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 Feature requests

Do you miss something on and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
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28. Mars 2004, 20:25:17
some of the people who have hundreds of games also have some of the highest BKR's, so no I guess some people don't lose context and focus doing that. But I think it definitely depends on the type of games.

I would like to place my "vote" for not changing the vacation time.. It too is one of the many reasons I came here.

5. Mars 2004, 02:49:44
I'm sure I'm misunderstanding.. You aren't REALLY saying the people who like the feature are pervs, are you?
I'm assuming you are just continuing to come up with extremes to make your point. Unfortunately, they are too extreme and not the same thing at all. It seems like saying that since the bank knows our social security number, they should be able to have a video camera in our bathrooms. To me, it really doesn't make the point..

10. Février 2004, 01:41:47
Great idea WhisperzQ... there have been lots of times I have been curious who ended up winning a tournament I was in, but didnn't want to wade through all the "completed tournaments" to find it.
There have also been times I didn't even realize I had won a tournament!(because I finished early and hadn't checked back on the tournament.)

8. Février 2004, 16:11:52
A man of many words! :-)
What will be what?

8. Février 2004, 14:39:59
Sujet: Re: Determination of Tournament Sections
If something like this was added, I think it SHOULD be automated. It would be a shame to be the person who loses out, just because the creator didn't figure it out right. Yes, many times it is obvious, but in the closer tournaments when the S-B is used, I can see the potential of not every creator understanding it..

I would like to re-request that when there is a tie in a final round, that the tied participants play it out until there is a single winner..

28. Décembre 2003, 04:02:14
Wait, I'm probably wrong, that fellowship I'm thinking of, only changed names.

28. Décembre 2003, 03:59:08
No, I still have games going from tournaments in fellowships that have recently been deleted.

27. Décembre 2003, 23:13:34
What are they actually doing when it shows them "registering new account"? Are they editing their profile like Steve said?

27. Décembre 2003, 22:55:33
Yes, I too have wondered what "registering new account" meant..

20. Décembre 2003, 18:07:20
Maybe you are right BBW. But I swear I'm remembering it correctly. I'm not saying the person with the lower score ended up winning the tournament, but tying it.. I COULD be remembering the situation all wrong, certainly..

I agree it would be nice if the program would be able to decide the winner earlier on, in the situations when the outcome of games still going on won't matter.

I had also been thinking about a feature where the creator can have an option when creating the tournatment, to have future rounds start automatically. (and the option to have it the way it is now..)

EDIT: I just went and looked at what the S-B exactly is.. And I see you are correct. I wonder what I was remembering....
I work at a nursing home, maybe it's affecting me.. LOL..

20. Décembre 2003, 17:53:04
Sujet: Re: Next round in tournements
Great idea Caissus..

The only potential problem comes when the winner isn't totally obvious. I have run into tournaments where someone's score was lower than mine, but at the end when the "S-B" was figured out, they actually tied me. If the tournament creator didn't know how to figure out the "S-B", or did it incorrectly, that other person wouldn't have been included in the next round...
It probably doesn't happen very often, but it certainly does happen..

EDIT: In reading your post again, I'm now thinking I may have misunderstood what you were suggesting... so excuse me, if I'm totally off..

20. Décembre 2003, 03:46:47
I agree that the letters for the "description" of the tournaments are too small..

14. Décembre 2003, 18:57:45
Sujet: Re: Talking of pictures..
Right, but it is a simple work-around to make a quick basic webpage of your pic...
It was simply a suggestion.. :-)

14. Décembre 2003, 18:50:09
Sujet: Re: Waiting room
I think grouping the games in the waiting room according to game type, instead of alphabetical, would be a great idea. But I personally like being able to see all the available games on ONE page.. Or maybe an option to check off the specific games you want to see everytime you enter the waiting room, (with the option to "see all games").

OH, and I don't know what "rollover unfolding to submenus" means, but maybe if someone describes them, we webtv users can tell you if we have seen that sort of thing working for us. A lot of times things don't work exactly the same for us, but do, in a modified way. One example is when on a computer you click something and it brings up a new "window", on webtv, some of these are handled by putting this new "window" at the bottom of the page.. and the screen scrolls down to it, and if you scroll up, you see the original page you clicked off of. (Not that any of that has ANYthing to do with the "rollover unfolding to submenus" thing, just an example as to how things sometimes work differently for us.. lol)

14. Décembre 2003, 18:46:27
Sujet: Re: Talking of pictures..
Well, you can certainly use HTML and post a link to your picture in the "description" area of the profile... Or am I misunderstanding?

27. Novembre 2003, 22:06:40
I agree with Grant. The game notes are useless to me down below. I don't often scroll down that far, so wouldn't see a reminder I hoped to see.

23. Novembre 2003, 18:43:53
I really like taurec's idea of a decathalon!

22. Novembre 2003, 20:52:41
Thanks Fencer! That is one of the many awesome things about this site!

9. Novembre 2003, 22:38:11
Whisperz.. You aren't a lone voice.. I, too, like the time limit system here.
If a serious player doesn't like 30 day time limits, then they don't have to sign up for those! The way it is now, at least people can CHOOSE what is best for them!
I must say, that I do also like the idea mentioned here.. I could be happy with either method...
Giving tournament and single game creators the choice of either method would proably be the best idea of all..


5. Novembre 2003, 03:49:49
From what I understand, the information is GONE... Your game list and all other information, look how they did on Sept 15.

26. Août 2003, 02:45:18
I was thinking the same thing BBW

17. Août 2003, 08:36:35
It is only closed because I don't feel like dealing with your usual nonsense

17. Août 2003, 04:44:37
I wanted to change rules??? You are confused.

17. Août 2003, 02:27:12
Sujet: Re: "if you can use both dice you must"
What a foolish thing to say.
It has NOT been "abandoned" here. I believe we were told that at some point it WOULD be implemented. If you don't care to follow the rules, you certainly don't have to play.
Not playing by the rules is CHEATING. No RESPECTABLE game lover wants to cheat. Period.

