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Team Tournaments

Mar 2025 - Backgammon 6 - Starts 14th March

Mar 2025 - Battleboats Plus 6 - Starts 31st March

Apr 2025 - Triple Dice Poker 4 - Starts 11th April

Apr 2025 - Dice Chess 5 - Starts 25th April

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2. Mai 2003, 19:25:41
Any particular games need more players Josetta? I've signed up for a few already but if you're short...

2. Mai 2003, 03:00:16
Radiant2008 :-) 
Sujet: Re: New Tourney
Thanks EVERYONE for joining the tourny for Patty!! :-) GlAd so many peeps are playing.. I sent her a card yesterday telling her also about this tourny.. I do just pray each day she isn't that bad nor in any pain..

Thanks a Mill again and... we actually can use mOre players! :-)

2. Mai 2003, 01:06:09
SilentBob is the winner of my second prize tourney.. very well done... payment for your membership has been made to fencer, so as soon as he is able, he will make you a brain knight member here... enjoy it!!

1. Mai 2003, 18:45:44 
Sujet: Re: Tournament rules need changed?
Well it actually does not matter it "I" have the advantage or disadvantage - either way, someone is getting the short end of the stick with how the last round of tournaments are set up if there are only 2 players left.

(For Spider Line 4, it is an advantage to be white - and for some of the Pente games, some people are VERY stong in certain color's)

So in general, I believe it is a rule that could use updating now that we have the "2 games per 2 players" option.


1. Mai 2003, 12:33:37
Sujet: Re:
Just go to the tournament in question & it will give you an option to - remove yourself :)

1. Mai 2003, 11:52:27
Sujet: Re: Tournament rules need changed?
Most of the top Line 4 players will tell you that black (second player) usually has the advantage at Line 4.

1. Mai 2003, 08:34:06 
Sujet: Tournament rules need changed?
OK, this question (request) is mostly about THIS TOURNAMENT - where this rule comes into play:

"It can happen that only two players are at the last round. In this case the 3-wins match will be arranged, otherwise the tournament result would depend on one game only which is not fair."

Well my problem is that the first round was set up with the "two games for each two players" rule.

My probable is that it is a Line 4 game where White normally has the advantage in the game. My first game with the higher ranked player is with the color black. Which means if we play a 3-wins match, I'll be stuck with black twice - which is a big disadvantage for me to start the game with (it will be hard enough for me to win as white against the other player!) (NOTE: That is if a 3-win match changes colors each game - if not, I'll be stuck with Black all 3 games!)

Anyway, since you can now set up tournament with the "two games for each two players" rule - maybe you should switch it where it is not a 3-game match at the end of those types of games. Possible set it up with either a "two games (switched colors) for each two players" game, or something like that.

I would rather the tournament end in a tie then to have a player have to start with a disadvantage (which really takes the fun out of the games!)


30. Avril 2003, 21:26:23
Sujet: Re:
I am now running Patty club Dmitri.. let me look into it

30. Avril 2003, 21:24:32
Dmitri King 
Sujet: Re:
I see. I asked because I am in a tournament created by Patty, and it doesn't look like she will be able to start the next round any time soon.

30. Avril 2003, 21:05:05
Dmitri, it starts as soon as all the players have finished their games in all sections.

The creator of the tourney gets a message saying all the sections are comlete, they visit the tourney and click a new button to start the second round.

30. Avril 2003, 20:16:33
Sujet: Re: New Tourney
Rose: My thoughts are with Patty. I was only chatting to her just before things got that bad, but i didn't know who to ask about her health.
I am glad that you know what is happening & can only send her all my wishes.

30. Avril 2003, 19:31:54
Dmitri King 
Sujet: second round?
WHen the first round of a tournament is complete, whne does the second round begin? Does the tournament creator have to do anything?

30. Avril 2003, 17:23:43
Sujet: New Tourney
The game site has a very sick friend. Patty(PattyMelt, PepperMintPatty) who a lot of you have played many games with is serioiusly ill and may not be back to the site to play with us anymore. So a lot of her friends wanted to have a Tournament set up in her name! So come on every one! Let's all Play For PATTY!

30. Avril 2003, 12:01:16
Sujet: Re: MadMonkeys May 'Mahem'
dizave: thanks, i only have 3 ppl for dark chess (im one of them lol) & no one for normal chess so i guess those just won't even start.

