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22. Juin 2004, 08:12:32
Hello Kitty 
Just then Mark & Tinman came out of the castle with the witch in hand. The witch shreiked & said,"What are they doing to my yellow brick sidewalk?" "Isn't is a Federal offense to break into someones private property?" she screamed out at the workers. "Why yes I do believe that is correct." answered the Scarecrow. "Look!" said the Lion as he pointed up into the sky. "Kill Mark" was written in the sky. "That too is a serious charge" said Mark to the witch. "Don't look at me" said the witch "I didn't do it!" "Maybe not" said the arresting officer, but that is your broom & your cat & you are an accomplice!" as the arresting officer escorted her into his police car.

18. Juin 2004, 06:39:45
Hello Kitty 
The Big Green Golem was flailing blinded by the blanket & threw his arms about landing the witch in the jaw. She went flying to the floor & Mark took advantage of the mishap by throwing himself & holding her arms down. "Oh my, my my", stammered the Tinman. "Help me out!" shouted Mark top lung. Scarecrow grabbed the witches bony arms helping Mark to keep the witch from escaping. "Let Go of Me!!" Screamed the Foul Witch. "Get them Off of Me Techie!" she Demanded. "Uh....." began Techie as he stood motionless. "Get that rope Lion so we can tie her up!", said Mark. "Let Go of Me!", Cursed the witch. "Not on your Life!" answered Mark. The Green Golem fell with the blanket still stuck on his green slimy body. "You Big Oaf!" Techie said disappointed to his Failed monster. "Let Me GO!! Demanded the Witch, "You'll Be Sorry!" she spewed. Together they tied her up with the rope until she was motionless. Techie pulled the blanket from the Golem & ran out the door with his Big Oaf trailing him. "You little Traitor!" Screamed the witch at him, "I'll get you my little Techie Poo! And You'll be Sorry!"

17. Juin 2004, 01:08:10
Hello Kitty 
"Just like the enzymes in the stomach of man can disintigrate those nano butter & jam men, this microwave produces powerfully mastered radioactivy designed to disintegrate atomic nuclei and nano robots," said the Scarecrow off the top of his head. "Wow", he added, "It sure is good to have a brain!" "Yes", agreed Mark, "And look at this!" "It's the microwave oven that is diagrammed in the blueprints. I guess Techie built it as a back up just in case he needed to destroy the nanorobots if they got out of hand." "It's rather large isn't it?" asked the Tinman. "Do you think this is the oven that those kids threw the first witch into?" quivered the lion. "Quite possible", replied Mark, as he took a look inside of it. "We got the data", said the Lion cowardly, "Can we go now?" "Please." Just as they were about to leave in walks the Green Golem. "Aaaaahh!" howled the Lion in fear as he ran & jumped into the arms of Mark. Mark put him down and Tinman drew his axe in defense, when in walked Techie & the Ugly Witch.

17. Juin 2004, 00:41:55
Hello Kitty 
"Did you hear something?" asked the witch as she held Techie back from walking. "What?" he asked. "Shhh!" she said, "listen." "What is it?" asked Techie. "Sniff, Sniff" smelled the witch, "There's a human in here!" "I'm a Human," said Techie. "Well it's not you that I smell!" exclaimed the nasty witch. "No make me mad," said the green golem. "Would you shut that thing up!" demanded the witch. "Shhh, be quiet," said Techie to his green creation. "You no like me when me mad" added the green golem. "Ah," said the witch, "Let's send him in the lab and let him have a bite to eat!" "Good idea!" agreed Techie. Off they tiptoed quietly to the lab, except for the green golem that kind of hobbled in his big oafiness.

