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Gorman7375: first player to move could move as normal then the second player to move can use the new method ,when i get the time iwill try and playit out on a home made board to see if it could work .
So you can either move 2 pieces or Move 1 pieces, shot 1 arrow or don't move, and shot 2 arrows
It would probable need to be played a few times in real life to see if it really works out, or if it would make it too much one sided for the first to move.
Gorman7375: move as normal then fire your first arrow and then a second , it could be tricky later in the game because you could trap yourself with the second arrow .
Jason: In a normal game you are able to move your piece then throw a stone (or arrow). In the new version you would be able to move your piece then have the option of throwing a stone OR moving another piece. I havent thought about the pros and cons of it yet but it seems like a good discussion.:)
I 've provided a german translation of the Game of Amazons to recently; and I ask you to proof-read that german translation -- or to submit a translation of the game of Amazons in your native language to yourself. Thank you!
Meanwhile the first round of the Amazons & nothing else tournament is finished.
Congratulations to the winners Chessmaster2000 and Ahmagh!
The final round has already started as a 3-win-match between them.
I would like to anounce the creation of a new tournament of this type.
Today I was curious to know "how big" this game is when compared to chess. I decided to start by counting the number of positions where there is a definite loss.
There are 100 squares on the board, and when 92 are occupied, it must mean white has lost since black made the last move.
How many positions like that are there?
Well there are 100!/92!8! ways to have 92 arrows shot, and 8!/4!4! ways for white to occupy the remaining 8 empty squares, and 4!/4! ways for black to fill in the last 4 squares for each of these positions.
100!/92!8! =
100x99x98x97x96x95x94x93/8x7x6x5x4x3x2 =
8!/4!4! = 140
4!/4! = 1
So the total is:
Over 26 trillion ways to lose if you have filled every square on the board.
if you have the equal number of moves left , then the one who moves next will be the one who loses the game when the board fills up because they will run out of spaces first (providing all available spaces can be used )
It shouldn't really matter - the player who, on his/her turn, cannot move loses. I have not yet completed a game to that point so I wouldn't know if the final move of the losing player is required.
(Cacher) Vous souhaitez jouer plus de parties mais vous avez du mal à décider quel jeu comencer? Inscrivez-vous à un tournoi de jeux aléatoires. (pauloaguia) (Montrer toutes les astuces)