A place to learn about new interviews, suggest someone for one and ask questions about the interview process.
You can find more about how the interview process is conducted here
New interview with Good Luck :)FLR here. Ask your questions until August 31st 2018
Please ask questions only in the language that the person being interviewed can speak, so they are able to answer all questions. Thanks!
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Haryk: Prostě se zřejmě rozhodla, že sem už nebude chodit, nebo má nějaký problém a nemůže sem. Každopádně toto není vhodné fórum pro takové dotazy. Jednak jde o fórum zabývající se rozhovory a jednak jazykem tohoto fóra je angličtina.
modifié par pauloaguia (19. Novembre 2008, 21:29:23)
Tuesday: No. The winner of the contest (Jim Dandy) is the one that has been intervewed before, so he can't be interviewed again. You and I are the victims this time
However, due to a technicality, I can't seem to create the new interview. I'm waiting for Fencer to tell me something on that. Also, the winner is a previous interviewee, so I'm also waiting on his reply to know who will win the prize interview in his place.
Summertop: Nope. If somebody had, the interview would have started already
Here's a tip to narrow it down - according to his profile here on BK, he's a male. But since it's mostly the girls who have been making guesses, who knows if we won't have an interview with a female as well? By the way, he's not on my friends list either... but it was a good try for all those that peeked in there
Like promised, we'll be having a special Interview this Christmas. The subject has already been chosen and aggreed to be interviewed but his/her name will remain in secrecy for a little longer. But I'll get to that in a little while...
This time you get the opportunity to ask questions in not 1 but 2 interviews. And better still, one of them can be about YOU! All you have to do is be the first to guess who will be interviewed this Christmas. There are "only" 75.000 names to choose from, it's easier than winning the lottery ;)
Here are the rules:
The next person to be interview will be kept in secret until someone guesses who it is. (s)he has aggreed to keep it a secret and not tell anyone about it.
To make a guess you should send me a PM. Any guesses made by other means will be disregarded. This way I can control the process easier and this board won't get cluttered.
To make it fair for everyone, each person can make a maximum of 5 guesses. No point in spamming me with all BK members (or I might report you to a Glob). Every guess after the 5th will be disregarded.
You may send more than one guess in the same message or send multiple messages with different guesses, it's up to you. Just don't forget the limit is 5
I'll be adding the suggestions to the list of possibilities for future interviews. So, even if you guess wrong, your vote will count for something! Most voted members will obviously get a greater chance to be interviewed soon. Since some people change their names, I keep links to profile pages in this list, so if you could send me those I'd appreciate it. But if you send just the name that's ok too and will be considered a valid entry.
When I read the first message suggesting the correct name I'll immediattely create 2 interviews - one for the secret interview and one for the winner.
If the winner has already been interviewed, (s)he'll get to nominate a replacement for the second interview.
If nobody guesses the correct name by 25 November 2008, I'll randomly pick a winner from the list of participants.
The competition is open to anyone. There are only 2 people that can't participate - me and the secret interview because we already know the answer of course
Tuesday: Fencer has nothing to approve, I do all the approving as far as interviews go. tenuki has been having some problems and he's answering the intwrview as he finds it possible.
Still none of those is stopping anything. I'm preparing a sort of Christmas special for the next interview... and it's still a bit to soon for Christmas
anastasia: Anybody can. Paying members were once pawns and many may become so again in the future. The first interview for instance was with someone that never payed for his membership
Oh, and by the way, last few hours to ask your questions for tenuki
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