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 Feature requests

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16. Février 2015, 09:48:56
Sujet: Re: Average time to move
Aganju: it would be nice if that average time could be split into game-type-groups like chess and gammon and line etc

21. Mai 2014, 10:17:58
Sujet: Re: Bug Tracker
modifié par Hrqls (21. Mai 2014, 10:18:36)
maybe we should put Fencer forward for another interview, so people can ask new question about his current life, and in which he can post long reponses without it causing to be a flamewar :)

or maybe a fellowship could be started in which the big boss can moderate the board more strictly than a public board and on which the big boss can put his own rules which the members should post by

(this suggestions are partly kidding, and partly serious)

14. Octobre 2013, 10:10:56
Sujet: Re: BKR-System-Revolution!
diogenysos: in our squash ladder competition we used another system: you earn points, they remain, but every round you lose 10% of your total points which you have to make up during the round

on our ladder 1 round lasted for 2 months, but any time interval could be used to remove 10% of the rating points

17. Juin 2013, 09:25:40
Sujet: Re: Boards for analysis
modifié par Hrqls (17. Juin 2013, 09:26:03)
Orlandu: line 5 is already available on a 15x15 board : line 5

4. Avril 2013, 12:08:33
Sujet: new game
this game is very popular in the netherlands under the name Keezen :

I thought it was typical dutch, but it seems it is played in other countries as well .. it might be a nice addition to this site :)

27. Mars 2013, 08:05:54
Sujet: Re: plakoto board color
rod03801: Ah ok ... i didnt notice ... in that case my request would be to make it more extreme as playing plakoto as another gammon type is quite extreme as well .. maybe the board itself could be another color? (like keryo pente vs normal pente)

26. Mars 2013, 14:43:05
Sujet: plakoto board color
could the board color of plakoto game be changed?

today i made a move in a plakoto game as if it were a normal backgammon game ... this can happen in various game types, but in plakoto this can be especially harmful

i would like a visual way which draws my attention to show that it's plakoto :)

23. Février 2013, 14:02:46
Sujet: Re: See 'Nearly full tournaments'
Aganju: +1 !!

24. Septembre 2012, 08:52:24
Sujet: Re: number of dice games
Herlock Sholmes: I like it!

10. Juillet 2012, 11:42:51
Sujet: relative rating ( % ?)
right now we have 2 ratings/rankings : our bkr and our rating

i think it would be nice to show the ranking as a % of the total ranked players ...

for example :
- i am #45 at battleboats, out of 93
- i am #46 at dicepoker, out of 310

this gives me a % of :
- battleboats : 48%
- dicepoker : 14%

clearly i am raletively better ranked at dicepoker, than at battleboats (although the #45 and #46 would make me think otherwise)

maybe the % is not a good term, but some relative ranking compared to the total amount of ranked players would be nice

9. Juillet 2012, 11:23:03
Sujet: request : new backgammon game type : No Chance Backgammon
would it be possible to create a new backgammon game type ?

it's called no chance backgammon
read the rules at :

23. Avril 2012, 09:55:28
Sujet: Re: Events
Justaminute: i somewhrere marked a checkbox so that i dont receive messags from the fellowships of which i dont want those messages ...

20. Avril 2012, 10:12:01
Sujet: Re: Events
MadMonkey: i read all the final post of a match (to check rating change and tournament table) .. but i dont read game reports when it isnt the final game of the match ..

if there would be a filter, then i think there should be a distinction between the final game of a match, and the earlier in the match

24. Mars 2012, 12:57:44
Sujet: back to favorites ...
pgt: marking a slow tournament as favorite wont make it even longer to finish ... it will make the tourmanet appear on top of the list, so players are more likely to make a move in there first

so : when you think a tournament is taking too long, you can ask your opponents to mark the tournament as a favorite for them .. when they do that, the tournament will appear in their favorite list, and will show itself above their regular games

of course it still depends on the opponent : he has to be willing to mark it as favorite, and pay attention to it ... but thats no difference from the current situation

