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6. Mai 2024, 10:42:16
Sujet: Re: Charming
moistfinger: haha he's one of the two people i have blocked since i started playing on the site, embarassing really.

1. Avril 2024, 05:20:44
Clandestine 1 
Sujet: Re: Charming
moistfinger:he does have a way with words. lol 
A bit of an ass for sure,  But I do enjoy our games. 
My advice - Just go into the game knowing he’s gonna try to get under your skin. You can choose to give it back or ignore it. Even block him if you want. 

26. Mars 2024, 15:18:21
Sujet: Charming
great above: (26. March 2024, 14:11:47) ANOTHER FCKEN JOKE GAME
great above: (26. March 2024, 14:12:37) ENJOY A HOLE
great above: (26. March 2024, 14:14:20) GO FCK YOURSELF
moistfinger: (26. March 2024, 14:15:13) easy tiger

27. Juillet 2023, 10:53:55
Sujet: Re: Autopass
modifié par pgt (27. Juillet 2023, 10:55:37)
AlliumCepa: You poor soul. If you think the comments I previously made were "cruel comments", you are so wrong. I made light-hearted comments which I am assuming were interpreted as such by more intelligent followers of this discussion thread. Look back to 2008 (I think), when I first made comments about the inadequacy of the auto-pass feature installed on Brainking. I actually don't give a (xxxx) what's implemented on other sites - this discussion board is about what's implemented on BRAINKING. So keep to the point. What's implemented on Brainking is inadequate, has been for at least 15 years, and we all know that it's not going to change. But we stay here because most of us like this site, and the friendliness of (most of) our intelligent opponents, like moistfinger and Dice Cheater

12. Juillet 2023, 13:02:27
Dice Cheater 
Sujet: Re: Autopass
AlliumCepa: I speak German, I don’t have a shrink and I’m very familiar with the term anyway. Chill, there’s no need to get upset at my lighthearted comment. What would be your solution to fix the auto pass for backgammon?

3. Juillet 2023, 15:45:03
Sujet: Re: Autopass
pgt: ' i've been following this forum with interest for a while.'
:-) Me too! I love storms in a teacup :-)

2. Juillet 2023, 09:33:02
Sujet: Re: Autopass
modifié par pgt (2. Juillet 2023, 09:33:48)
Aganju: i've been following this forum with interest for a while.

At the moment, I score Agabju 4, AlliumCepa 2.

Let's see how it unfolds. I love blood sports!

1. Juillet 2023, 23:42:37
Sujet: Re: Autopass
modifié par Aganju (1. Juillet 2023, 23:43:13)
AlliumCepa: oh so aggressive. And I never was.

You wrote "Aganju, what you call "entitlement" is in fact an honest and as you admitted impactful"
I still don't understand what this sentence is saying.

And I have no problem if you try and are successful, that is an incorrect assumption from you (projection maybe?). What I wanted to stop is solely the complaining about the owner's supposed 'duties' of improving the site - I think there are no such duties. If he is not willing to do it after being asked nicely, the topic should be over; he doesn't owe any of us anything.

You started immediately throwing mud at me about my supposedly drive-by comments. I pointed out that I was a part of discussion a long time ago, and my post wasn't drive-by-bullshit. Proven incorrect, you immediately moved on trashing me about something else, which I also pointed out is incorrect.

My guess is your next answer will be - as you are running out of believable accusations - simple swearing and childish name calling... Let's see.

26. Juin 2023, 22:18:06
Sujet: Another good site for Backgammon
There is another well run game site that has a large variety of Backgammon variants and is very well run.

23. Juin 2023, 22:13:05
Sujet: Re: Autopass
AlliumCepa: thanks for friendly words, it shows me that I hit a nerve. If you scroll down a bit further, you will see that I discussed this topics years before already with others.
I cannot understand your sentence though, seriously. There must be some translation issue or a word is missing.

23. Juin 2023, 11:26:31
Sujet: Re: Autopass
Aganju: Very true, I'm sure. But ten years ago I offered to pay a brain rook membership for life to fix this "bug" and it made absolutely no difference. But I'm not going to pay "for ever" until it's fixed - and it never will be. I still play because I enjoy the site. I'm getting old and have a lot of time on my hands, but I'm still young enough to play competitive bridge face to face with real people, and Brainking when I can't be bothered going to the bridge club (which is VERY rare!). Pity it's not a perfect world, (sigh) but it's not REALLY bad!

