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8. Novembre 2004, 23:19:40
Hmm, it can be caused by some forgotten Javascript snippets. Can you send me the page HTML source?

8. Novembre 2004, 21:08:38
Sujet: done, but with errors on page
every time I come in here, click on my games, whatever, I get "done, but with errors on page. Has been doing this for several weeks. this is the only site I get that. Anyone know why?

7. Novembre 2004, 00:39:38
Sujet: fortran2pascal
a program I found in the fred fish library for the amiga ... early 90s ... ~*~

7. Novembre 2004, 00:25:01
Sujet: Re: recompiling fortran to pascal?
some peers at university are using fortran compilers for some simulations. lucky that i must not use fortran! what i saw ... brr!

7. Novembre 2004, 00:21:27
Sujet: recompiling fortran to pascal?
Wow, i used Fortran 77 a little, from what i remember that would be a total rewrite.

7. Novembre 2004, 00:04:20
Sujet: Re: Astalavista Group eBook of the Month
i learned programming in school using C, smalltalk and pascal. today i am using only C and smalltalk. i can remember somtething from pascal - but can't programming, because in 10 years i forgof much about this interesting language (in which i programmed my first calculator with a simple graph funtion)

7. Novembre 2004, 00:01:17
Sujet: I used E
some would call it a C-dialect, some would say pascal-dialect ... written by a coder
from the netherlands. Just recompiling fortran to pascal doesn't count probably -
I'm using it as I have a handy program and loads of fortran algorithms ... ~*~ :P

6. Novembre 2004, 23:55:43
I didn't say C is a pure language, i said "pure C" as oppose to C++.

let me repeat myself, is anybody using pascal?

6. Novembre 2004, 23:48:34
Sujet: oh yeah
modifié par danoschek (6. Novembre 2004, 23:53:18)
where are the coders who wrote their own assemblers and loops that
fit into 6 bytes instruction cache - hardly portable sometimes, though -
but unlike C it is what my very personal taste would call pure ... ~*~

6. Novembre 2004, 23:46:00
Any operating system engineer. Linux is 71% pure C.

6. Novembre 2004, 22:04:07
Sujet: who's using C ?
modifié par danoschek (6. Novembre 2004, 22:04:23)
unless forced ... :P ... ~*~

6. Novembre 2004, 21:26:12
Sujet: Re: Astalavista Group eBook of the Month
Is anybody using pascal anywhere besides school?

6. Novembre 2004, 19:39:18
Sujet: Astalavista Group eBook of the Month
" Pascal Tutorial For Newbie Programmers "

The full guide to pascal programming, everything you will ever need to know. ~*~

6. Novembre 2004, 19:18:22
Sujet: Astalavista Group - Site of the Month
modifié par danoschek (6. Novembre 2004, 19:19:58)
ProcessLibrary is a web based process lookup directory.
Confused with scvhost.exe and svchost.exe ? A very handy, free, service. ~*~

29. Octobre 2004, 22:12:34
Sujet: Two important updates for your security
modifié par danoschek (29. Octobre 2004, 22:13:22)
The McAfee AVERT Team has released
version 2.4.1 of their free virus remover Stinger
and also XP-Antispy is available in a new version 3.92 ... ~*~

29. Octobre 2004, 19:43:03
Sujet: images not showing
the red crosses dont matter that much to me .. but sometimes the pieces on the game boards dont show up .. i then hit F5 (in IE) and the page is refreshed often showing the images correctly .. sometimes i need several refreshes though

since my java is being awkward lately i installed Opera which works nice ... but when i use Opera to play on BK it strecthed the backgammon board twice as wide at my 4th move (i have 2 dices with the same number) .. dont know why .. i havent investigated it more thoroughly so i didnt report it yet

29. Octobre 2004, 15:05:02
I'm just repeating what they told me. I can't vouch for it, I've never used it before.

29. Octobre 2004, 15:02:33
BananaD: Impossible. Firefox doesn't show red crosses.

29. Octobre 2004, 15:00:38
Sujet: rabbitoid...
just talking to someone else who plays here who experienced the same issue and they used Firefox successfully for about 1/2 hour before they ended up with the same issue again....go figure
but thanks for the prompt replies guys...much appreciated :))

29. Octobre 2004, 14:59:00
you wouldn't believe this but I just went and cleaned out my cookies and temp Internet files....and everything is hunky dorey now!!! :)

29. Octobre 2004, 14:57:43
go for the firefox, and never look back.

29. Octobre 2004, 14:48:23
For some strange reason, IE occasionally refuses to display pictures even if it successfully loads them from the server.