22. Mars 2012, 16:57:41
Sujet: Re: feature request : favorites
rod03801: that would work a bit similar indeed ... i would love to have a seperate list of favourite games/players/tournaments though ... above the list of games in which its your turn, above the list of games in which its your opponents turn

i came across this because my brother signed up on this signed last week (to try out othello/reversi), but he is at sea and doesnt have access all the time, so i would like to know when its my turn without having to scroll all my games or look up his :)

22. Mars 2012, 13:09:17
Sujet: Re: feature request : favorites
pgt: i agree with you ... tournaments take too long sometimes .. especially for players who cant win it anymore, and are still stuck in the tournament (although they can ask fencer to remove them)

that has nothing to do with the feature request of favourites though
the only effect favourites might have on those slow players, is that it might make them play faster in those tournaments (when asked by other players in those tournaments)

what other suggestion do you have to speed up those tournaments ?
(aside from auto-pass)

22. Mars 2012, 12:14:10
Sujet: Re: feature request : favorites
pgt: for me personally i sometimes lack the time to play all games, or joined too many games without realizing (like now) ... i then try to play the games first of which i know that i am holding up things
(i know about 100 games is perfect for me, but somehow i ended up with 300+ games)

i currently make sure that i wont timeout, and try to make sure that i have at least 2 days left when i sign off, and when i have more time i try to make a move in as many as possible

a way to put those games to the top might speed up those games which require faster play

without a way to favourize them, i just play according to the 'time left' table ... which might turn out worse for specific tournaments

with a way to make some games favourite, my opponents can ask me to speed things up, and its easier for me to help them

especially for those tourmants that we want to finish faster, its a nice way which might speeds things up

without favourites, things stay like they are right now
with favourites it might improve (slightly)
i dont think favourites will make those slow players play even slower, as they seem to pay no sp[ecial attention to it yet, but maybe with favourites they might pay attention ?

of course it still depends on the players though :)

22. Mars 2012, 09:36:53
Sujet: feature request : favorites
i think it would be nice if you could mark someone as a favorite opponent

this means that the running games with that opponent will be shown at the top of your game list

it would also be nice if we could mark certain games as favorite, or a certain tournament

that way if someone asks you if you could move as fast as you can, you can mark those games/tournament/player as favorite and easily play those games first

10. Février 2009, 10:26:19
Sujet: Re:
any speed indication would have to be per game type as people play certain games faster than other games (i sure do :))

30. Janvier 2009, 10:54:45
Sujet: #D
another game which adds a new dimension is 3D connect 4
i am sure a lot of players will play it ... its played in a cube of 4x4x4 fields (you can use 4 game boards to play it, display them above each other)

7. Janvier 2009, 09:45:02
Sujet: Re: war of the roses
agentofchaos: thats my thought as well :)
i think is the english version of .. or jijbent is the dutch version of yourturnmyturn :)

4. Janvier 2009, 20:36:12
Sujet: Re: war of the roses
AbigailII: nice .. i love it :)

i understand that has the game online as well .. i wonder if brainking can do it as well without getting into any copyright problems ?

2. Janvier 2009, 11:10:46
Sujet: Re: war of the roses
AbigailII: a copy ? computer game ?
my gf and i borred the board game from friends .. we will return it today though :(

1. Janvier 2009, 23:30:39
Sujet: war of the roses
has anyone played the game 'war of the roses'
i think thats the english name .. its a game of 999 .. in dutch its called 'rozenkoning'

25. Janvier 2008, 14:54:06
Sujet: Re: 2 random tournament ideas
mctrivia: yes .. the creator choses the weights

the participants who chose the games dont have any influence on the weights

those are 2 separate feature .. i dont think they can be combined :)

25. Janvier 2008, 12:55:24
Sujet: 2 random tournament ideas
i recently joined a tournament from Flake in which the participants can select which games will be used as random games

so there are 8 participants .. each may chose 1 game type .. in the end there will be a random game tournament with 8 game types with those 8 participants

i like this idea a lot!!! maybe something like that could be added in the options for a tournament ?

another idea which comes from that is to be able to give a certain weight to a specific game type .. by this you have some influence which game types will appear more often than others .. so it would be nice when creating a tournament of random games you can determine the chance of a specific game type to appear (if the chances are not filled in then every game type has the same chance)

any opinions ?

