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The place to review or just chat about all Music & Videos.

Music Discussion Board

Feel free to talk about ANY Music you are interested in.

Embedding files from YouTube is welcome on this board.

Also any Hyper Links you wish to use.

This is a public board. All members, regardless of membership level (this includes pawns) are welcome to post here.

YOUTUBE has changed the way it codes it's Video Embed's. To make it work now you must right-click on the Video itself, and select 'Copy Embed HTML'. The Embed link under the Video does NOT work at present on BrainKing.

Please note - ANY material posted here deemed offensive or plagiarized will be removed immediately. The posting user(s) will be banned. This is not negotiable. Plagiarism is posting any original writings of another person without proper reference. Such material will be removed to avoid copyright infringements.

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11. Juin 2007, 14:04:18
Sujet: Re:From he who wrote it

TexasToest: Try and read # 9 on this link

cant hurt to read # 5 F too

11. Juin 2007, 14:25:35
Sujet: Re:
Eriisa: If Fencer makes this feature open for pawns too, then you dont need to embed for them :)

11. Juin 2007, 14:42:34
Sujet: Re:
Andersp: Yes, I know. It was simply a friendly offer.

11. Juin 2007, 17:36:01
The Col 
Sujet: Re: embedding
TexasToest: This is just a guess,but considering the video was circa 1972 maybe it was used for live stereo enhancement.i know The Grateful Dead used a similar mic setup when using their famous "BEAST" pa system

11. Juin 2007, 20:38:57
The Col 
Sujet: I check utube about once a month for this masterpiece
i prefer the original recording done by the composer Murray McLaughlin,but this version will have to do.

11. Juin 2007, 20:42:41
Sujet: Re: If you've never heard this man sing
Tigger: I had never seen a video before of IZ playing - but I am a fan -thanks for posting that - the footage at the end was fitting...

12. Juin 2007, 03:29:28
Sujet: Thanks everybody!
jadarite:  Isn't that always the way?  The people who are supposed to read the legalese don't know  the words and they certainly don't understand the intricacies.  Shame on YouTube.  That ought to be on page one in words kids under 13 can understand.  Question:  Are you under age 13?  Yes?  Then, go get your mom or pop, and let them decide if you can be here. 

Sorry, the embedding privilege is only available to Rooks, I believe.  You can ask one of us to go get the code, and embed it for you if you'd like.  Um, yeah.  What Eriisa said.

Tigger:  Isn't Emmanuel wonderful?  It's obvious he gets a huge kick out of playing that geetar.  Actually, did you bring him to us earlier, like a couple of weeks ago?  Cuz, after I watched that first video, I looked at a few more, and the Classical Gas was one of them. Love the way he plays the short strings, don't you?  Hahahaha!   He's great anytime.  I wonder what kind of strings he uses.  They are really bright.  Tell us more about Israel Kamakawiwo'ole.  I believe I HAD heard his voice before, but didn't know what I was listening to.

Jim Dandy:  Very interesting.  I'd never seen a set-up like that.  Isn't Tom Rush an inspiration?  He's so wonderful.  An unsung hero in most circles.  How well I remember that day in MY life.

Great stuff, everybody.  Thanks for the welcome home from a hard, long day at work.  Music always makes me feel better, and it's always better when shared.

12. Juin 2007, 03:35:06
Sujet: Re: Thanks everybody!
TexasToest:  Can we who arent mods embed for pawns too?

12. Juin 2007, 03:48:09
Sujet: Re: Thanks everybody!
Andersp:  Rooks can embed all the files they want.  So, if a pawn asks you to embed a file for them, you could.

12. Juin 2007, 04:16:12
Sujet: Re: Thanks everybody!

This points out the stupidity in segregating the group and limiting features to members only. I understand Fencer wants subscribers, but subscriber limited features should be game related. You can tie a pretty red bow and try to offer me it for my computer, but I don't need a pretty red bow. What I want are game features. If you aren't willing to improve on the game features, I can't complain. However, what do you try to achieve by limiting this Youtube (the red bow) to subscribers only? That is no incentive to subscribe, TRY AGAIN.

