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It was a beautiful day the sky was cloudless, the sea gulls were flying and taking those remarable dives into the ocean and coming up with their beaks full of fat fish! "And me! I sit all day and can't catch a bite!" this young beautiful girl stood up brushed off her shorts , folded her blanket and tucket everything in the large storage box back on the porch of the beach house slightly up the hill overlooking the fishing dock and that beautiful water. Hazel wanted to explore the other camp grounds and see who all was here this summer. She was trying to get her mind set on a new novel she was writting for her contract with Cornwell Publishers a very good publishing company it has paid her very well the past 4 years for her 50 some books all that made the New York Times Best Sellers List mind you! She was climbing over rocks and fallen trees when her foot got stuck inbetween some tree roots and ROPE! what was that doing here!" She started to yank her foot out, when she felt a searing pain go through her ankle it hurt so bad she cried out. She was in so much pain she did not see or hear this very good looking man come running up from the Hanovers Camping Ground. Tears were spilling over on her cheeks, her eyes closed tight with mouth clenched tight suddenly she felt a very soft cloth on her face she opened her eye blinking the tears awayas fast as she could....'oh my gosh ..this man is gorgeous!!! she was thinking, she started to talk and her words were getting all jumbled."Oh Great! Here I go again when will I ever beable to just say "hi" without it feeling and sounding like I have a mouth full of mashed potatoes when I see a good looking man' her brain was going overtime in the 'thinking department. Hazel started to blush, clear her throat and was about to try and talk when..........
Tigger: I was waiting for granny to hop in again as she had such a neat plot to this story. i was new to this kind of story writting altho i believe i tried in another fellowship. i think if people don't jump in maybe its because they don't know they should or can. i think a private message to the writters first should be done to an ongoing story. i am sadden that it may stop. but if it does then it does. i will know more what to do next time.
"oh, the noise and , oh my head! 'Where am I ? what the ...oh my gosh! who is laying on top of me!!!!!!!!! its so dark.., it feels like we are in a car. Robin is trying to stay awake and focuse on what is happening around her. She feels the body, the head...oh its Scarlet! wake up, wake up.HER MIND IS RACING, SHE TRIES TO TALK AND NO THING IS COMING OUT. ..why she asks herself. suddenly the car stops. she lays quietly, she hears the car door then the key in the trunk lock ...the trunk door flys open , Robin is pretending to be asleep but has her eyes open ever so slighlty. "its SALLY! what in the world is she doing with us!!
robin slept so deeply that when the wind took a fast try to help her wake up by sucking the back door and slaming it shut startling sally to the point she fell backwards on her bottom! the ole adrinaline was starting to heat up inside her body she creeped into the next room then she saw the trail of robins clothing leading up to robins room. oh this is going to be a piece of cake sally thought as she watched robin slleping so nice in her bed. sally hurridley poured the ether on to a folded bandanda and slowly held in under robins nose. this was exciting sally thought............then after waiting for 10 minutes she started to swing robin up in bed and over her shoulder. turning shestarted down the stairs and out the back door carfully keeping close to the house and trees . she put robin in her jeep and slowly drove out heading back to town. she had to drive past scarlets house so she eased of the gas and hoped that scarlet was in the back room for at least another 20 minutes.
Robin finally drove in her driveway, turned off her car and just left everything in the car except her keys. she stumbled up the stairs to her front door and let heself in. it was soo good to be home! she almost ran up to her bedroom and quickly undressed stepped into a hot shower. she was drying her hair with a towel, she thought she heard a noise but was too tired to go check it out. she crawled into her bed and under the covers and was 'out like a light in two minutes flat'. in the kitchen her back door knob was slowly turning...
sooooooooo happy!!!!! "why Scarlet whats the good news?" "Oh! Robin, I just got off the phone with your mom and found your dad just had a hiatial hernia attach and will be ok! i am so happy for you!" "thanks, yes it is great news well i am just beat i think i will head home. I am going to stay home from work today since it is already 4 in the morning! i will be turning off my cell and phone at home and wanted you to know that since Monday is a holiday I am just going to snuggle in with a good book. I will have two days to myself so don't worry if you don't hear from me ok? They hug goodbye and walk out to each of their cars. Little did Scarlet and Robin know that someone else had a better plan "For Robins Two Day Holiday"
Robin called Scarlet the first thing the day after the dance to see how everything turned out before she went home from the hospital. Scarlets phone rang and rang but no answer and her answering machine was turned off as it never clicked on for her to leave a message. So with a sye she started out from the phone booth in the lobby. She almost collided into Scarlet who was running in from the main door. "What........well hi! I was just trying to call you. Then she saw her friends face it was
Robin hopped into the taxi and told the driver to go to the Jefferson County Memorial Hospital and let you off at the E.R. Entrance. She sits back in the cabs comfortable seat and closes her eyes, all the while obliblivious of sallys car speeding out of the parking lot while she was sitting back. She just wished tonight was over and that everything would be ok. Her mind went on to remembering the strange actions of sally earlier........just what was she up to with Dan?
