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harley the real only diffenernce I see is that on "other boards" Ad, Steve and Benice have a chance to defend themselves. But since they are in no way allowed in GZ then they try on other boards. and acually I think they were all given a forum to try to discuss this in but Bill will not join.
Steve is not a memeber but I was and I saw it...that is why I left he downed my friends Steve, Ad and Bernice!! And bill did not say a word against the post, not like I really expected him to
Gentle Heart Backgammon This fellowship is for Backgammon and all variations.
It is for anyone wanting to learn the game or people who love to play the game. Come join us :oD
I have started a GH Backgammon with all variations, so if anyone would like to join please contact me. It is for anyone wanting to learn the game or people who love to play the game.
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