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11. Janvier 2003, 02:33:06
Sujet: just my 2 cents
i would prefer a two game match with each player in the tournaments. ( one of each color ). for one reason. I'm playing black against the two strongest players in my section. that's a big disadvantage. good luck to every one in the tournaments.

14. Janvier 2003, 10:35:33
Sujet: Re:
thanks Fencer but for that reason i don't play that games in the tourney

19. Janvier 2003, 00:13:46
eddie spaghetti 
Sujet: eddie spaghetti tourney
i amde up a sorta test tourney i have it with only 2 days to move and a max of 8 people per game...this way the first 8 that sign up play and if its done right it would go fast and you wont be stuck waitin for people to move so if ya like fast games and want to try a fast tourney please sign up..and good luck

19. Janvier 2003, 00:31:36
eddie spaghetti 
Sujet: Re: eddie spaghetti tourney
also this tourney starts on tuesday the 21st

19. Janvier 2003, 00:56:44
Sujet: Re: eddie spaghetti tourney
what kind of tourney?

19. Janvier 2003, 00:58:35
eddie spaghetti 
Sujet: Re: eddie spaghetti tourney
they have all the games there so if 4 people sign up for a game its on for that game it doesnt give a chice for which game it has all of them there its a fast tourney

19. Janvier 2003, 12:48:27
Sujet: Re: eddie spaghetti tourney
Nice one Eddie, I've signed up for a few, great idea having it as a fast tourney! Good luck to everyone!

19. Janvier 2003, 13:08:55
Sujet: Hrlqns backgammon tourney
Hi, I started a tournament for backgammon, I hope I set the BKR's right! It should be set so everyone can play! If anyone spots a mistake can they let me know? Cheers!
Oh yeah, sign up while you're there!!

19. Janvier 2003, 18:00:30
Back Soon 
Sujet: Re: Hrlqns backgammon tourney
Hi, Im interested in joining the backgammon tourney but Ive never entered into a tourney before. Can you tell me what I need to do please, plus Im not sure whether Ive got too many games on the go already? Thanks :o)

19. Janvier 2003, 18:09:13
Sujet: Re: Hrlqns backgammon tourney
Hi Lamby, click on the 'tournament' link above, then on the backgammon link. It will say 'sign up for this tournament', or something along those lines!
You need 7 empty slots, and you can only play in one tournament at a time.
Goonerg is offering a prize tourney where you can win 6 month knight membership! Then you could enter more than one tournament if you had membership!! (Not that I'm trying to put you off the backgammon, EVERYONE is welcome! Just thought I'd point out the better offer in fairness!)
Good luck and I hope you can join in! I'll probably be doing another one after this if it goes well.

19. Janvier 2003, 18:32:54
Sujet: Re: Hrlqns backgammon tourney
hrlnsqsr..theres just one thing that puzzles me with this tourney of yours..the SPELLING! I thought you would have called it "Hrlqrns bckgmmn trnmnt ??????

19. Janvier 2003, 18:46:31
Back Soon 
Sujet: Re: Hrlqns backgammon tourney
Thanks for the help, much appreciated! :o)
I havent got enough empty slots yet, but I'll try! Yes I will seriously consider membership!When is the cut off date to join? Thats brilliant what Goonerg is offering aswell! :o) lol xxx

19. Janvier 2003, 18:48:33
Back Soon 
Sujet: Re: Hrlqns backgammon tourney
OOOps sorry, Ive just looked again & the date is there! :o)lol xx

19. Janvier 2003, 19:17:24
Sujet: Re: Hrlqns backgammon tourney
LMAO Aurora (rrbrls)!!

Lamby, my tourney starts Tuesday but I think Goonerg has given people a week or so to sign up?
I'll probably be doing more backgammon ones if this goes well :o)

19. Janvier 2003, 19:52:05
Sujet: Stingeroni Classic Backgammon Tourney I
I have also started a backgammon tourney. No limit to the number of players. Anyone from Brain Pawn membership and up can play. It starts tomorrow (20th), so hurry and sign in if you'd like to play. This will be a regular tournament, with a new one starting at regular intervals (to be determined yet).

19. Janvier 2003, 19:53:47
Come on, let's see how many tournaments can be processed at once ;-) Actually, this number is virtually unlimited.

19. Janvier 2003, 19:57:23
Sujet: Re: Stingeroni Classic Backgammon Tourney I
Any objections to me joining your tourney as well as having my own?!

