this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!
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anastasia: That is so sad. I hate SeaWorld it always seemed a pointless attraction to me. I always viewed it as I would rather see these wonderful creatures in their natural habitat not in some giant tank.
anastasia: I actually just read something about dogs sniffing people with cancer and here is what it said: something in the cancer cells emit a scent that dogs can smell. The woman had asked why her dog had suddenly fixated on a mole on her arm was sniffing licking nipping at it. I can't find the article about it but that blew me away.
I am going to agree with Anastasia on the banning of pits. I have a dog that most people are scared of (Rottweiler) and would go to the ends of the earth to protect him. I have heard bad things about Rots and have defended him since the day he came home. He will protect me if needed but never have I feared for myself or my 4 children from him. If we are to judge Pits on some bad moments and ban them for it then humans should be banned as well for the ones that don't behave well. You can't take a few incidents and lump it into a whole when the good so outweighs the bad.
Sujet: Re: identify the pitbull...took me 3 guesses
anastasia: I failed the test. We have a pit bull in our neighbor hood and the owner has to carry insurance on it in order to have it within city limits. Sweet dog but honestly don't know if I trust it competly but the owner does his part of owning that breed.
anastasia: You know how I feel about animals and I have had to defend my choice in Prince since I got him. Oh heavens no not a rottweiler and he is as sweet as they come. :) I agree some are not friendlybut I don't think that justifies a ban
anastasia: Took Prince to the vet and got a clean bill of health for him. He is such a sweetheart can't believe he was a stray. 89.2 lbs the big lug. I will get pics of him.
Just got home from the shelter with a new family member. they say he is a 3 yo Rottweiler/Husky mix. Not sure about the 3 yo part will find out with his vet appointment. He is a doll. Love him so much already :)
anastasia: Thank you so much, I am taking it day by day. I will forever miss her. She was a beautiful being. and will forever be in my heart and thoughts.
anastasia: . You shouldn't have to leave or find another place to go. The other dog should be kept on a leash I know around here that is a big fine if not on a leash.
anastasia: we are a little whacked LOL and if you can go to that park and not cry when you have read what was done to those poor animals you have no heart. and you didn't see goatie following the rest of us around did you? lol
Anastasia and I have went to this park a couple of times and it is just amazing what they are doing with the animals there. Love it. Anastasia has a goat friend that likes her lots there lol
Nothingness:My sister seems to have good luck using bottled water with her betta, doesn't seem like she has to change it as often, Don't know if that is of any use or not :)
anastasia: I thought you and Patch made an awesome pair. He will always be missed :) My german shepard is 9 and she stays young because of my pug who keeps her on her toes lol
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