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Adam noticed something on his body that was different than Eve's. In fact, he noticed it had this interesting dynamic property as well, under the right circumstances. One day, Eve was sauntering by him quite sexily, Adam saw her...then he held up his arm in a protective manner and said:
"Stay back Eve! I am not sure yet how big this thing will get!"
A father was reviewing his son's report card one evening, and was distraught. His boy had all A's except for math, which he failed. He met with his teacher, then the principal, then after more follow up meetings, he decided to put the boy in a private school. Months passed, his report card arrived, and the same results appeared: All A's, but a failure in Math. The private school cost so much money, the father took him out of this school, and sent him to a very good school uptown. Again, the boy failed math, but had A's in everything else. Finally, he sent the boy off to a local Catholic School. When the first report card arrived, the father looked at it with just one eye open, holding his breath. Then he saw his son had all A's, including math! He said to his son: "Tell me, how were you able to do so well in math in this new school?" The boy turned white as a ghost when his father asked him the question. "Well, on the very first day of school, I walked into the hall and saw this guy nailed to a plus sign, so I knew they did not mess around!"
(Cacher) Si vous souhaitez saluer quelqu'un dans sa langue natale, essayez notre Dictionnaire du Joueur, par le lien "au sujet des langues" sous les drapeaux. (pauloaguia) (Montrer toutes les astuces)