12. Juin 2007, 04:21:33 
Sujet: Re: Thanks everybody!
jadarite: I can give you a good reason if you like.

Lets say there is a "bad" paid member here who does post a bad video - what will happen. The moderator will ban them from posting. Then if that "bad" paid member wanted to continue, they could sign in with fake pawn accounts over and over and continue to post the "bad" stuff... in turn, making the whole board turn into pawn-approve status, which in turn in very bad for pawns.

That is just my opinion of why I think it is good to not give pawns the ability to post videos. Again, just my personal opinion.

12. Juin 2007, 04:36:18
Sujet: Re: Thanks everybody!
jadarite:  I'm going to duck this one, and refer you to where your arguments might fall on eyes who can do something about your complaints.  This board is for music related chat only.  Thanks for helping us keep it that way.  Thanks for fielding the comments. 

12. Juin 2007, 05:24:57
Sujet: Re: Thanks everybody! & TexasToest:

I'll try commenting to both your comments within the scope of this board being music related.

When I registered, my account had to be approved. So, I could not post music videos in here if I wasn't approved. This is the same as not allowing pawns to post. I have no greater ability as a non-member than I do as a member of the site. In fact, I have less capabilites as a non-member than being a member.

Nice try sugar coating subscriptions, but I am not buying it. Is this a game server or not? I would like to know my money if I subscribe goes to games, not videos.

12. Juin 2007, 06:17:34
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Did I mention Tommy has a brother?

Tommy and Phil in Pickie, Pickie, Pickie

12. Juin 2007, 06:18:43
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Oh yeah, and they pick faster than most guitarists can think!

12. Juin 2007, 06:33:09
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Perhaps you all have seen this one

12. Juin 2007, 06:43:52
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Andy McKee
Amazing talent.

I found this guy on YouTube a while back. He is nothing like I've ever seen before. This is my favorite song of his.

12. Juin 2007, 08:33:20
The Col 
Sujet: Re: Thanks everybody!
jadarite: I also agree,your question may have merit,but is probably best suited for the guy holding the purse strings.

12. Juin 2007, 14:47:08
Sujet: OK..i try again


I havent done any segregation, Fencer has said that this video option is for rooks only.  I suppose his main reason is that he doesnt want multi nics to pop up and post "junk", you can ask him :)

So, when two mods offered to assist you to embed i just asked if that was something only mods could do or if we "normal rooks" could do it too.

So...please post any complaints about segregation to Fencer im sure he'll be happy to answer :)

12. Juin 2007, 15:13:51
Sujet: Differnt

12. Juin 2007, 15:19:44
Sujet: Summer!

12. Juin 2007, 15:35:57

One for my dad, his favourite, Kate Bush.

12. Juin 2007, 22:52:31
The Col 
Sujet: I hope this is taken in the proper light
The embedding feature is cool,it looks nice and adds color to the board.I hope this doesn't become the board version of MTV though.Slapping down videos with no discussion or time to savour them each individually would be a shame,I personally enjoy the discussion aspect of this board and would hate to see it become merely a video posting option with no chat about the artists or performances.The sheer volume alone could lead it down that path I'll continue posting links for two reasons 1:I can post multiple or single video performances without scrolling off too many posts.
2: cuz I have no idea how to embed

Again,my only concern with embedding is the risk that this board loses its conversational aspect and basically becomes MTV

12. Juin 2007, 23:56:05
The Col 
Sujet: Re: Kate Bush
Mousetrap: What a shame she hated flying,it really hurt her ability to become the star she should have been in North America

13. Juin 2007, 01:27:44
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re: I hope this is taken in the proper light
Jim Dandy:  I think you have made a very good point.  I'd love to discuss some of the videos.  Joe Satriani's video is excellent and for the guitarists out there, watching him play so effortlessly is simply amazing.  I'm more of an accoustic player and lean more toward country but I love the sounds and style he brings out in his music.  Alot of Satriani is technique playing which is very hard to master.  But the bulk of his gift lies in his endless imagination in his guitar solos.  

