Cette page contient la liste des utilisateurs qui souhaitent obtenir un niveau d'abonnement plus élevé mais ne peuvent (pour des raisons quelconques) le payer eux-mêmes. Si vous souhaitez soutenir quelqu'un aujourd'hui, choisissez un joueur de la liste et cliquez sur "choisir" pour continuer.
I had a membership and loved it. Cant afort it right now, I just had surgery and I'm not working. I can be a help to you fellowship. I love backgammon and I'm not that bad. I hope you choose me I love this site.
ahoj! tak už jsem to zkoušel dvkrát,tak to zkouším do třetice ! je stli mně někdo zasponzorujete nechám vás vyhrát v šachách-D.Pokud se někdo najde předem dík.
Hi All! Love playing the games, meeting people, making friends and would love to join more tournaments and do all the fun things offered to members. If anyone would like to sponsor me, I would deeply appreciate it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!:)
Hi, this is a really kool site and can not wait to explore it all,But I have seen all the great games on here, But unfournately due to finances I can't afford a membership at this time,I have custody of grand daughter and its tight right now for $, TY
Please...I love this site and would love to play many more games. I also enjoy chatting with many different people from around the world. I would be forever greatful....Thank you
Hello everyone!! Im a single mom of 4 and lost one 5yrs ago and tryin to keep up with everyday bills and etc and cant afford a membership at this time, But love this site! If anyone wants to help it will be a blessing n very much appreciateed! take care
I would love to have a paid membership, but money is very tight, being a full-time college student in the Hurricane Katrina area. Going to college because the storm wiped out my job and business. God bless you all!
My friend and I joined this site almost a year ago and He has elevated his status to Knight and hardly plays me anymore. I can't join the same tournaments and fellowships that he can. It feels like I got held back in school.
(Cacher) Si vous cliquez sur le pseudo d'une personne puis sur Parties finies, vous aurez la liste des parties qui ont été terminées, puis cliquez sur le nom du jeu pour avoir un résumé de toutes ces parties, et cliquez encore sur le nom de jeu et vous aurez une partie que vous pourrez voir et analyser. (Servant) (Montrer toutes les astuces)