14. Juin 2004, 04:11:02
Hello Kitty 
"Take a look at this fellas," said Mark, as he held up the binder full of all the nanotechnology data, "Jackpot!" "Now can we get out of here?" asked the Lion timidly, as he still stood spying outside the door. "Of course," answered Mark, "Let's Get outta here!" "I'm with you!", agreed the Tinman & Scarecrow in unison. Just then they heard a door slam & voices. Quietly they all stood still listening. "Oh my," whispered the Lion sorrowfully, "That's the sister to the one you killed Mark, and she's even worse!" "Not the wicked witch of the S W?" asked Scarecrow fearfully. "I'm afraid so", said Lion tearfully. "Well don't be shedding no tears now Lion!" exclaimed the Tinman, "We've got to find a way out of here!" "He's right," agreed Mark, "We've got to keep our wits about us & find a way out of here." "Stop Rumbling Tinman," said Mark, "We've got to be quiet as mice." "I'llll..trryyy." said Tinman in a wavering voice, as he clenched his axe tightly in his hands.

12. Juin 2004, 23:12:16
Hello Kitty 
"Will you just Get On the BROOM!!"screamed the witch. "Well, er..." said Techie, "I'm not all too certain this is going to work." "Just climb aboard!" demanded the witch "And grab hold Tight!" "Eiou," said Techie in disgust as he swung one leg over the broom & grabbed hold of the witches coarse black dress. "Away Broom!" shrieked the witch. And off they were flying to the castle. "Aahhh!! Screamed Techie. He held tight around the witch's jiggly belly, trying desperatly to keep his balance on the narrow brrom. Every now & then he would steal a glance at the height they flew, then he would close them tight & try hard not to lose his lunch. "Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh!!" Cackled the hag witch. "Oh, my", said Techie to himself fearfully.

12. Juin 2004, 22:47:15
Hello Kitty 
"Well lion", began the scarecrow, "You sure showed your courage today. Why not too many would stand up against that powerful unicorn!" "Yes", agreed Mark, "You are the King of the Jungle." "Aw, Gosh, Fellows", mumbled the lion, as he held the unicorn's horn in his paws. "It's good to be back, & thanks to you all for your support." "Yes", said the Tinman,"If I hadn't dehorned him with my axe, he'd have killed you for sure!" "Tinman!" shouted the scarecrow, "You weren't supposed to say that!" "Oh", muttered the Tinman,"sorry lion". "Oh No!" shouted Mark. "What is it?" asked the lion. "We forgot to get the Nanotechnology Data from the castle!! We have to go back!" "Go back?" asked the lion in a shaky voice. "Yes!" exclaimed Mark we have to go back & get it!"

12. Juin 2004, 00:50:15
Hello Kitty 
"KLUNK!" "KLUNK!" The witch jumped in her chair. Something just crashed on top of the cottage's roof. Putting the munchkin pastry down she kicked the blue cat out of her path. "MEEOOOOOWWWW!" cried the cat as it flew & hit the table. "Get out of my way!" screamed the witch as she ran for the door & flung it open. "Crash, & Tumble like a toad, who's that tumbling on my abode?" the witch asked while straining her neck out the door. "Will you please have your stinking apes unhand me!" yelled Techie, the little mad scientist. "Why, certainly," said the witch sarcastically. "Unhand him my monkeys." With that the little mad scientist lost his footing & again began to tumble down the side of the cottage landing with a big Thud! "Oommpf!" was the noise he made when his face hit the ground. Shaking his head, the witch tried to hide her smirk as she laughed at the sight of the fall he had just taken. "I know you're laughing!" Techie yelled accusingly to her. With that the horrid witch threw her head back & that wretched laugh of hers echoed throughout the valley. "Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh!" she shrieked.

11. Juin 2004, 07:01:00
Hello Kitty 
"Why you're shaking lion", exclaimed Mark "And you're rumbling", he said to the tinman." "Would someone please untie me here?" asked the scarecrow impatiently. "Oh", said Mark as he walked over to the scarecrow & began to untie the ropes that bound him to the stake. "They would of toasted me if you all hadn't come along when you did." "Why, you're just about the bestest friends a scarecrow could ever want." Lion wiped a tear from his eye with the tip of his tail. "Well, no use in standing around", began Mark, "Let's blow this joint." "You're not actually going to explode the castle are you?" quivered the tinman. "No," Mark answered, "It's just an expression to leave, "Let's go." "I'm with you", blubbered the lion. "Me too", added the scarecrow. "Me three", said the tinman. "Mark smirked to himself, 'Boy what an experience this was,' he thought. Together they left the witche's castle & walked back to Oz.

