08:14
Sujet: further to the idea of sponsorship
I have decided that yes,if I am ever going to sign up for a site,I will think carefully & pick one.
I review many many things in many catagories
as for game servers,I think I will get the $ together/see re sponsorship & selecy brainking ....why?
good graphics,but not excessive to the point of slowing down the server.
no intrusive popups.
good games,that are ever growing & fresh
good customer & community service
good community atmosphere

ScarletRose,I was going to post a cool photo here ..I think of photography as an art form..but it is so diverse,it could be a discussion board in its own right...hey fencer,if you see this,what do you think?
well heres the photo anyway,you might like it:

something about the pic:
The massive star Eta Carinae. This star went through a giant explosive outburst about 150 years ago, suddenly making it one of the brightest stars in the southern sky

7. Septembre 2005, 02:44:16
Sujet: another art work

7. Septembre 2005, 02:49:36
Sujet: Re: And now for our next fine picture
LuckyCat9: that Van gogh is one of my faves too : )

can you link me to a starry, starry night? : )

7. Septembre 2005, 02:58:16
Sujet: Re: And now for our next fine picture
baddessi: this is a link to the largest pixel size .jpg of that art work I could find

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