30. Avril 2003, 05:46:46
Sujet: Re: MadMonkeys May 'Mahem'
Madmonkey man, I'd love to sign up for more chess, but I have to wait for the final game I have in the chess tourney I'm in to end.

Why is it that in any tournament, there will be someone who just won't make moves until the last possible moment? I see the person online all the time, they have a forced move so they don't even have to think. Maybe I'll get lucky and he'll timeout :(


29. Avril 2003, 02:39:21
You can if you haven't already joined a tournament (being a non-paying member). Click on the "tournaments" link on the left. A list of all the tournaments will come up. Click on the tournament you would like to join. A list of available games in that particular tournament will come up (there could only be one). Click on the game type you would like to play. If you are eligible to join (rating, membership, number of players join already, etc) then a link will appear above the list of already participating players saying something to the effect "Sign me up for this tournament." Then, when it starts, as long as you have enough open spots for the games, the games will automatically appear on your main page :-)

29. Avril 2003, 02:09:42
Eagle Eyes 

28. Avril 2003, 23:59:54
Just a reminder, you have about 2 days left to sign up for my 4th Spider Line4 tournament. It will start as close to May 1st as I can :-)

28. Avril 2003, 10:42:29
Sujet: MadMonkeys May 'Mahem'
Still looking for chess players mainly for the end of this week, so if you have a few spaces come and sign up :-)

27. Avril 2003, 19:33:40
Glad you enjoyed it Pioneer, its the first tourney that I tried.

27. Avril 2003, 19:33:06
Sujet: Kudos
Congrats to TheBig O who won Spider Line4 in Eriisa's Free For All

27. Avril 2003, 19:23:51
Sujet: Re: Kudos
Thanks, Eriisa! It was a really fun event against some really tough competitors.
: )

27. Avril 2003, 13:05:45
Sujet: Kudos
Congrats to Pioneer54 who won Keryo Pente in Eriisa's Free For All!
Congrats to lovelysharon who won Section 3 of Backgammon in Eriisa's Free For All!
The rest of the games are still running.

26. Avril 2003, 21:55:12
Howling Wolf, if you time-out on a game during a time when the site is having problems I'm sure Fencer would re-instate the game for you if you message him. Especially a tournament game.

26. Avril 2003, 20:36:27
Dmitri King 
Sujet: MY thoughts on the problems
Running a website costs mney. Making a site run faster and better cosst money.

Tep roblem right now? Too many free riders!! There are too many people who play close to 20 games and are not paying members.

This slows the site down and then the paying members suffer.

HOwling Wolf, please don't takew this the wrong way, but, you are not PAYING anything, so I don't think you have much to complain about.

Granted, people are ALLOWED to play up to 20 games for free, so it isn't really their fault.

so, i think Fencer should lower the amount of games people can play for free. If that upsets soem of them and they leave, oh well, that is an income loss of ZER since thye re not paying anything!

26. Avril 2003, 17:06:11
Howling Wolf 
I've been having a LOT of trouble accessing this site lately! Some other people here tell me they've had trouble too! I keep getting a pop-up message telling me the site is "too busy to use right now". As a result of not being able to access my account, I have timed out on FOUR of my tournament games with only ONE move having been made by my opponent. Since I was unable to get in here to play, I lost the game without ever having been able to make a single move! What is causing this access problem? How is it being addressed? And what happens now to those of us who keep getting shut out of our tournament games????

Howling Wolf

26. Avril 2003, 17:06:09
Howling Wolf 
Sujet: Active Tournaments
I've been having a LOT of trouble accessing this site lately! Some other people here tell me they've had trouble too! I keep getting a pop-up message telling me the site is "too busy to use right now". As a result of not being able to access my account, I have timed out on FOUR of my tournament games with only ONE move having been made by my opponent. Since I was unable to getin here to play, I lost the game without ever having been able to make a single move! What is causing this access problem? How is being addressed? And what happens now to those of us who keep getting shut out of our tournament games????

Howling Wolf

26. Avril 2003, 17:06:08
Howling Wolf 
Sujet: Active Tournaments
I've been having a LOT of trouble accessing this site lately! Some other people here tell me they've had trouble too! I keep getting a pop-up message telling me the site is "too busy to use right now". As a result of not being able to access my account, I have timed out on FOUR of my tournament games with only ONE move having been made by my opponent. Since I was unable to getin here to play, I lost the game without ever having been able to make a single move! What is causing this access problem? How is being addressed? And what happens now to those of us who keep getting shut out of our tournament games????