29. Octobre 2004, 14:47:07
oh! but I've been using IE for years and playing on BK until a couple of hours ago and it was ok....

29. Octobre 2004, 14:45:04
Sujet: Re: I'm getting red x's on my game boards.....
oh...and I'm not sure if I've posted this issue on the right board either...if it's wrong, I'm sorry...BBW feel free to remove my post but please tell me who I should let know this is happening. Don't want to bug Fencer with trivial things like this he's got better things to do :)

29. Octobre 2004, 14:43:39
Nothing is broken. Don't use IE.

29. Octobre 2004, 14:42:55
Sujet: I'm getting red x's on my game boards.....
where there should be country flags. I've checked bug tracker and someone has posted this issue before but was closed with a 'not a bug'. It has happened to me before but Fencer replied that it had been fixed a couple or so hours earlier. so does this mean that whatever was broken before has broken again???

27. Octobre 2004, 16:32:43
3 layers?!!

I know some photographers who open canned food in a darkroom, so it doesn't go bad while they eat it.

27. Octobre 2004, 16:04:59 
On my home PC, I have 3 layers of protection - from a DSL modem/firewall, another software firewall/anti-virus software package which I was only first testing, but found it caught a few things and did not take up too much resource, and the norton virus scan.

Simple answer to "should they be let through": always NO unless you are trying to do something on the computer and it does not let you.

For example, I was doing a microsoft webcast meeting/training through microsoft with Microsoft's Live Meeting software, and something was tried to get through and I said no - and then of course it did not work. So I simplely said yet to that only next time and worked after that.

So unless you know you want an outside connection, you can almost always so no. :-)

27. Octobre 2004, 15:57:40
whoever tries to connect from is not part of your operating system. Don't let them in.

BTW, this is a nice website that tells you where is any IP is located (probably not 100% accurate)

27. Octobre 2004, 15:28:36
modifié par MadMonkey (27. Octobre 2004, 15:29:11)
I downloaded the free one from Kerio a few months ago and it has been fine. I have run 'shieldUP' and it told me my PC was totaly secure. All of a sudden i have had these messages comming through.

Someone from, port 1027 wants to send UDP datagram to port 1027 owned by 'Distributed COM Services' on your computer.

c:\windows\system\lexpps.exe OR c:\windows\system\rpcss.exe

I dont mind the firewall letting me know about them as they are .exe files, BUT the question is that should they be allowed through or not as they are part of the window/system ?

27. Octobre 2004, 15:07:24
I think personal firewalls are overrated. they give users fake feel of security. I've never used an antivirus or a personal firewall for more than a day. Every time i try one i feel it's waste of my time and computer resources.

I never had a virus on my home computer.

27. Octobre 2004, 13:56:04
I have got another one now ???
My firewall is stopping them, but should it or not be ?

27. Octobre 2004, 13:17:55
hmmm so why would someone be trying to access it from elswhere ?

27. Octobre 2004, 13:15:58
rpc probably means Remote Procedure Calls.

27. Octobre 2004, 13:14:30
modifié par MadMonkey (27. Octobre 2004, 13:14:46)
Can anyone let me know what
is used for on my system Win98SE please.

24. Octobre 2004, 18:27:32
how do you go to your hotmail ? do you read it in internetexplorer ? or do you have it setup in outlook (express) ?

are you supposed to send an email when you click on the last link ?

how does the box look like where you have to fill in your password ... does it have your hotmail username in it already ?

what is the site where this happens ? is it related to hotmail or microsoft ? or does it happen on more sites ?

if it is to send an email to the people you can have a look at the bottom of your browser when you have your mouse over the link (instead of clicking on it) .. it can show something like 'email://....'

what happens if you get the white screen and wait for some (or more) minutes ?