19. Janvier 2003, 20:01:00
Sujet: Re: Stingeroni Classic Backgammon Tourney I
I'm already signed up for yours hrlqns.
I gotta say that when I made this tourney, I didn't see that you had made one as well...otherwise I would have made it a Nack Tourney. I didn't mean to step on your toes here. :)

19. Janvier 2003, 20:02:51
eddie spaghetti 
Sujet: Re: Stingeroni Classic Backgammon Tourney I
i like the idea someone had about winnin a paid membership if ya win the tourney maybe the sites tourneys if someone wins a game in the sites tourney maybe you win brains? not alot maybe like 10 or so for each game in the tourney thats cool...great job on the tourney features fencer..i cant imagine how good this sites gonna get ...if anyone had any doubts about bein a paid member here now should be the time to join up...what a site...

19. Janvier 2003, 20:06:50
Hmmm, there is a risk that if I promise a paid membership for a winner of some official tournament, some people would start cheating with chess computer programs etc. Maybe it could be done with games where is very little chance that there exists a program for them (Tablut, Tank Battle) because they are not well-known.
Any ideas?

19. Janvier 2003, 20:08:46
Sujet: Re:
Simple...threaten to tell their mother on them.

19. Janvier 2003, 20:15:11
eddie spaghetti 
Sujet: Re:
i didnt think about that with chess ddint realize people would do that but nothin surprises me..maybe once a month picl one game other than chess like ya said and try it with that...maybe a trial tourney?hhmnn see how it goes...

19. Janvier 2003, 21:37:28
Sujet: Re: Stingeroni Classic Backgammon Tourney I
Not at all Stingeroni, my toes aren't squashed in the slightest!! Maybe we should have an ultimate match between the winner of your tourney and the winner of mine?! Could be interesting!

The tournaments with possible prizes, how about, just having them for a certain BKR. Those with ratings 1900-2100, then another for people with ratings 900-1200. And so on.. if its only brains up for grabs people would be less likely to cheat than if it was for a membership anyway.
Are there enough people in each rating bracket to do that?
What I'm thinking is those with lower ratings would stand more of a chance of winning, and if they suddenly excelled in a game it could be looked at and you could tell if there was any cheating going on! Theres probably a major flaw in that idea I haven't thought of!! Hey, what do you expect off the top of my head!!

19. Janvier 2003, 22:42:56
Sujet: I'm confused
Fencer or anyone else who knows this.. Is it correct to say that you can never join any new tournaments until the ones you are in are completed? I tried to enter eddies... it said:
You cannot join this tournament because you are already playing First official tournament (Reversi 6x6). Your Brain Knight membership level allows you to play only one tournament per game type. You can sign up for another tournament after the previous one is finished.

will it always be set up like this?

19. Janvier 2003, 22:58:26
Sujet: Tournament restrictions
I think Rose has a very valid point. Having paid my membership, I find the highly restricted number of Tournaments you can play at any one time to be extremely unfair!

20. Janvier 2003, 02:06:50
eddie spaghetti 
Sujet: Re: Tournament restrictions
clive go to paid membership it says that for brain knights they can join only one tourney for each game type...he has this set up for people to have different levels of membership...if you have only so many games to play with your level of membership ya cant just sign up for every tourney..its tough but its fair..upgrade to brain rook and you have no limits..i know that might not be easy but wanted to let ya know...

20. Janvier 2003, 11:28:38
Yes, that's exactly how Eddie writes. If you are a Brain Knight and you are curretly playing e.g. Reversi 6x6 tournament, you can join another tournament but of some different game type - for example Reversi 8x8 etc. Only Brain Rooks have no tournament restrictions.
I think that everybody who decided to pay for a higher level read carefully all advantages for the level and what is supported for even higher levels only.

20. Janvier 2003, 12:28:24
Mike UK 
Sujet: Re: Tournament Restrictions
I don't think it is clear from the Brain Rook membership description that they have no tournament restrictions.

20. Janvier 2003, 18:12:31
Sujet: Re: Tournament Restrictions
Mike: That's right. I've just updated the description.

20. Janvier 2003, 22:28:26
Back Soon 
Sujet: Re: Hrlqns backgammon tourney
Hi again! :o) Im sorry I dont think Im going to have enough space in time to join the tourney this time :o( (unless some of my players would like to finish a game off now!? :oD) Hopefully will join in the next one lol xx

20. Janvier 2003, 23:19:50
Sujet: Stingeroni Classic Backgammon Tournament
Just wanted to send a high-five and congrats to Stingeroni for starting the First offical tourney here at BK!! man this sites rocks!