15. Mars 2007, 21:35:32
Sujet: Re:
Fencer: lol! dont run away .. dont let it scare you :)
hmm .. got a screendump ? ;)
(maybe put the buttons on the side ? or a small (extra) link instead of a button ?)

15. Mars 2007, 15:14:55
Fencer : could the 'delete' button in the message box be placed above the message ?

when you open a tournament game message, you now have to scroll down to delete the message
it would be nice if that could be done without scrolling :)

10. Mars 2007, 14:41:10
Sujet: Re: fast player
AbigailII: well in a definition you would be a fast player as as soon as you logon you play your games quite fast

according to your opponents you arent though .. they only see you move once a day and dont care wether you are logged in the rest of the time or not

thats why, from the opponents point of view, i would like to suggest taking the average waiting time per game in which its your turn, but you didnt move yet (wether you are online or not) .. thats seems to me the best way to determine the fast-ness of a player (according to his opponents)

and split it over various game types please ;)

9. Mars 2007, 19:49:27
Sujet: Re: fast player
i have another one :

average time per move is determined by 'time online but not moved in the waiting game'

as soon as you come online your time starts running .. until you moved in the game .. maybe the time is multiplied with the games still waiting for you to move ..

when you log off time stops running

this would determine the speed of move .. but not the speed in which you move after your opponent moved

(of course this could be faked by not logging off .. or by logging off each time you read the boards :))

9. Mars 2007, 14:09:09
Sujet: Re:
AbigailII: true .. i only would like to know how long i would have to wait in average before my opponent moves

(but .. please separate it per game type .. most of the times i make my moves in the following order : the ones for which i have less than 2 days remaining time, then all gammon types, then all other dice types, then all battleboat games, then all games which already have a lot of moves, then the rest by order of remaining time)

8. Mars 2007, 16:01:58
Sujet: Re:
gogul: i am a fast player (or at least not slow) in some type of games, but i am slower in other types

a way to determine speed of play would be to take the average time a game, after your opponent has moved, has to wait before you move

of course another reason (and probably more important than the timezone difference) for the wait is my sleeping time
(or any other reason why i am not online) .. this reason should be taken into account in the speed of play stat for sure
suppose i sleep 8 hours, work 9 hours (and cant play at work), take shower, dress, have dinner, etc. for another 3 hours, travel to and from work for 1 hour, then i have 3 hours left to play .. i might be a fast player then and move within the minute .. but i might still not be able to make all my moves as i 'only' have 3 hours

the reason for me to make little moves (although i might be fast) is just because of occupations in real life .. but its not of importance to your opponent why you are not there .. its important that you are not there

take the average waiting time for game while its your turn and you will have a decent speed-of-play-stat i think

6. Mars 2007, 09:55:08
Sujet: inbox: game notifications
would it be possible to add the 'delete' button to the top of the messages in the inbox

when i receive a message about a tournament game, it includes the tournament section .. which is great! .. but i have to scroll down 1 page to be able to delete the message .. (as the button is at the bottom now)

if the button would be on top of the message i dont have to scroll :)

26. Novembre 2006, 20:32:48
Sujet: Re: heY fencer!!! - I have a really great unique idea for a word game for those who like word games...
plaintiger: we have a game called 'boardscript' .. its like scrabble .. but you play with 8 letters instead of 7, and when you use all (8) letters you dont het an extra bonus of 50 points, but your get an extra 'double word value' added (which is often less than 50 points :)) .. also the value per letter has been changed a bit . but the rest is completely the same as scrabble

23. Novembre 2006, 10:24:00
Sujet: new bkr type : for tournaments
i think it would be nice to have an extra bkr which shows how succesful you were in the tournaments you played

a better explanation can be found in some posts on the bg board :