24. Octobre 2004, 12:16:59
If you go to the microsoft website they have tuition downloads that can help with excel.

24. Octobre 2004, 00:25:35
Sujet: Re: email proidver
i dont use outlook or out look express. the only thing i know is that i use hotmail (msn) as my eamil provider. i use internet explorer as my browser.

23. Octobre 2004, 16:41:52
Sujet: help with Excel
I am trying to find a way on the newer version of Excel where I can create a formula that links into a pivot table by clicking with the mouse on the particular cells I want to use in the formula without it producing the huge reference text string that you cannot copy down.
Currently my only work around is to manually type in cell addresses such as "a2+b2" etc instead of when I click on cells I get
but I was hoping someone knew of a setting that would disable this and simply give the cell reference when clicked on.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated

23. Octobre 2004, 14:06:30
Sujet: Re: email proidver
Hmmmmm... Ok and what is your application client email? Outlook? And what is your Browser?

23. Octobre 2004, 13:49:39
Sujet: email proidver
as best i know i use hotmail. windows xp etc.. not to sure what you need to know. but like you said what should happen after i hit click it use to do that.. but now it will once in ahwile do to the screen with name and password then every time after taht it will just go to a white screen. i can go to my normal email by clicking directly onto my envelope atop the screen but not through a link. a white screen of death always pops up. for example if you were to attach your eamil in your post by saying click here to contact me and as soon as i click it, it will take me to the white screen and not to a body of an email message. I can see at the bottom of the screen that it is trying to go there but it just gets side tracked...

23. Octobre 2004, 10:18:46
Sujet: Re: Computer help needed !!!
Well I'm not understanding well your problem...
I suppose the right thing to expect to happen is after you click the contact us link appear a body of an email message to fill in. If instead it opens a login box, it means the Mail client application needs you to authenticate, which shouldn't happen if you "normally" entered on your computer. So your problem should be between the login on your Computer or Network environment and the Email application itself. You wipe your hard disk recently are you sure you put back together the setings of your profile email to your application email client? It helps if you describe what Operation System and email application you have... i know this is doesn't help too much but "I" need more details about your problem at least to understand it.

22. Octobre 2004, 23:34:20
Sujet: Computer help needed !!!
here is a problem that i have had since i had to bring my computer back from teh dead... and wipe the hard drive. lets say i am on a site with a "contact us" message. when i clcik teh link. it sends me to a page with my user name and a place to type in my passowrd.. a little gray box with a set of keys. now when i hit ok or whatever prompt it asks. i get a white screen. a computer expert frind of mine still cant figure it out.. weve gone through hundereds of setting and still nothing all i get is a white screen! im rather computer illiterate so i couldnt tell you exactly what we have done... but if any of you ahve experienced these problems or similar ones could you help me out here!

22. Octobre 2004, 20:19:26
Sujet: Re: help
try, but many links no longer work
I found some stuff on the following sites (most in french, because that's where I surf): (follow the forums and the links)

and, I suppose, about a zillion other sites :)

22. Octobre 2004, 18:06:47
Sujet: help
I emulation is common for anybody, please help me im looing for a n64roms page.

21. Octobre 2004, 01:50:32
Sujet: An extensive overview -FAQ about security

20. Octobre 2004, 17:54:46
Yeah? Since, Mine is only blocked for about a half hour I don't think it is a firewall or ad-blocker. Also, I have always been behind a firewall.

20. Octobre 2004, 17:51:39
i too had the same problem here looking at certain stuff, i found out it was my firewall stopping it , also an ad blocker was doing the same thing it was letting most of the stuff through but not all of it , i re adusted the software and now its fine .

20. Octobre 2004, 17:12:30
if you have a fast connect, such as T1, cache is more of a nuissance than a help. you can try to disable it completely, or at least set it to clear at end of session.

20. Octobre 2004, 17:02:06
Sujet: Re: Images
Now it is working fine. A little slower as it has to send the images. But it is working like it always has. When I don't get the images, the page is returned immediately. I will try the cache nextime this happens (every morning).

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