16. Août 2003, 21:59:34
Sujet: doubling cube
I think it should be handled like it is at IYT... they have a version with it, and a version without it. The version with it, is a 5 point game. Maybe here we could decide for ourselves when creating the game how many points it would be..(which of course we already do with multi point matches)
I definitely wish the doubling cube was here.. and I'm sure at some point, it will be.
But as discussed a while back on the backgammon discussion board, I would rather backgammon be fixed to follow the "if you CAN use both dice, you MUST" rule, first.

10. Août 2003, 04:17:03
Sujet: Re: re: Tournament
i have been wondering those thigs too, BBW. Though, I too never plan on being less than a rook. If I could afford it, I'd be that next level up!! ( The maharajah or whatever) I LOVE this site and can't wait until shirts or baseball caps are available so I can easilly advertise this site.

10. Août 2003, 02:31:15
Sujet: Re: Tournaments
This has come up before. I'm sure if you write to Fencer, he will start the next round himself.

7. Août 2003, 22:28:09
Sujet: last battleboats move
I still think that your last move should be highlighted on the board. I have webtv, and I'm not sure that it shows up right if you try to switch things around so that the game notations are in a different place. So it would be much easier to be able to just look at the board, rather than scroll all the way down to the game notation.. Yes!, just being lazy !!! :-D
Also, maybe the highlight around your opponent's last move should be highlighted a different color than the blue or red. I know on webtv, I have a hard time telling which square is highlighted. (If I had a huge movie theater sized TV, it might show up easier)
None of that is all THAT important to me, but I wanted to add my opinion..


3. Août 2003, 13:41:34
Sujet: Re: Playing against people currently online.
I agree Grenv. That would also work fine.

Pioneer: not superfluous at all. How would one more option on the Move and Go To drop down menu be cluttering? If anything on that menu is "cluttering" it would be the Move and go to Discussion Board.
Anything that limits the # of pages to be loaded, would be a good thing, in my mind. As it is now, I am constantly going back and forth between "On line opponents" and my main page, then the specific game page.
If it is something not possible, then I can certainly live with it. It is simply a feature I would like to see.

2. Août 2003, 19:55:48
Sujet: Playing against people currently online.
Hey Fencer, I LOVE the new move and go to next game with this player. Thanks so much for that.

I like to make moves first against people that are on he site at the same time as me. Is there any way to add an option to be able to move and go to next game with an opponent currently online, to that drop down box? (I'm sure there would be a better way to word it)
AND/OR on the "Online Opponent" page, have an option next to the name saying "Go to my games against this player, where it is my turn" (or something like that)
Just curious!

30. Juillet 2003, 20:22:12
Sujet: RE: Tied games.
Fencer, is it ever going to be changed that there will never be ties? I can't be alone in feeling that I would rather continue with another round until a final winner is determined.

2. Juillet 2003, 03:21:31
Sujet: Re: TRUTH?
Here we go again. And it ALWAYS centers around Dano... Both sides of this really need to grow up. Both sides are childish and boring. This is the FEATURE REQUEST board.

17. Juin 2003, 05:53:48
Sujet: Re: Why are we seeing this??
I happen to like it. I hope it stays.

20. Mai 2003, 05:31:34
Sujet: Re: new move options
no spencer. There are 2 if you are a member.

18. Mai 2003, 19:55:58
Sujet: Move and go to ...
Hey Fencer...
I thought of another option that could be added to that drop down menu next to "Move" (the one with main page, next game, stay here, etc...)
How about the option to move to the most recent game an opponent moved on? I'm not sure that makes sense... What I mean is, I like to make moves on the games where my opponent is currently online.. I currently do this by clicking on the drop down menu where u can choose the specific game you want to go to, and scroll down to the bottom of it, because that is where the newest one is.
AND/OR maybe on the page where you can see which of your opponents is online, having an option by their name saying something like, "go to a game against this person where it is my turn" ... worded differently than that though. LOL...

Both of those would be nice. Because the first one wouldn't help much where an opponent IS currently online, but their game against you was moved on some time ago.
I'm not sure I'm making sense... LOL.. does anyone know what the heck I'm talking about?

18. Mai 2003, 19:31:11
Sujet: Re: new move options
Piplio, you got that added when you became a member yesterday. It's not brand new. It IS a great option though! I was suprised by it when I became a member too! :-D
So, come on non-members! Buy a membership so you can have it too!

17. Mai 2003, 19:55:19
Sujet: Re: jazzblurry aka dano's_chimp@iyt at his best
For crying out loud.. this belongs in General Chat. Keep the immaturity over there please!

20. Avril 2003, 19:45:50
Sujet: Re: notes feature
I would like to repeat a request that was made a while back about the notes feature. Is there any way it could be put at the TOP of the game page? instead of way down below all the game info?

When I am playing a lot of games, I remind myself of my strategy for that particular game in that note, and with it so far down, I many times forget about it and don't notice it!

26. Mars 2003, 10:25:59
Sujet: Re:
I also prefer how the discussion boards are set up here.. I HATE the boards at IYT

9. Mars 2003, 02:59:24
Sujet: Brainking store
Hey Fencer... I have a feeling this site is going to become huge... You should consider at some point making a brainking store. Maybe selling Brainking t-shirts, hats, coffee mugs, etc... I know I would definitely buy these things. I'm so excited about this site, and want to spread the word.

9. Mars 2003, 02:57:11
Sujet: Re: Different coloured boards
I agree with Emma... I think that would be a huge help..

great site Fencer! :-)

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