this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!
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Ewe: so,should ALL breeds not be bred since ALL breeds CAN be taught to fight??.Mine are TRAINED PROTECTION...should they be put down? The weiner dogs that seems ot love my ankles,they should be put down as well,yes?? OH!OH! The cat that EVERY MORNING attacks the birds under my feeder...PUT IT DOWN TOO!!
I DO understand your point,honestly BUT the thing is...your is the HUMAN'S FAULT,but still we insist on punishing the DOG!
What about popsicle?? the pit that TO DATE has the LARGEST DRUG BUST ON RECORD IN TEXAS!!??!! he was found in a freezer in a trashbag left to suffocate to death.
Helen Keller...her therapy dog was a PITBULL.These are such wonderful loving dogs in the WRONG HANDS...The children in Uganda are TAUGHT to pick up a gun and go fight..CHILDREN! now a child would not,by nature just pick up a gun and go start shooting people...just as a dog,will NOT just start attacking out of the blue.
When you say they should not breed THIS type of dog at all....what does that mean? they should not breed a dog that fights and is aggressive?? I agree 100%!! But IF you are saying that the Pitbull should not be bred,well,that is just pure crap.People are judging the dog BECAUSE OF THE HUMAN!
I have a challange for EVERYONE...go to some of the sites I have posted in the past,I will repost if needed....see if YOU can pick out the "pitbull" among the other dogs...go to a pitbull resue and volunteer for a few days with these dogs...I would bet a paycheck NOBODY would because GOD FORBID your imaige of this breed is anything but bad.
anastasia: You know I love you, and I also love your love for animals. I agree in the main about most of what you are saying but my thoughts on this subject remain the same.... HUMANS should NOT breed this type of dog in the first place! Then none of this would ever happen. Its not the dogs fault its the HUMAN genetically breeding such a dog, as usual!
Ive stayed quiet about all the hunting debate because it makes my blood boil!! I agree with you about if I was out hiking etc....
Jim Dandy: EDUCATION,EDUCATION,EDUCATION!!! people see a "pitbull" and think the worst about it....9 times out of 10,it's not even a Pit.It is just a shame that people do nothing to educate themselves on this breed,they just take everything they hear/see on the news at face they does EVERY DOG if so provoked or trained.A dog only knows what it is taught.I have been biten by a mixed breed,a doberman,and several weiner dogs..dunno why but I have NO luck with weiner dogs,lol.
For the things irresponsable owners and back yard breeders are doing,the RESPONSABLE ones are the ones being punished.
I find it appauling that people want to ban an ENTIRE breed of dog..banning = the end of an entire breed! This breed in specific is EXTREAMLY loyal...I want people to understand that the REASON they fight is because they are TAUGHT to by their HUMAN owner(s) they fight to please their owner(s) You can beat a dog and what does it do? turn and STILL wags it's tail for you..wanting you to love it.
I do not even own a pit,but as you know I own GSD's,and they too are on many "watch lists" so..because YOU (figurativly speaking of course,lol) go letting your GSD run all over town,and it bites someone..or because YOU choose to not socalize it,leave it caged up and let it's energy become SO pent up that it becomes aggressive,I should be punished by having to put my dogs down? I socailize them,train with them EVERY DAY,take them into public NO LESS then 5 times A WEEK,have TITLES on the older one..BUT because you,and some others do not feel the need to take responsability to do so with your own..I will be punished which mean my dogs will be punished.
It irritates the piss out of me that people are on some witch hunt about this breed.15 years ago it was the rotts,and dobs,now it is the Pit.Breeders should be state licensed (ALL BREEDERS OF ALL BREEDS!) have unanounced inspetions no less then 4 times a year.A good breeder will run back ground checks,often go visit the house they are selling to,they breed for the love,quality,health and preservation of the breed..a back yard breeder breeds for money,aggression,and quantity of the dog..they could care less about the dog,they see cash.
If I can change ONE PERSON'S mind on this breed...if I can save ONE dog from death at the hands of ignorant owners and breed bans then it will all be worth it.
Everyone has a passion (I hope) in their lives..mine is animals,I will NOT stop,shut up or turn a blind eye on these dogs that are suffering at the hands of HUMANS!
anastasia: I think any person of basic intelligence is aware that the fault rests with the owner of the animal.I find this situation similar to the gun issue,guns don't kill unless the trigger is pulled.Sadly in both cases, people with dangerous motives are in posession of and don't safely contain either.If there are dangerously trained pit bulls in neighborhoods populated by children,what is your solution?
O čem je toďten plk: Re: White-Tail Deer Hunting Season starts in my neck of the woods tomorrow.....
Jules: My husband works for the state road dept here...any dead deer that are on road way in his county are picked up and taken to an animal sancurary that house lions,tigers,panters,other exotic animals that have been taken from owners that kept them as "pets" and rescued from road side shows.They use the dear meat to help feed them.