Robin left Scarlet and was waiting out by the main driveway entrance for her taxi cab. The clouds were heavy in the night skies covering the moon from time to time as they shifted eastward, giving an eirrey atmosphere to the warm summer night. she felt the presence of someone watching her. she looked across the driveway to the parking lot but didn't see anyone in the cars even tho the parking lot was very lighted by the newly installed lights. maybe it was how the light lit up the night robin thought to her self. oh its just i am scared for my dad, she thought then memories of the times she had with her dad over the years had her in deep thoughts so she wasn't aware of
Robin left the two Sheriffs and went on into the dance. Scarlett was talking to ...Sally!!! When Robin got up to them , she broke into their conversation to ask Sally if she could have a private chat with SR .
Robin and SR went over to a less crowded corner. "I just got a call from my home I must leave immediately my dad is having a heart attack, I already called a taxi. Becareful around Sally I just don't think she is as nice as everyone thinks. Bye.....
Robin started to lead the handsome sheriff when they saw movement up ahead and to the left of them. Robin caught a glimtz of Minere , She called out to him. She knew Sally had had a good ten minute start and Robin didn't care if Sally heard them or not. Then she and Sheriff Bruce Bigones, as he had introduced himself as they walked saw that Sheriff Minera had turned back and was going towards the patio of the country club.
Robin sat down by the barn door to get some of the fragrarent summer night breeze, she was very depressed tonight, her life was in a "standstill" and she was hoping someone would come in and 'would be the "One" to fill her dreams of love. She was causually looking around when she c aught sight of that darn Sally ushering Minere thru the trucks and into the woods. "what's she up to now?" She started to stand so she could get a better look when her left hand flew back and she heard a 'yipe'. She turned and looked straight into the chest of a very well built man. Her eyes turned upward and she looked onto the handsomest man she every saw. His eye were crystal blue and he had dark curly hair. "Excuse me there pretty lady, but the guy serving the punch said I might get you to point me out to Minere. I am the sherriff from Armstrong Co. and I need to get some information he asked for earlier. Its VERY URGENT. Robin came out of her daze and her adrenalyn started to flow, "why, he just followed Sally Jackson out into the woods, they were walking pretty fast , but here come with me I want to see where shes taking him in such a hurry, I just know she's up to no good."
Oh! Lookie there Scarlet, Johnnie is coming our way!!!!!!! I wonder if he will ask ME to dance! He is so totally awsome in that Black Stetson. Did any of you see him in that Rodeo riding that huge Bull of Buckey Lewis's Uncle Mack down in Pine? He won the record for staying on that Bull! THAT BULL has thrown so many riders. IO heard that Sallys dad lost a big deal of money on that ride! HE THOUGHT FOR SURE THE BULL WOULD WIN!! I hear that her dad might have to file bankrupcy too.
Horseman: Isabelle turned chalk white and turned and fled deeper into the jungle. Crying uncontollingly she triped over a root and landed flat on her stomach. There she laid quiet crackeling sounds came thru the vegetation, shouting and screaming continued; slowly Isabelle began to feel dizzy, "whats happening to me" and she lost contionesness.
ScarletRose: "scarlet!" Scarlet was awaken from her day dreaming and found Isabella pulling at her wrist, "oh, PLEASE Scarlet don't be taken in by Fernandos charms, we have to escape before its too late.........
"psssst" a loud hissing noise from the bushes to the right of scarlet. Scarlet looks around. "Pssst" there it is again Scarlet stops and goes back as the others keep walking with Miss Earhart. Suddenly a small whisp of a beautiful girl with big brown eyes came slowly out to grab Scarlets hand. "Please, do not go with them there is much danger here, that woman is not who you think she is!!!!!! My name is Isabella and I have been stranded here for over two years. There is a small plane that brings food and other things wrapped in red fabric, that flies in here daily at 4 in the morning. We must escape before its too late!" Her eyes were so sad and then they started filling with fluid and trickling down her shallow cheeks. "I don't know Isabella, I can't fantom all whats happening here yet, and I can't just leave the others! Suddenly there is shouting from the forest ahead of them in the direction the others gone, shots were heard, scarlet turns back around to talk to Isabella, but the frightened girl has disappeared. As scarlet is wondering where she went and a large arm wraps around her waist and a strong hand clamps down over her mouth. quickly she is picked up and carted off in a different direction. Squirming does little the person is very strong, scarlet thinks to herself, wishing her other friends would come to her aid...quick!!!!
hotmommy22: so cute. i just love to see babies and animals with little words for their expressions. have fun with your babies they grow up faster than you know!!!!!!
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