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Right, lets get the New Year off to a great start Come and join in the next lot of MadMonkey Tournaments Have Fun everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all Yup, that's right. I abandonned my Anti-Backgammon team for a while because of the big amount of members until the team tournament starts, then I return.
TarantinoFan: Yes, once a team tournament starts - all games will continue until the end (all next rounds will start also) - even if the person leave the fellowship team.
I believe they have to stay on the team until it starts - but once it starts, it will let them leave to join any other fellowship team they want.
So they can leave your team as soon as the tourney starts and go back to their old team to be able to paricipate in f/s challenge matches but their games for your team still continue? I thought that once you were in a game for a f/s you had to stay until the tournament/challenge ended?
If that is the case I will let my team know about it so that any that miss out can participate with another team in the team tourney but still come back to us if they wish to play with us in our f/s challenges.
I do understand your point about multiple teams though. When you think about it it might mean your own f/s playing your own f/s in the last section. And keeping it to one team allows more f/s a chance to participate.
TarantinoFan: There is no guarantee, but it is a pretty safe bet that many of the "unpopular" games will have between 4-6 players, while the more popular games will most likely have between 7-10 players.
So Backgammon, Ludo, Frog Finger, Triple Dice Poker - mostly likely will always be around 8 (give or take a few)
Plus members can always leave and go back to a team after a tournament starts - for example, for Ludo my Private Den fellowship snatched 3 players from another fellowships team to enter the tournament... but I would guess (and welcome) then going back to their original team if they wanted.
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It had been talked about before - possible letting fellowships enter multiple teams, but that might hurt some of the smaller fellowships - that is for example, my Gammon Cube fellowship easily had 25 players on the Backgammon team before the team tournaments started - if I would have been able to enter all of them in multiple teams, a few others fellowships may not have been able to gather teams.
joshi tm: Well that's not fun! Would be great to be able to run 2 teams at a time! And what happens next time there is a team tourney. If you have had to leave players out this time and they go somewhere else just so they can get a game but the next tourney offers more places do you beg them to come back to you?? Is there some guarantee that these team tourneys will always have the same number of team players?
NO prize other than bragging rights should you be the final winner for one or more game type. I have created non-prize tourneys in the past so familiar with them, was not familiar with how to create a prize tourney when providing one prize. Very sorry for the confusion happening with the prize tourney I created - should be no such confusion on this one!
get the prize tournament I set up set up correctly for one prize being given away. It will either be random between the games showing at this time or will be totally backgammon as that is what the most people have signed up for (majority rules in this case)
following tourney is set up correctly so that the ONE one year Brain Rook membership that I have provided as the prize will be awarded, please let me know. I want it run with the games I have listed but am not sure if it should have been set up random with those games or if it is currently set up correctly to give out one prize. I also need to know for certain if it MUST have 128 players before it starts or if it will start with less, if necessary. I meant for it to be set up with a maximum of 128 players per game.
májinka: I don't think you'll ever get 64 to play C6. The biggest C6 tournies I remember are a 30 and a 23... I think there was a bigger one that was limited to lower BKRers, but it wasn't at 64. I think you would be hard pressed to get 32 for something like this...