13. Juin 2007, 02:45:34
Sujet: Re: I hope this is taken in the proper light
Jim Dandy: I agree.. too much infor.. too much time required as well.. whew.. blow me away.. this board is getting boring again..

13. Juin 2007, 02:57:50
Sujet: Re:


Heathcliff, it's me--Cathy.
Come home. I'm so cold!
Let me in-a-your window.

Really good spiritual song!  I like this one as well.. nice and eerie.. good one to really fool the hearts with.. eh... eheheh..

13. Juin 2007, 03:13:24
Sujet: A few comments.
Tigger:  Whew!  Can you imagine?  My fingers just don't move that fast!  Re:  Canon....who is under that hat?  I think I want to marry him.  If it's not a him, I might change my thinking on a few things.  Whew!  Excellent.  Andy McKee - what an interesting style.  Really nice sound, though.  I wonder how he tunes his guitar.  I figure it's an open tuning.  Very nice.  You've been busy today.  

I just love everybody sharing their favorite videos.  I'm hearing/seeing more new stuff than I even knew was out there.  This will broaden horizons.

:  Who IS that?  Tell us something about it....or me anyway.  I may be the only ignorant one here.  That is wild!  Haha!

Andersp:  I love accordian music.  I've done a little piece on Flaco Jimenez, who plays the squeeze box with a lot of Texas rock musicians.  The accordian is prominent in the music of Mexico, and I live down here where a lot of Latinos are playing their tunes.  Our music scene down here is often a melding of styles.  Thanks for the post.

:  Oh!  I must be about your dad's age.  I love Kate Bush too!!!!  And, that's one of my favorite songs of hers.  She was once married to Peter Gabriel, wasn't she?

Lisa A:  Thank you so much for the Satriani piece.  I haven't heard anything of him in a loooooooong time.  It's all my own fault too.  Think I'll get out and buy some of his stuff.

Jim Dandy
:  I gave instructions for embedding over the weekend.  Did you miss them?  Would you like private lessons?  I totally agree with your wish that we continue to discuss music, new and old, of whatever genre and media.  That is the great benefit of this board to me.  You'll note that I always comment, and offer what I can.  Maybe if we set an example, others will follow suit.  

Tigger again:  Spot on!  Satriani is absolutely amazing.

13. Juin 2007, 06:07:10
The Col 
Sujet: Re: Andy McKee
modifié par The Col (13. Juin 2007, 06:09:14)
Tigger: I'm happy to hear my comment was recieved as it was intended.I enjoy shooting the breeze with you folks about the music and artists,I 'd hate to lose that.

This guy is quite a talent,he could put percussionists out of work! He should team up with Bobby McFerrin

13. Juin 2007, 06:10:58
The Col 
Sujet: Re: A few comments.
TexasToest: i guess I have a short attention span.Private lessons may be required

13. Juin 2007, 06:29:12
Sujet: Re: Its meeee Cathyyyy lol!
ScarletRose: Yes she,s great! I like her movements, it is kinda like sign language only different lmbo and she is easy to follow. I remember her appearing on New Faces.
Yep she could have been a big star there Jim it is a shame.
I have a double album of her,s Texas from way back, my dad said at the time he bought it for me but I think it was for him really lmbo!

13. Juin 2007, 10:25:11
Sujet: Re: Your Post:
modifié par Nirvana (13. Juin 2007, 12:20:07)

Steve Morse who played with the Dixie Dregs and tours with Deep Purple

Steve Morse Talks With Sterling Ball about the Steve Morse Signature Model Ernie Ball Music Man Guitar.

*I will happily do the same for any pawns or brainknights.

13. Juin 2007, 12:14:42
Sujet: Re: Your post
modifié par Nirvana (13. Juin 2007, 12:19:22)

Steve Morse who played with the Dixie Dregs and tours with Deep Purple

Steve Morse Talks With Sterling Ball about the Steve Morse Signature Model Ernie Ball Music Man Guitar.

