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Rose: LOL! Good job they are not meat eaters! I userally just put salt down, that shivals them up and they keep away from it but they beat me to it and me lettuce had only been out one day! Greedy things!
modifié par nobleheart (15. Juillet 2006, 19:02:46)
plaintiger: off topic a lil' please forgive...but someone mentioned ice cream......mmmmm. there is a place in chinatown here..serves lychee nut ice cream. also on st.clair,in the italian community..a place that makes fresh gelato in flavours: cinnammon,hazelnut,chestnut,fig,ginger,pistacio..and many more.
Foxy Lady: We've tried beer here a few times but there isn't enough beer cuz there are wayyyy too many slugs. After it rains if you go in the backyard all you see are hundreds of slugs coming up for air.. It is so gross
Truth is I have never had so many slugs in my gardens When I wake up there are a few stupid ones just waiting for me to turn them into a pillar of salt But the big ones....the breeders...are hiding where I cannot see them I have cats at home and don't know how to kill the slugs without killing my cats Anyone have any suggestions?
ajtgirl: Beer in a small container partially buried. if the opening is small enough then pets shouldn't go near it and the rain shouldn't dilute it that quickly, place cap back on after a few days and throw in rubbish bin. Other method is a torch and catch them at night.
ajtgirl: I don't think the slugs care, they just go for the malt or hops not sure which but it really works. My problem is I usually drink all the beer thats why I've got a torch LOL
Is anyones garden getting fruit......I picked 5 zuccs yesterday and 3 are gone.I slice them,dip in egg and coat with flour or bread crumbs and fry.To the dry mixture i add salt,pepper and garlic powder........Yummy
ajtgirl: Ya I know neem doesnt work on slugs,mostly just flying bugs...(Home Depot has a non toxic slug biat, doesnt hurt cats or birds)Sluggo Did you get neem an try it out on your other pests yet? To date my hedge is infestation free and my sunflowers are soon going to open, completely bug free! I love neem!
and please forgive *my* ignorance, but just exactly how does beer get rid of slugs? do they drink it and then try to drive home and wrap their little slugmobiles around dandelions and stuff?
Sujet: Re: A drunken slug ate my tomatoes on its way home
Foxy Lady: I,m not sure at the moment, there are a few tomatoes on but the plants look as though they don,t know weather to give up or not, I hope they don,t snuff it!
I forgot yesterday to post we picked 6 nice zucchini and i'm ready to make bread,fried zucc and a veggie stew.Got some pole beans also. Don't go for big squash it's all seeds and no meat.
Foxy Lady: Pole beans, is that a variety or are they just climbing beans? Reason I ask is I'm always looking for new bean varities, found some purple ones last year that cook up green.
Bamboo is beautiful but it is extremely invasive, in spite of what you read The bamboo shoots can be cut down by mowing but while you are not looking they are shooting the other way and will get under your fences, out buildings, foundations and walkways and they can lift everything out of place after 5 years. I accidentally planted some next to out greenhouse 4 years ago and we cannot stop it's growth. It will require a backhoe to get it all out.
On the other hand, If you have a mass of property and no structures to be concerned with, you can grow a gorgeous jungle with just this bamboo
skipinnz: Pole beans are a climbing bean but are flatter than the ones you normally see.Italian which i am usually cook them,drain add more water with cut up potatoes with a little olive oil,and garlic.Ya got to have Italian bread of course.
Foxy Lady:Have they got a smooth skin or hairy like scarlet runners? I hate scarlett runners as all the dandylion seeds stick to them and are hard to clean off.
Sujet: Re: does anyone remember the sweet wild flowers growing under neath this
Foxy Lady: I used to play under the clothes line as a kid. Made tents. Once my mom pinned my ears to the line. Here's a link where people can post poetry. :)