"There was a prog on TV where 4 wolves were killed over the death of one cow where they had just been reintroduced to the area after being killed off."
That to me is just crazy...about as crazy as the ariele hunting of wolves that takes place in the states here.It's all just sick! These people that do things like this will talk to a higher being one day!!! I don't understand....a wolf kills a the wild,THATS how things work...the wolf doesn't know that cow belongs to some farmer,so the farmer shoots and kills the wolf,or in this case wolves...a human shots and kills another human and he gets 3 years in jail and back out on the streets he goes,living his life
O čem je toďten plk: Re:....and for the record..if I am EVER killed while hiking by a bear or mountain lion...DO NOT SHOOT AND KILL IT!!! lol
anastasia: Put me on that list also And give the bear or mountain lion "ten points" for "taking me out" - that's what the humans in my neck of the woods do when they hit a living creature with a vehicle
I live in the second worst state (Michigan) for motor vehicle-deer collisions. In 2004 (the most recent year for which I could find complete stats), we had about 60,000 collisions. In the U.S. annually, about 150 people die in such collisions. I don't know the number of deer.
O čem je toďten plk: Re: White-Tail Deer Hunting Season starts in my neck of the woods tomorrow.....
Jules: The deer jump the fence here alot and you DO have a bit killed on the road way...Our hunting time is also limited....I try..REALLY try not to judge poeple that hunt...I know that on some level,in the way the world is today..because of the population..because of US intruding on their land and taking their living space away,they would become over crowded...I guess what bothers me the most is the human thought that we are superior to everything and anything...we take away the animals land and then complain when they overpopulte(which if they HAD MORE land,it really WOULDN'T be over populating) we get mad when a mountain lion attacks a hiker and launch massive hunts to "find the one that did it" and kill it...just sickens me the attitude humans have is all.....and for the record..if I am EVER killed while hiking by a bear or mountain lion...DO NOT SHOOT AND KILL IT!!! lol
O čem je toďten plk: Re: White-Tail Deer Hunting Season starts in my neck of the woods tomorrow.....
anastasia: Our New Forest works well with fencing, so do the roads I go on that use it to cut off woodland areas from the road. I've never heard of deer being killed and I know they live in the woodlands.
Hunting is limited over here, especially with guns. Too many areas with people wandering the woodlands to have high powered bullets wizzing around. Hunts are organised on the main not solo affairs.
Rex Snyder speaks to front office manager, Roberta Reimers about checking-in with his 19-month-old bison named Bert at the Marriott Hotel in Ogden, Utah Thursday, Nov. 29, 2007. Snyder, a Wyoming resident, is in town for the annual Western Bison Association Show and Sale.
About 40 people scoured part of Spain's rugged northwestern region of Galicia Thursday for about 1,000 minks released into the wild from a farm by animal rights activists, the regional government said.
O čem je toďten plk: Re: White-Tail Deer Hunting Season starts in my neck of the woods tomorrow.....
Jules: I live in the states..all of our major interstate highways are fenced off...My husband actually helps WRITE UP the work orders for fencing that needs to be for the inbreeding thing...never heard THAT one before...I agree with srnity...the "natural preditors" SHOULD be allowed the do what nature intended them to do.Back in the day...people did hunt...for food..everything was more balanced then BECAUSE you didn't have all the issues with lost natural space...Isn't it a shame that deer and other wildlife...only have the parks left to live in and what little natural spaces,like where Srnity lives (my Mom and Dad also use to live in a VERY rural,wooded spot in PA) I see both sides of the hunting I agree with hunting...nope,but as long as it is for food I suppose I can see why it is done...although,with these crazy lil things called grocery stores..I guess I dont see the food need
O čem je toďten plk: Re: White-Tail Deer Hunting Season starts in my neck of the woods tomorrow.....
rednaz23: If they cost billions in insurance then a few million a year spent on a fencing program for high risk areas seems to be a small expense. And if done properly then deer will have limited crossing areas with high visual signs to tell drivers to slow down.
It saves countless road kills over here and does not cause inbreeding.
rednaz23: I live in the mountains (about as rural as your getting for the state of PA) and I think it truly SUCKS that things are "hunted", be it deer, bear, quail, pheasant, turkey, squirrel, whatever, in my life, they ALL have a right to their existence (but then I don't eat meat either, the "carcass" thing is just disgusting to me). Humankind has definately over-encroached upon the wilderness areas of this country, state forests and game lands are all that's left of it here pretty much. I just think if a man (or woman) has such an urge to kill something, they should at least be required to do so by hand, doesn't seem very "manly" to shoot dead an animal grazing in the field to me...
***And as for predators, bring on the wolves, the coyotes, and mountain lions, at least that would be nature's way and not man's, true?
O čem je toďten plk: Re: White-Tail Deer Hunting Season starts in my neck of the woods tomorrow.....