10. Juin 2004, 08:45:23
Hello Kitty 
"Hurray!" they all shouted as they looked up to find Mark bending down to them. "Well done!" shouted the lion. "Yes," laughed Mark "She is 'well-done'!" "Where is scarecrow?" asked Mark. "He went to the castle to get the nanotechnology data," answered the lion. "The Castle?" asked Mark, "He went alone?" "Yes," shouted the lion, as the voices stilled.....In the meantime at the castle...the wretched flying monkeys did not want to give up the secret nano data that they knew could give them power to rule Oz. They began tying up scarecrow to a stake & were threatening to set him on fire. They didn't have to speak for scarecrow to know what they were planning, he had a brain now. "Oh, now," pleaded the scarecrow, "That's not a very nice thing for you monkeys to do."

10. Juin 2004, 05:14:03
Hello Kitty 
"Whoa!" "Did you all see that?" Mark asked looking down at his new friends,"That's the end of her!" Then he squinted his eyes & bent further down towards them as he thought he saw more little butter & jam men running towards his friends wearing colorful clothing. "Huh?" He questioned himself, still straining to get a better look. He heard small voices singing in unison, "Ding, dong the witch is dead! Which old witch? The wicked witch! Ding, dong the wicked witch is dead!" "Why, they're little people," began Mark, "It's the Munchkins!" Mark began to laugh hyterically. This is the funniest thing he'd thought he would ever see! The singing & dancing of the munchkins below continued. "She's gone where the goblins go! Below! Below! Below!..."

9. Juin 2004, 19:31:53
Hello Kitty 
"Heh Heh Heh Heh!" cackeled the ugly witch as she threw her head back in laughter. She watched the scene below her as the human grew large and began to consume the threat of the Blob. She knew now that she was again the most powerful threat in all of Oz. With that she gathered up a fireball and threw it at the scarecrow. "How about a little fire scarecrow?" she shrieked at him. Shivering, the scarecrow watched as the fireball was heading right at him. Just then Mark caught it like a flyball and snuffed it out between his enormous fingers. The witch gulped loud as she realized the new threat of the gigantic human that stood before her. "curses", she said under her breath.

9. Juin 2004, 04:49:30
Hello Kitty 
"You've got a brain now scarecrow," said the tinman, "What do you say we do?" "Well, the hypothessis is hypothetical of course, but I believe in all relativity the mass of nanotechnology can be suppressed in the matters of humanology." "What are you Mumbling?" demanded the lion. "The man has to eat the blob." answered the scarecrow. "What?" asked Mark hysterically, "How, Why?"The scarecrow lead the group back to the closet and handed Mark a bottle
"Here," began the scarecrow, I have a bottle of the 'Finky Drink'. Once you drink it you will grow enormous again & eat the blob." "Gross!" began Mark, just as the scarecrow uncapped it & poured it down his throat.

9. Juin 2004, 02:03:17
Hello Kitty 
"Oh, Curses!" wailed the wretched witch. She missed hitting the lion with the protein-enhanced grease that would have nanoized him under her command. The bottle smashed and broke on the nano-sandwich spilling its contents into the form. She knew now that Oz was in for the worst nightmare of its entire existence! As she watched from above, she saw the lion lead the tinman and another human away from her sight. 'Another human?' she questioned, but her thoughts were preoccupied for the moment. She watched frozen with emotion as the form absorbed the protein enhanced nano-grease that gave new life to its existence. She knew now that she would have no control over its power. The form began to bulge and groan and grow larger. It was now a huge mass of dark GOO that Mark would later call 'The Blob'.

30. Mai 2004, 01:04:33
Hello Kitty 
Sujet: Re:
"I wish those tiny forms of Jam & Butter men were only imagined, began the Tinman, but they are very real & very dangerous." "How so?" Mark asked. "Have you heard of Nanotechnology ? asked the lion. Mark remembered Michael Crichton's book 'Prey', "You mean they've been genetically engineered with intelligence?" "Yes, answered the lion, the butter & jam that you purchased was 0 cholesterol & 0 fat, right?" "Yes, answered Mark, it was a new brand." "That brand was manufactured full of nanorobots designed to rid your body of fats & disease at a modular level, but unfortunately these protein-designed molecules have self-reproduced & can self assemble into any form. They change forms & they are quick as lightning because of their catalyst reactions!" "When it mixed with the food products, the nano robots mass-produced & have taken over the Kingdom of Oz."

