Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.
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You should come visit us in early May when all of our annuals are ready for sale. We are located in Brookville. Remember, you cannot safely plant anything outside on Long Island until May 15th!
I refer to all our participants as "the kids" or "the guys"
We have an educational center, or school, which serves over 300 children under the age of 18, plus a Day Treatment program for over 350 participants over 18. To me they are all my kids.
The daffodils have been ready to pop for a couple of weeks!. Won't be long now
Worked outside today trimming nice and warm. My rose bushes are putting on new growth like crazy (well the ones that the last freeze didn't kill)! My lilac bush is leafing out too!
my oak trees went from bare limbs to buds everywhere in one week! I'm glad I trim my rose bushes last weekend, but I think they need it again already! I'm never tough enough and really cut back.
Dolittle: and Erlisa you both make me jealous.Were sure to still get snow right into April.My daffodils are peaking but may go back to sleep lol.Nothing else is budding yet,sure wish my lilacs were thats a sure sign of Spring.
I see now why you need to wait a couple of extra weeks before planting annuals.
I planted pansies, viola and ranunculus yesterday in some planters. They will be OK outside now because they love the cool nights.
There are bush type tomatoes that don't need staking and there are those that benefit from staking. It keeps the tomatoes from getting all gross in the soil from bugs and worms, etc. The plant is happier if it's limbs are tied up to a pole or a cage. Just like you, eh, Plaintiger? Heh Heh
Foxy Lady: I picked up two packets of seeds for Beefsteak.. and two packets for Cherry tomatoes.. whoo hoo.. I so can't wait.. we love munching on the cherry toms like they are candy so I will make sure to really plant the heck out of them.. :)
Foxy Lady: I saw all sorts of kits at Wally World today.. Hanging strawberries.. and patio planters.. good thing I was just window shopping per say.. I could have spent a fortune!
I also found the kewlest grill only 297.00 it is huge.. LOL
ScarletRose: I window shoppe also except i never can pass up a bargin.I can't wait for the warmer weather.We were in the 60's today,now were going back into a cold spell.
Foxy Lady: I expect pretty soon. Its just some veggie seeds that I tossed in egg cartons to start em. I was surprised that the germinated so fast, its only been 2 or 3 days.
I had to laugh today at the seedlings. What I did is took egg cartons and put them in large ziploc bags to give the greehouse effect. I took the collard seedlings out of the bag today and let them sit out.
It is probably starving for fertilizer
Feed it Hollytone, if you can
Miracle Grow will help
Any topical fertilizer will help this time of year
Make sure it is not getting too much water
Is it under a gutter or downspout that splashes on it?
Is it in a low area that puddles around it?
oh they were sitting outside in a partly sunny area. They just kinda drooped a little. I forgot to check on them all today, so I'll look tomorrow and give a report.
ScarletRose: LOL. men never droop around me!... but that's getting off topic.
I took a peek this morning, they are looking pretty nice. Maybe 1/2 inch tall..... lets see if I can remember... blue lake beans, collards, scallions, broccoli... oh and carrots!
Now my roses are leafing out very nicely. I still haven't added anything to their soil yet.
BerniceC: they are good.. On Friday nights a friend of ours cooks up a gourmet meal .. and serves us at my brothers cafe.. it actually started last year when I would make up something for family and soon our friends would all come over to the table and want to snatch up a plate.. one day our friend offered to cook something every other weekend.. (She loves to cook and I mean Loves to cook).. well.. we all loved her cooking and just let her take over.. hehe.. anyway.. we have our Friday night dinner club.. but, why I am saying all this is because.. last weekend she prepared a full southern assortment of dishes.. Oh man was it ever good.. she had pork roast.. stuffing, veggies consisting of root veggies.. and she used different seasonings.. talk about surprising the palet.. and to top it off.. not only was it healthy.. it was low on calories and Carbs.. she also made up desert with a sugar substitute.. so calories are very minimal.. tonights desert was only 43 calories.. So our group doesn't have to feel guilty when eating healthy..
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