8. Août 2006, 12:51:11
Sujet: Re: is it possible
King Reza: stingy is better indeed (i didnt know that word, thanks :))

btw we are offramping ;)

8. Août 2006, 12:37:55
Sujet: Re: is it possible
Fencer: lol .. might be an idea .. but will wait a bit longer first :)

(i am dutch after all, count the sayings in english with the word dutch in it which have something to do with being greedy ;))

8. Août 2006, 11:15:26
Sujet: Re: is it possible
King Reza: it would be perfect if you could do it per game type, and add a allowed bkr for it

i dont need to allow it for specific players as i can put playes on my list of blocked users if i dont want to be invited

so per game a checkbox wether you allow invitations or not, in which bkr range

19. Juillet 2006, 13:16:12
Sujet: top % in several game types
would it be possible to have a page in which we can select a few game types (or 1 game class like 'backgammon and variants') after which it would show us a query like what i posted at the backgammon board ?

16. Juillet 2006, 19:28:10
Sujet: Re: Clearing every game each day
Marfitalu: :) thats nice as well .. it would mean you get more points when you have more time left in the games when you make your move

its slightly bad though .. as it will give a LOT of points of players joining tournaments which give 30 days per move .. while fast players who usually join faster timed game will earn less points per move

16. Juillet 2006, 19:19:00
Sujet: Re: Clearing every game each day
Walter Montego: *nod* i like it as well to give extra action points for players who have 0 left i which its their turn to move

(i will almost never win those points though as i often leave a difficult position wait for when i have more time (usually in the weekend ;)) .... but that wont be with any gammon type ;)

i also would love a time per move per game type statistic .. would be a very interesting statistic which can be used in various ways

15. Juillet 2006, 20:18:01
Sujet: Re:
grenv: and bfs of teachers :(
i wish i could go on holiday out of the high season .. but my gf is a teacher .. its bad especially there are lots of places where we want to go to which have their rain season in our holiday times .. :)

14. Juillet 2006, 21:01:44
Sujet: Re: Thank you
modifié par Hrqls (14. Juillet 2006, 21:06:27)
Fencer: thanks :)
i cant test it now as i declined all already this morning .. but i guess i can send a message now :)

quick and effecient as always :)

hehe .. thanks whopper & marfitalu .. its was indeed nice and very effecient :)
i dont need any more invitations for chess ;)

14. Juillet 2006, 13:09:28
Sujet: Re: Thank you
could it be possible to send a message when declining all game invitations ?

at the moment i can only send a message when i decline 1 invitation

i want to decline all with the message that i wont accept any new until i am back from my holiday :)

29. Juin 2006, 21:56:27
Sujet: Re: Simulation Tourneys
gambler104: true

but maybe some kind of tournament could be arranged in which a higher ranked player has to win against more opponents to continue than the lower players themselves ?

maybe a higher ranked player has to play against a team of lower ranked players and the higher ranked player has to win at least 66% of the matches to continue to the next round, if the lower ranked team wins more than 33% then they continue ?

27. Juin 2006, 10:09:04
Sujet: Re:
Sarah1980: and yahtzee ... fun and easy :)
(maybe with a doubling cube ;))

1. Juin 2006, 20:47:37
Sujet: Re: Sphere froglet ?
nabla: how does sphere chess work ? wouldnt you get stuck on the borders ? or get too many (or none) options to move to ?

1. Juin 2006, 09:50:03
Sujet: Re: Smileys
KotDB: when i am playing from work smileys can be bad as well .. a site with just text (when i am reading the boards) doesnt attract all attention ... smileys attract a bit more :)

(the games boards though attract most attention .. it would be nice to have them in text form as well ;))

31. Mai 2006, 10:28:10
Sujet: Re: BK Store
Nickel: yes!! i second that!
i am a collector of coffee mugs .. of places where i have been .. and which i got as presents

at brainking .. well ... been there .. ;)

15. Mai 2006, 13:07:54
Sujet: played games in stairs
is there a way to find all games someone has played in a certain stairs ?

if not, then it would be a nice addition :)

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