Howling Wolf

26. Avril 2003, 17:05:58
Howling Wolf 
Sujet: Active Tournaments
I've been having a LOT of trouble accessing this site lately! Some other people here tell me they've had trouble too! I keep getting a pop-up message telling me the site is "too busy to use right now". As a result of not being able to access my account, I have timed out on FOUR of my tournament games with only ONE move having been made by my opponent. Since I was unable to get in here to play, I lost the game without ever having been able to make a single move! What is causing this access problem? How is it being addressed? And what happens now to those of us who keep getting shut out of our tournament games????

Howling Wolf

22. Avril 2003, 16:56:17
Consider it done!

22. Avril 2003, 16:15:37
Parachute Checkers ;-)

22. Avril 2003, 14:21:37
Sujet: Re: Harley
I dont have any tourneys to sign up for right now! maybe I should start a few, it HAS been a while. Any suggestions?

22. Avril 2003, 02:58:43
Sujet: Re: Harley
But Art, that's the way you learn. You should have seen me in the first 3 games of Atomic Chess. LOL

22. Avril 2003, 00:39:43
cya peeps 
Sujet: Harley
Well, maybe it's time I joined one of yours. :) I need to branch out. But I stink at most other games as I've never played them.

21. Avril 2003, 11:09:01
:( Well put it this way, Art, I dont think I'll be going in for any more chess tourneys anytime soon!!

Ian... nudge nudge, I DID sign for your tourney so I know its not properly started yet! :P
You closed for sign up, now you have to press another button to start the tourney :D

21. Avril 2003, 06:00:04
BLUE STEEL: Even when the date passes, the tournament won't start until the creator starts it. They don't start automatically.

21. Avril 2003, 02:07:11
cya peeps 
Sujet: ArtfulDodger's U2000 Chess Tourney #3
We've got 4 so far signed up. It's =2000 so should leave lots of room for great competition. Check it out in the tournament area.

How are the games harley??!! :)

21. Avril 2003, 00:46:19
*frown* at Ian!! LOL, is it you thats causing confusion with BlueSteel?! I dunno, memory like a sieve... forget to breathe if someone wasnt there to poke you when you stopped... leave your head on the bus if it wasn't screwed loosely to your head... [walks away muttering about Ians memory]!!! :oD

20. Avril 2003, 23:49:38
Sujet: Sorry.
Can i say Sorry to all who signed up for my Beginners Chess tournament for such a late start.!
This was due to me totally forgetting that i had set this tournament up.!
Sorry again & good luck to all.

20. Avril 2003, 19:38:53
Hi there, Blue Steel. I had a look and the tournament you're in is due to start on April 27th. It has the date on the page where your name is. Good luck! :)

20. Avril 2003, 19:05:42
Sujet: tournament start
I'm new to this site. I have signed up for a beginners tournament. It says last term to sign is April 10, 03. confused,when would this start? thank you, BLUE STEEL

20. Avril 2003, 01:17:37
Sujet: FREDS MEGA FAST TOUNEY #3 now open for signing up.
1 or 2 game formats, all welcome, have fun!

19. Avril 2003, 19:07:44
cya peeps 
Sujet: Re: Weekend Player
You're welcome. :) Welcome aboard!

19. Avril 2003, 11:56:31
thanks Dodger :)

18. Avril 2003, 21:45:24
cya peeps 
Sujet: Re: ArtfulDodger tournament
Hi Weekend Player, I've changed it to seven days per move. :)

18. Avril 2003, 11:04:13
Sujet: ArtfulDodger tournament
i would join but you have set the games to 3 days and as i work away from home 4 days a week :( just a thought

18. Avril 2003, 06:47:29
cya peeps 
Sujet: Chess tournament!!! join it!! :)
I need two more players in the ArtfulDodger tournament to start it and prefer 4 more. Any chess players out there?? :) Hope so! Oh yeah, it's U1800 so if your rating is 1800 or above, sorry.

16. Avril 2003, 00:52:36
cya peeps 
Sujet: Backgammon and Chess Tournament openings
Need one more for the ArtfulDodger Backgammon tournament and just opened another Chess tournament .. U1800 :) Join if you've an interest!

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