23. Juin 2023, 07:03:02
Sujet: Autopass
I often wonder where people get their entitlements from - is it the assumption that because Facebook and Twitter are free, everything has to be?
So fine, Autopass is not perfectly functioning. Ask for your money back!
Try to tell Facebook that you don't like the way their algorithm shows you stuff. Or how they sell your data. What do think will happen? Or tell Microsoft about a twenty-year old bug in Excel, and you are even paying for it!
I recommend you start your own gaming site (where of course there will be no bugs), and see how it feels after twenty years of work. Go ahead! I would even try it (if it is free, only, of course).

8. Avril 2023, 11:01:55
Sujet: Re: Autopass
AlliumCepa: It's over a year since we vented our spleens about this, and it is still as unsatisfactory as it was last year. (sigh) but we should probably continue to complain just to let everybody know that it is STILL far from ideal!

22. Décembre 2021, 01:29:14
Sujet: Re: Autopass
Walter Montego: Check "Feature Requests" 8 July 2011. This is not a new gripe, but from time to time I bring it up for old time's sake

21. Décembre 2021, 13:00:44
Walter Montego 
Sujet: Re: Autopass
pgt: Well, Mr. Negativity, if you feel that way why'd you even bring it up?

Perhaps you can try paying Fencer to do it for you? I have thought of doing this just to get some changes and also add the game Jump Checkers, but my heart is not into it. I'll just play here until it ceases to exist, or I find something better to do with my time. Hopefully I'll be able to escape the confines of my house if COVID ever stops being such a large part of my daily routine.

21. Décembre 2021, 10:54:09
Sujet: Re: Autopass
pgt: try playing on dailygammon, it’s brilliant when it comes to auto passing etc. Unfortunately there are no hyper backgammon games there :(

21. Décembre 2021, 07:13:59
Sujet: Re: Autopass
Walter Montego: I think that however we define the requirements, they will be completely ignored, and no changes will EVER be made, so we may as well stop wasting our time.

21. Décembre 2021, 05:53:41
Clandestine 1 
Sujet: Re: Autopass
Walter Montego: I am one of those who has doubled the cube from the bar, however, I like where your going with that option. It certainly would be less painstaking. 

21. Décembre 2021, 00:55:43
Walter Montego 
Sujet: Re: Autopass
pgt: I like your idea of having an option on your turn, though I'd let the option be available for a later roll in addition to the first time.

I know the frustration of having pieces on the bar and the whole of the opponent's home base is covered with a most beautiful prime and you have to roll the dice.

A pass button would be nice. Why roll the dice? Just have a pass button, and then it could skip until the next turn or also have an option for until a point opens for a chance to roll out.

Perhaps a "Pass this Turn" button, and also a "Pass all Turns until a Point Opens, and No Double Offer Made by Me in the Meantime" button?

20. Décembre 2021, 21:17:16
Sujet: Re: Autopass
Walter Montego: I am aware of the possibility, but I am pretty sure that if you do not offer a double on the first move after you are blocked, then you will not offer a double on any subsequent move while you remain blocked. This logic is not too difficult for a competent computer programmer, and we can all attest to the fact that a competent programmer has implemented BrainKing. When you pass on the first move that you are blocked, it would be quite possible to ask "Are you sure? If so, autopass will continue until you are unblocked" or something to that effect, But I'm not here to design the algorithm, just saying that the existing implementation is unnecessarily frustrating and annoying, and with relatively little effort could be improved dramatically. (SIGH!)

20. Décembre 2021, 17:42:51
Walter Montego 
Sujet: Re: Autopass
pgt: Though there's other things I can find fault with in the implementation of the autopass, I have heard a justification for this. It is rare, but someone might want to offer a double from that position. I have had people do this against me. Apparently, when it has happened to me, the person didn't offer the double earlier as they were going for a gammon and I messed that up by hitting them. And there's other situations for it too, such as they forgot to double earlier. :)

Maybe you would never offer a double with a piece on the bar, but some people do it.

20. Décembre 2021, 09:45:29
Sujet: Autopass
Why is the autopass system on this site so ridiculous? when I am blocked why do I have to roll the dice and then pass. How stupid!

30. Novembre 2021, 01:47:30
Sujet: Backgammon with Doubling Cube (quick tournaround)
There are a lot of tournaments offered right now, but I prefer to play *with the doubling cube*.
If you do too, and you like a fast game, please join here!

5. Novembre 2021, 01:26:15
Clandestine 1 

19. Octobre 2021, 19:30:29
Clandestine 1 
Sujet: Re:
Aganju: I agree. And I’ve doubled from the bar many a time. I’ve also had doubles at the bar many a time, but that’s a different story ;)

19. Octobre 2021, 14:50:28
Sujet: Re:
modifié par Aganju (19. Octobre 2021, 14:53:06)
moistfinger: Your idea is correct. I HAVE doubled from the bar before, not often, but not never either. It is a good play in some situations.
I wouldn't want this option to be taken away...