29. Mai 2004, 20:05:58
Hello Kitty 
Sujet: Re:
"You said to get out of the cabin before the 'Witch' comes!" "Oh, replied the lion, "I only said that to get you moving, why everyone is afraid of witches!" "There aren't any witches here that I know of now, But it is those Butter and Jam men that we fear. Why, they're worse than those flying wretched monkeys the witch left behind when Dorothy melted her!" "How can they be so terrible?" "They're tiny forms of nothing!" "They're made out of nothing but imaginations of butter & jam! The whole thing's Ridiculous!" exploded Mark.

24. Mai 2004, 07:02:50
Hello Kitty 
Mortified, Mark stood staring at the lion as if the very life had been sucked out from him. "We need to leave this place!" shouted the lion. Still Mark stood not wavering. "Come on!" Growled the lion, "We have to leave before the witch comes!" The lion took Mark by hs arm and pulled him out the door. Mark was led like a child by his mother. Everything was surreal. He marveled at the way he fit through the door as he walked under its frame. Then the words hit him. "A what?" yelled Mark, "Did you say a witch?"

22. Mai 2004, 00:54:26
Hello Kitty 
Sujet: Re:
Mark protested, "What are you doing to me?!" They held the flask to Marks lips as he tried to turn away. It read "Drink Me" on its label. Two of the buttermen that stood on Marks neck rammed their swords into his lip. Mark let out a yell and they poured the drink down his throat. Mark sputtered & coughed. He began to feel dizzy & everything started to spin. Everything began to get larger as he began to get smaller.

22. Mai 2004, 00:48:52
Hello Kitty 
Sujet: Re:
With that the jammen ran toward Mark feet forming a slick pool of jam that caused him to slip & fall. Together the jam & the buttermen hoisted ropes & bound them around Mark. It happened quick as lightning & before Mark could even stop them, he realized he was their captive. The buttermen & jammen stood on Mark's chest & together they opened a flask they held in their wee small hands.

21. Mai 2004, 08:03:53
Hello Kitty 
Sujet: Re:
"Hey!" Mark screamed out at them. Tripping on the ropes that bound his legs, he fell like a tower crashing to the ground. Every thing was a blur and when Mark came to his senses, he realized he was no longer in his own neighborhood. His broken house was gone and he was surrounded by a field of flowers with buttermen running all over him.

18. Mai 2004, 05:51:14
Hello Kitty 
Sujet: Re:
"YeoWwwwww!!" Mark cried out, Something had just bit his hand! Dropping the piece of bread, he drew his hand to his face. "You don't expect to eat us without a fight first now do you?!" shouted one of the buttermen that was standing on Mark's hand. Staring in disbelief, Mark blinked hard at the reality of what he was seeing. The swiped butter had reformed itself back into the form of a little butterman. He shook the butterman off & it fell to the floor. Mark knelt down to pick up the slice of bread & saw there was not a lick of butter left on it.

17. Mai 2004, 02:36:04
Hello Kitty 
"This is NOT happening!" he tried to reassure himself. But here he was looking around in his attic that he had broken through with his head! With one hand holding the can of 'Finky Drink', he lifted his other through the broken, plaster- ripped ceiling & felt the top of his head. Sure enough a lump was beginning to form. "Ow," he exclaimed at the touch, "Well I'll be damned."

17. Mai 2004, 02:03:43
Hello Kitty 
Sujet: Re:
"Here we go again," he chuckled to himself. What did he care, it was still pouring down rain. "This is as good as it's going to get," he reasoned. Then he decided to get up & make sure the lids on the butter & jam conainers were on tight.

17. Mai 2004, 01:48:56
Hello Kitty 
Sujet: Re:
'Drink Me' it read on the flask. "Well no wonder I had hallucinations of butter and jam figures, and falling like Alice in Wonderland!" he thought to himself. "Good stuff!", he laughed.

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