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modifié par MagicDragon (7. Décembre 2005, 04:01:42)
MagicsGameRoom If anyone would like to join my fellowship for & especially games feel free! There is also an Art & Craft's board(s) for tips & ideas for any type of craft & for true fans of the TV reality show "Survivor" as well
Purple: Unfortunately she has them in both eyes. Her health isn't that good during the winter. Hard time breathing an such. Again Thank You for the wishes. Very appreicated (not sure about the spelling)
OldDear: Between having 2 jobs & looking after my Mother ( she is going in for cataract surgery next month) I may or may not have the time to be on the web. Was also thinking about getting off the web altogether (bad idea alot of family members on the web) I was having a funny feeling that certain ppl were keeping tabs on what I do here, either playing in tournaments or join fellowships ( which is kind of dumb on my part) Still deciding if I truely want to leave tho..
If anyone would like to take over this fellowship, please PM me by Jan. 8th. I'm thinking about leaving this site after my membership has expired in Feb. or just staying to annoy alot of players ( in a good way). Just make sure you really want to run the fellowship the way it is to be run, w/o bad mouthing, cussing, or fighting within it. Thank You for reading
modifié par MagicDragon (29. Novembre 2004, 14:13:34)
Magic'sGameRoom Come join the fun & hopefully I can start some team tournaments. Have all the variations in Line4, Pente, Froglet, Backgammon & BattleBoats set up for the fellowship tournaments.
modifié par MagicDragon (26. Septembre 2004, 18:15:21)
I have just started a fellowship this morning & to all who may want to join, feel free. Only 2 things that I request is always to have FUN & absolutely NO fighting (unless it is cyber food throwing then that's ok)
(Cacher) Si vous attendez que ce soit à vous de jouer, cliquez sur "changer" à côté du "rafraîchissement" sur la page principale, puis réglez le rafraîchissement de la page sur 30 secondes pour que votre tour de jouer apparaisse pplus vite. (Servant) (Montrer toutes les astuces)