Jules: That causes inbreeding with the deer, so that is frowned upon here. Plus the United States is huge and has millions of miles of road. Fencing them all off means twice as much fence, which is a huge cost to our limited budget already... So we don't do that...
As for society entering their territory, yes and no, but the real reason they have become out of control (and why we need hunting) is because humans fear the predators more so then abundant deer. The worry of one of these predators taking a child, a dog, some sheep, is more threatening than 'excess deer', which is wanted by a large population anyways... so that is the way it is.
BTW, Deer cost insurance companies billions of dollars a year, but it also spurs ten fold that in other industries... I know areas where I live that live on 6 weekends a year... the hunting weekends. :-) It is very wanted by society in general, and many that live in big cities don't understand, nor take the time to learn.
O čem je toďten plk: Re: White-Tail Deer Hunting Season starts in my neck of the woods tomorrow.....
rednaz23: Don't they fence the roads off? We have forests with deers and wild horses over here and you don't get alot of road kill as the roads are fenced off and access points have grids to stop them wondering onto the roads.
Plus many many signs saying "kill your speed and watchout for wildlife".
O čem je toďten plk: Re: White-Tail Deer Hunting Season starts in my neck of the woods tomorrow.....
rednaz23: maye if we stopped intruding in their territory by constantly having to develope shopping malls,new housing developments...Lord forbid they come into where WE live..oh wait..that USE to be where THEY lived...once apon a time
O čem je toďten plk: Re: White-Tail Deer Hunting Season starts in my neck of the woods tomorrow.....
srnity: I know they are beautiful... but if humans didn't control the deer population you would have hundreds of thousands or even millions die (just in my state) because they wouldn't find enough to eat... so instead... hunting is allowed. Of course it is regulated so a deer population is maintained instead of either completely hunted away or not hunted at all and they all die off... hmmm... what should we do? We took away their natural predators, and now we have to make up for it by hunting. :-)
Plus venison tastes very good! mmmm...
You must live in the city or somewhere with very few deer... if you lived where I grew up or where I am going to school you would understand... we are run over with deer! I counted 100 before I stopped that were hit and lying on the side of the highway. It was only 40 miles! (Some of this was going through some populated areas too!) They are everywhere... You ever seen a locust swarm? It is sort of like that, only deer ;-)
all went well!! he got his Bh title AND we got high Ad title..the Ad is the 12 mile endurance run..was going to do it Oct but it was 85 degrees then and to hot to run the dog his Bh is his obidienace title!!!
O čem je toďten plk: Trial weekend this weekend!!!
so,for those of you that know about it,my dogs' trials are this weekend...TODAY is his day to take the field..OMG! I am REALLY getting stomach is knoting up! I KNOW he knows what to the question is will I remember,lol!! anywho...pass or fail..I will let you guys know how it went...wish me luck!!!
O čem je toďten plk: Re: For Those Of Us Not Eating Turkey on Thanksgiving
Jim Dandy: that restraint was only at first & partly habit etc. Once I was fully weened from meat mentally it has been incredibly easy. Weird aswell, because the longer you dont eat meat for the more repulsed you become by the sheer thought of eating it. I found this common with a majority of veggie folk Ive chatted with. Yes & you saying about the taste in mass produced meat being in decline, I have heard that alot....I think more people who eat red meat are turning to organic, small farming methods for better taste etc.
O čem je toďten plk: Re: For Those Of Us Not Eating Turkey on Thanksgiving
Ewe: I eat mostly fish or chicken. But the wife has me eating lots of veggie meals too. She's not a vegitarian but often she won't eat the meat. So since she's the cook, I eat what I'm told.
O čem je toďten plk: Re: For Those Of Us Not Eating Turkey on Thanksgiving
Přetvořeny oževatelem The Col (22. lestopado 2007, 18:39:19)
Animal: I agree,I think we avoid eating animals we interact with,and I can't remember ever playing with a cow or pig.
Ewe: I admire your restraint,it's more difficult if you actually enjoyed eating meat prior.I can tell you that the taste of mass marketed meat has been on the decline for years.
O čem je toďten plk: Re: For Those Of Us Not Eating Turkey on Thanksgiving
Jim Dandy: Hi I am an animal lover, I am also a vegetarian. I chose to go veggie because I wanted to opt out of the meat industry & the all of the cruely aspects surrounding it. Also I could not kill or prepare an animal myself so why have some one else do my dirty work? I love the taste of meat though....from what I remember, such a long time ago now since Ive eaten any, probably about 20 years! I remember craving it for a couple of years after first becoming veggie but never now.
O čem je toďten plk: Re: For Those Of Us Not Eating Turkey on Thanksgiving
srnity: HAPPY THANKSGIVING, I wonder what percentage of animal lovers are vegans? or,if there is a conflict of interest present if an animal lover also loves meat