20. Janvier 2003, 23:34:48
Sujet: Re: Stingeroni Classic Backgammon Tournament
Thank you Rose. However, it's not the FIRST tourney, but I guess it's the first player organized tourney. :)
I agree with you Rosie...this site Rocks!

20. Janvier 2003, 23:38:03
eddie spaghetti 
Sujet: Re: Stingeroni Classic Backgammon Tournament
i agree with the both of you...this site rockss....hell if it could add music for when we play we can say it rock and rolls...

21. Janvier 2003, 04:55:40
Sujet: The Quick'n'Grilly Tank Battle-o-rama
It's nearly 4am here. To celebrate not having fallen asleep yet, I have created yet another tourney... No rush to join up for pawns, you have until February 7th. Agree with the guys here, fantastic site.... no time for sleep or work anymore :0)

21. Janvier 2003, 11:13:05
Sujet: Hrlqns backgammon tourney
I'm not quite sure what happened when I started this tourney!
There were 16 player signed up, I started it off and there were only 14! I'm not sure if 2 players dropped out at the last second, or the counter was wrong or if I lost 2 players in starting it!
If you signed up then found yourself not listed I'm terribly sorry, I've no idea what happened or how to check on it. :o(
Good luck to everyone else though :o)

21. Janvier 2003, 11:16:24
Sujet: Re: Hrlqns backgammon tourney
hrlqns: The players who dropped out didn't have enough empty slots for your tournament, most likely. I know that the tournament creator and affected players should be notified about it, I'll add the notification ASAP.

21. Janvier 2003, 11:22:21
Sujet: Re: Hrlqns backgammon tourney
Of course! I should have thought of that! Phew, glad it wasn't something I did!! Thanks!

21. Janvier 2003, 13:15:50
Sujet: I've Upgraded!
Thanks. I've upgraded to Brain Rook today.

22. Janvier 2003, 02:14:58
Sujet: THREE times
I apologize to anyone who tried to enter my first tourney for 10X10 reversi.. i mucked it up.. But I think I have it right now... please if you tried to sign up.. could you sign up again !! Thank you!!!!

22. Janvier 2003, 02:16:54
eddie spaghetti 
Sujet: Re: THREE times
its workin now rose....good job..

22. Janvier 2003, 02:20:33
Sujet: Re: THREE times
lmao! so I named it a good name then eddie? seeing as it took me three tries!!! hahahaha

22. Janvier 2003, 02:24:28
eddie spaghetti 
Sujet: Re: THREE times
yes you did good job..

23. Janvier 2003, 10:38:09
Sujet: Question
I am  wondering if any of you are on webtv. I would like to know if while playing a game the board rolls. I try to make a play and it either rolls up or down. I am constantly trying to control the board. Thanks to anyone that can help. Hope I'm not on the wrong board for this. Haven't been able to look it all over yet. BARB

23. Janvier 2003, 17:31:45
Sujet: Re: Question
I am on a web and no problems here other then the screen going blank sometimes when I click on next game

24. Janvier 2003, 02:18:38
eddie spaghetti 
Sujet: new tourney.....
for brain pawns that want a free 6 mo brain knight membership...and an invite to join noodleland fellowship.... molly and eddie invite any brain pawn with less than 1600 ratin in reversi 6 by 6 to join..sign up by feb 1st...good luck and please play fair and have fun!

24. Janvier 2003, 15:58:57
Sujet: Newbie Tourny Question
I am considering starting a tourney...just wondering what i have to do once it actually starts if anything at all. Thanks to anyone who can help.


24. Janvier 2003, 18:26:48
Sujet: Re: Newbie Tourny Question
Joe: Once you start it, the tournament maintains itself with no assistance :-) Only if it creates more than one section for one game type, you will be asked to start the second round. But it will happen after weeks/months.

24. Janvier 2003, 19:00:51
Sujet: when does this tournney start?
I am new to this site - will my moves come to my mainpage automatically when this tourney starts? Ruby2shoes

24. Janvier 2003, 19:15:10
Sujet: Re: when does this tournney start?
ruby: Yes :-)

24. Janvier 2003, 21:25:24
Sujet: Re: Question/webtv
Most of the time with webtv, this is a 'refresh problem'. Go to your settings and be sure that you have '2 minutes' set as your refresh time. If not, then this is likely your problem.

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