Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.
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It was a high of 37 degrees here today
Should have been in the 50's
Going to be unseasonable cold here in New York until the middle of April, they say
But I'll be in Kauai day after the high 70's!
Fun fun fun
We are taking my 21 and 14 year old sons. My husband, their step-father, has taught my 14 year old (James) to surf over the last 8 years. They're going to love it.
Funny thing is we are leaving the two older boys behind.
The 28 and 27 year olds have work and school to deal with.
Two thirds of the family is OK, though.
you lot stop talking holidays, surf etc heheheh....get over here and help me clean up and I will show you surf, great barrier reef, flattened rain forests, and flattened banana farms
My plant has started to flower not supposed to do that this time of year.I haven't done anything to it except water it.Anybody have any ideas besides my granmother who spooks me out
BerniceC: would You want to paint the concrete once You got the mold off? i know they make fungicide or moldicide or something that You can stir into paint and then when You paint the surface the mold shouldn't come back...
(trying this new reply box function for the first time - please forgive me if it does something weird i don't expect! )
plaintiger: No i dont really want to paint the concrete because i also have a very long concrete drive and that would have to be painted as well....another reason is I sort of like the natural look....I did think of getting it stencilled but $$$$ and I dont have enough LOLOL....thanks for the suggestion :)
Eriisa I was kidding..
but seriously what is everyone planting in their veggie garden's this year?
last year I discovered something.
what made me think of triffids was last year,I planted lotsa veggies...among them..artichokes & cardoon.
The artichoke is a perennial in the thistle group of the sunflower family. In full growth, the plant spreads to about 6 feet in diameter and about 3 to 4 feet high. It has long arching leaves that give the plant a fern-like appearance.
The vegetable that we eat is really the plant's immature flower bud.
If left to flower, blossoms measure up to 7 inches in diameter and are a beautiful violet color.
note : thorns & bumble bees they attract.
Cardoon is similar to the globe artichoke. With cardoon the young tender leaves and undeveloped tender flower stalks are eaten rather than the flower bud. The thistle-like cardoon plant grows to a height of 3-5 feet and spreads over an area 6 feet in diameter.
An old greek neighbour told me that was eaten in ancient times as artichoke,was really cardoon immature flower buds.
I researched this...tried a few..I still live.but cardoon buds are a little bitter compared to
artichoke.some like this,if not..stick to eating the young tender leaves and undeveloped tender flower stalk
both plants are delicious,worth the trouble..if you have the space.
but aside from these monster veggies..i grow:
corn,chard,spinach,sweet orange peppers,carrots,parsnip,green & yellow bush beans,bok choy,broccoli,kohlrabi,peas,tomatillos.
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