Part One of the set of three

part two of the set of three.

jadarite's post showed the third of the trilogy.

13. Juin 2007, 12:24:26
Sujet: Re:

Kate Bush ~ Wuthering Heights.

13. Juin 2007, 14:02:26
Sujet: 3 guitars and one drum :)

13. Juin 2007, 16:44:16
Born 13th June ..............

1969, Soren Rasted, Aqua, (1997 UK No.1 single 'Barbie Girl)Dr. Jones

1949, Dennis Locorriere, guitar, Dr Hook, (1972 US No.5 & UK No.2 single 'Sylvia's Mother' plus 9 other US Top 40 hits). Only Sixteen

1940, Bobby Freeman, singer, (1958 US & UK No.5 single 'Do You Want To Dance').

13. Juin 2007, 16:46:25

Also born 13th June 1943, Esther Ofarim, singer, ~~ 1968 UK No.1 single 'Cinderella Rockerfella'

13. Juin 2007, 18:17:05
Sujet: Re: 1940, Bobby Freeman, singer, (1958 US & UK No.5 single 'Do You Want To Dance').
Nirvana: That video is familiar but I can't place it. Isn't that from a movie???

13. Juin 2007, 23:12:43
Sujet: Re: 1940, Bobby Freeman, singer, (1958 US & UK No.5 single 'Do You Want To Dance').
Eriisa: I looked further into it, it possibly was, but Disney put it to music as part of a series of DTV (Disney Television) music videos. Maybe someone else knows?

13. Juin 2007, 23:30:09
Sujet: Re: 1940, Bobby Freeman, singer, (1958 US & UK No.5 single 'Do You Want To Dance').
Nirvana: It reminded me of Fantasia, but I'm not sure. Thanks for looking!

13. Juin 2007, 23:41:41
Sujet: Re: 1940, Bobby Freeman, singer, (1958 US & UK No.5 single 'Do You Want To Dance').
Eriisa: what I was actually looking for at the time was videos of Bobby Freeman, but the quality of those I found was awful and I thought that one was fun.

13. Juin 2007, 23:44:54
Sujet: Re: 1940, Bobby Freeman, singer, (1958 US & UK No.5 single 'Do You Want To Dance').
modifié par Nirvana (14. Juin 2007, 00:19:51)
DTV (Disney Television) music videos
did a similar thing with this one:
Bobby Lewis ~ Tossin' and Turnin'

14. Juin 2007, 00:16:37
The Col 
Sujet: Re: 1940, Bobby Freeman, singer, (1958 US & UK No.5 single 'Do You Want To Dance').
Nirvana: I did some research but came up empty.I they weren't done recently than he should be considered a video pioneer.

14. Juin 2007, 01:30:41
The Col 
Sujet: Re: Neil Peart
modifié par The Col (14. Juin 2007, 01:39:26)
Lisa A: I'm a self taught drummer.I learned to play by putting on the headphones and playing the complete 2112 album over an over.Peart is a God.Here is a rare treat I've been saving for an occasion such as this

14. Juin 2007, 13:42:42
Sujet: Videos
Does anyone else have the videos hang and skip while playing. It doesn't do it on YouTube, only the embedded ones on here.

14. Juin 2007, 13:47:47
Sujet: Re: Videos
Eriisa: I haven't had that problem.

14. Juin 2007, 13:49:22
Sujet: Re: Videos
Eriisa: No they are all working ok for me.

14. Juin 2007, 13:52:12
Sujet: Re: Neil Peart and learning to play drums
Jim Dandy: And this was in the shed at the bottom of the garden where you did this right?

14. Juin 2007, 13:52:38
Maybe its just my DSL or soemthing.


14. Juin 2007, 15:13:34
Sujet: Connie
This is primarily for the Non-Brits who most likely haven't seen this.

This is 6 year old Connie on Britain's Got Talent. Unbelievably Perfect Pitch ! Just wanted to share with you all..........

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