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1400 years ago the Emperor of India has sent the game Chess, with an accompanying letter to the Persian Emperor.
The letter had nothing but the following:
"To his highness, the Emperor of Persia,
Whoever thinks more
Whoever knows more
Whoever sees the future better
This is life...."
The Persian Emperor shares this message with his minister Buzur Mehir who is considered the wisest of all, and asks him to invent a game to send to the Indian Emperor back as a present.
The minister, after studying and understanding the strategy of Chess and movements of its each piece, invents the game Backgammon and presentsit to the Emperor.
Then they send the backgammon set to the Indian Emperor with a note that reads:
"To his highness Emperor of India,
Yes, whoever thinks more
Whoever knows more
Whoever sees the future better
But there has to be a little luck too.
This is the real life......"
Zuggie, I suggest perhaps mentioning to your opponent that this is generally accepted as illegal. Maybe they just didn't know that. I'm not sure if Fencer would put the game back a move so that they can then make a legal move, but at least that person will now know it was wrong.
I, too, hope that someday Fencer will program the backgammon games to follow this rule. In the mean time, we just have to live with it!
i wouldn't call it cheating...i'd call it somebody not knowing the rules of the game...type in ..backgammon your search....everyone of the sites states that if both dice can be used they must be used....why is that so tough to understand....the way it is it's like playing a game of checkers and just because your king is trapped in a corner you don't want to move that move....or the jump rule in checkers....maybe i don't want to jump...
Yea, that game (HERE) is a perfect example of things that have be talked about over and over here on some of the backgammon boards.
The "real" backgammon rules state that a player must use both dice if possible. Here at BrainKing, it does not enforce that rule. (So some players call it cheating, yet others call it OK since it is allowed).
I'm not sure what Fencers feelings are on the subject - since he is the "main" person, he would be the one to decide if the move should be allowed or not. (I'll send him a message and ask) - I'll post a reply or ask him to! :-)
Hi....i have a game i think an illegal move has been made..backgammon race and it's game #197727..i'm leaving it on the move...i didn't use the two 1's looks to me that she coulda used the 3 then the 6 on my home side ...or...used the 6 and 3 on her side too....i don't have a clue why she got away with just using the 3 with so many options....maybe it was a bug and she couldn't use the 6...i don't know...all i know is i see the 6 could be used and wasn't...
Here follows a copy of the message that i`ve posted on my tournament page concerning EBT.
(NOTICE)4/11/03 Because of all the site problems i have decided to cancel this tournament with immediate effect. If players wish to continue with the tournament then please feel free but please be aware that NO PRIZE will now be offered since i intend to re-run the whole tournament at a later date when all the site faults are corrected. Sorry for the disappointment that this may cause.!
I have done this because of the difficulties that may arise from having moves "Rolled back" to the the earlier date with a good example being possible different results than they where originally.!
I will not be deleting the tournament, so please feel free to continue if you so wish.
Thank you Big Bad Wolf! This is such a fun game, I can't see why more people aren't playing. I wanted to join the game but it had already started, and it's already filled, so sad...I want to be on a team before I start up a tournament of my own, to see the ins and outs of what happens.
In my fellowship (The Gammon Cube), we have a Crowded tournament every month (Around the 25th of each month) [I have sent you an invite to that fellowship]
For the Main Tournaments, you will probable have to look for "all game" or "all gammon" tournaments, not very often does someone start just a Crowded tournamnet.
.... but you are a Rook now, you could start your own Crowded tournament! :-)
LOL. You should read all the previous posts. About half of the recent ones address this: You're correct, it wasn't implemented. Also not implemented was having to use the higher of the two dice if only one can be used.
I hate to say this,,,after all the hoopla explaining what an E-card is,,,
but,,,sorry babygirl,,,
I'm not real big on sending out cards...
(my opinion) :)
1. "for me the whole online backgammon is plain humbug."
Seems like you are wasting your time here then.
2. "it's a game with dice ... important, k ?
and I dare demand to be rolling them myself ... "
Well come over to my place then! Happy to play, according to the published rules, any Friday evening. Please let me know when. I'll be home.
3. "it's against the spirit of the rules known to me that somebody else rolls
- and least a so-called random-generator with a scheduled agenda "
See response to 2 above
4. "preaching again - no arguments ... who would follow stupid rules voluntarily ? :D ... that's why smart people have their own ... not to mention sensitive people who want to sense the dice period ( and roll themselves = not a rule??"
See 6 below.
5. "haven't I bidden 'feedback without iyt-bs welcome' ??"
What on earth is iyt - some sort of mumbo-jumbo to which we normal mortals are not privvy?
So... if you have all your pieces home but haven't started bearing off, and then roll a 6, you can choose not to play the 6? This variation seems to negate the other rule by its very existance. Do you have a name for this variation? Fackgammon perhaps (the f is for fiddling). :)
Sounds like an interesting variation at least. I'm not convinced it adds smartness. For example what if you roll a 6 immediately, aren't you then forced to start removing right away? Or do you have a rule regarding that as well?
the two dice rule makes the opponent more calculatable,
taking some smartness out of the game thus ...
fiddling in the house after the phase of removing stones started,
violates the spirit of backgammon ( you want out, so the farestmost
pieces have to be go forth if you can't remove a stone ... )
else only cowardliness and boredom take advantage ...
so far the rules that we use for tournaments and my arguments.
regarding chess software ... extensive misuse at iyt is exactly
the reason why I started to play rather the variants preferably ...
I dunno dano...I think a random generator rolling the dice may very well be fairer than some bloke trying to make a fair roll with a pair of dice and a leather cup.
That being said, I enjoy online backgammon and do like the single game and the 5-point variant that iyt developed which implements the doubling cube.
I was there at iyt during the early years before they even had a 5-point backgammon version and when the single-game version had a lot of issues that needed to be worked out. To Pat Chu's credit, he did listen to the iyt backgammon players and developed games very close to what one can experience offline.
Although you are an excellent chess player, and I would never accuse you of using a software progam to determine what moves you're going to make in a game, unfortunately many online chess players do take the sport out of the game and resort to such software when making moves in their games. And although I am a rather decent chess player, I will only play the game when sitting directly across from my opponent due to online cheaters destroying my trust and faith in the online chess game.
I know that there are backgammon move generators such as snowy and jellyfish; however, I cannot recall ever having a problem with an opponent using one in a match.
Whether we play what games we like online based on superstition, faith, or fact, the important thing is that we have rules we can agree on so that the game remains fun even to the end.
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