Note that if you CANNOT double (because the opponent has the cube, or it's post-crawford), it DOES Autopass.
So it is not an be-lazy-and-save-some-code-problem, in the contrary, it is doing it even more detailed and correct.

19. Octobre 2021, 12:01:29
Sujet: Re:
pgt: It has been programmed that way in case the losing player would want to use the cube to double, even though they are stuck on the bar... I guess it could possibly happen but only extremely rarely, as in nearly never. A bit of a programming cop-out, I guess.

19. Octobre 2021, 10:58:54
Dice Cheater 
Sujet: Re:
pgt: It would seem obvious, doesn't it? Check out dailygammon dot com ...

16. Octobre 2021, 09:17:02
modifié par pgt (16. Octobre 2021, 09:20:07)
The AUTOPASS feature for Backgammon is NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE! The implementation on this site is RIDICULOUS! After passing the first time of being unable to move, then it should be assumed that passing will continue until the player can actually move, Maybe the programmers are not up to making such a simple change.

15. Juin 2021, 10:26:37
Sujet: Very strange
Backgammon (pgt vs. Vinkel)

Can this be fixed?

5. Mai 2021, 01:23:18
Sujet: Re:
Walter Montego: I just looked at the game that was listed - I do not see them either. this is worse than I thought; I agree it is unplayable. I have never seen that in any of my games, which is strange - I played hundreds f Plakotos, with the same size setting. Could it be the *color* choice?

4. Mai 2021, 20:30:23
Walter Montego 
Sujet: Re:
rod03801: Though I can see the game with the setting set to the small board, I do like this view and I am going to resign when the first game of the match is over unless it is fix before that happens.

I have the settings back to the large board. Four or so points have disappeared from my view as my opponent has covered the blots.

4. Mai 2021, 19:24:01
Sujet: Re:
Aganju: I cant speak to the fix. I was simply trying to provide a solution for the piece to be seen under current circumstances.

4. Mai 2021, 17:59:34
Walter Montego 
Sujet: Re:
Aganju: Yes, the twenty second fix for Fencer. Rod's found post is nine years old. Perhaps this fix is not easy? Or maybe it has not received any attention?

4. Mai 2021, 14:28:03
Sujet: Re:
modifié par Aganju (4. Mai 2021, 14:28:38)
rod03801: my guess is that a specific image is missing. If you look at the board where there is a blank, right click it, and it will give you the name of the (missing) image. This would make it a twenty-second fix for Fencer.

4. Mai 2021, 01:47:00
Sujet: Re:
Walter Montego: You're welcome. I just remembered that I thought something similar had been brought up before. Used "Search in posts" and searched for Plakato here. It didn't turn up exactly what I thought. So I tried on the discussion board, too, as that seemed like another place it might have been. Sure enough, it was. My memory really wasn't THAT impressive.

I'm glad it helped solve the mystery.

3. Mai 2021, 20:35:57
Walter Montego 
Sujet: Re:
modifié par Walter Montego (3. Mai 2021, 20:36:25)
rod03801: Switching the Backgammon settings to the small board setting did make the Plakoto board show the pieces. I do not like the small board. I will finish this match, and then never play this game again unless this bug is fixed.

You found this message from 2012, rod03801? A long memory you have. Thank you.

3. Mai 2021, 19:31:36
Sujet: Re:
Walter Montego:
This sounded familiar to me, so I did a little searching,

I found this discussion from a few years back, It could have something to do with your settings.

I hope it helps.

3. Mai 2021, 19:13:43
Walter Montego 
modifié par Walter Montego (3. Mai 2021, 19:27:25)
I was talked into playing a match of Plakoto. I cannot see the points on the table that have two pieces on them of both colors. My opponent (Vinkel) says the table looks good from his side. I was going to resign, but he suggested to ask Fencer. So I am posting here as I do not know where bug reports go.

I also had this problem when I was trying to review older games Vinkel had played so I could get an idea of how the game is played.

Game ID number 8679109
Plakoto (Vinkel vs. Walter Montego)

3. Janvier 2021, 15:15:30
Walter Montego 
Sujet: Re:
modifié par Walter Montego (3. Janvier 2021, 15:16:17)
Clandestine 1:

I just lost a game and match to five doubles in a row today.
Backgammon (Walter Montego vs. DavieBoy)
It happens. I have played my opponent over 1300 matches. This match hurt since he had won eight in a row prior, and I thought I had the game for the match when it was 75 to 45.
Sure it's bad luck, as is your case, but that doesn't mean something fishy has gone on to make it happen. Supposing the roles were reversed. Would you understand how lucky you had gotten?

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