this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!
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Přetvořeny oževatelem Bernice (11. května 2007, 01:52:14)
Tuesday: try scattering around camphor or napthlanene(sp) flakes.....good for mice and cockroaches, silver fish etc.... I had mice in my garden shed from the chook feed and of course I live in a horsey area and rats/mice feast on horse feed...scattered the above and "voila" all gone :)......
Tuesday: Hi there my friend! Aww that does sound upsetting!! I hate it if my cat kills anything, I know its their nature, but when she fetches a dead animal its a bit frustrating as she is so well fed. Thats the down side of cats.......but does sound like you need a good mouser cat at home right now! Maybe you need pest control to find where the mice are breeding?
Rose: last report I saw they said it DID indeed reach the human food chain but no worries,they say,you wouldn't ingest enough to make you sick...says who?? this is very disturbing
wetware: Yes I read that last week.. I was pretty ticked off myself... The manufacturers arent to blame from what I have read though. Its the company selling the protein to the food companies that boosted the powder with the melamine.. I also heard the bad food was given to pigs in the US and now they think its reached humans.
Rose: I'm irate. Just heard an interview about melamine having been put in pet foods intentionally, to make them appear to contain more protein than they do. Here's the first link I could find that discussed this disturbing possibility:
AlwaysRunningL8: Well,try the shampoo first...maybe only bath the dog once a month and see if that helps.Damien gets a bath maybe every other month..he is is muddy then a quick rinse off in the tub.If the problem doesn't clear up then might want to get a second opinion with another vet.Let us know :)
The dog is only 11 weeks old. The vet checked his ears and anal glands and neither was the cause. He checked for any skin infections as well.
The vet said that some dogs just have an odor. However he did recommend the shampoo made by Hartz. But no improvement. He also told me that I could be over washing the dog and not allowing its natural oils to get into his coat.
I have ordered some of the green tea shampoo that anastasia recommended and am going to see how that works.
The vet honestly did seem concerned about the odor. But I am.
Thanks to eveyone for that suggestions and help. I will keep you updated on how my smell problem goes.
AlwaysRunningL8: How old is your dog?? depending on age...have his ears checked for yeast infection...teeth for decay..or like Tulip said...anal glands can be an AWFUL sorce of might also want to google key words..I have found WONDERFUL things by doing this.
Check what you feed the dog too...btw...what DID the vet say about the odor from the dog?? I am curious about HIS or HER response to it??
anastasia: He is a mixed breed, part mini pinsher and part jack russell. He has a clean bill of health from the vet. The vet recommended a shampoo with a deodrant in it. But alas, after only a few hours he smells doggish again. And I so love him and want to keep him in my house, but this odor is overbearing. I will have to check out the website that you recommended. I love dogs so much! And love to hug them!
I had a boston terrier for 14 yrs and lost her last year. So I was quite excited to get a new doggy.
I will keep you informed and I will try green tea shampoo.
AlwaysRunningL8: well,first....make sure he has gone to the vet for a want that clean bill of health on him..second..what kind is it?? Some dogs just have that doggy odor,no matter what.I use a green tea shampoo that I get through a mail order can go online <span> and they have wonderful things..I will not EVER use another shampoo on my not only smells wonderful but leaves his coat SOOOO soft..and as much as hug on my doggy..we need a soft coat,hehehe Good luck and keep us posted :)
I got a new puppy 3 weeks ago. No matter what I do, I can not keep that "doggy" smell off of him. I am curious to know what everyone who owns a dog uses to shampoo the dog that helps decrease this odor. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. He is an indoor dog.
well today I went fishing with 3 other friends....just for something different to do....not an usual occurence...HEHEHE
fish caught...10 fish caught that were edible.....nil (the entire catch wouldnt have made a single fish cake LOLOL.._) all were thrown back except 2 for my cat...........
he was given fresh fish (whole) tonight....looked and walked away in disgust LOLOL..... the fish was cut into 4 pieces and was consumed with great gusto.....this was the first time in the cats life he had had fresh caught fish and he didnt know what to do with was so funny watching him contemplate the "horror" of attacking these little morsels that I had caught and brought home for him....I might add that the sun burn isnt as sore as his bottom would have been if he hadnt of eaten the catch hahahahahaha
BerniceC: Sounds good.. Prob is I dont have one or two cats. Hubby and I do cat rescue and currently have 15 in our home. We cant afford to buy raw food or chicken an rice. It would put us in the poor house. We rely on a rescue group that donates food to us for the babies. They give us the hard food an we still buy wet food. They all get about two tbsp's of wet for breaky a day.. Plus we buy a bag of CD its a salty food that was recommended for cats to encourage them to drink water. If we had to buy all the hard food too.. oye!
Im so glad you got the food that cheap! I would have stocked up as well!
I find that for my dog it is cheaper to give him human meat.....I buy him y-bone steaks (with bone in) and buy in bulk when they are at their food is too expensive. I also buy him chicken necks and he has a fish/meat/cheese dry food that I get him.
My cat eats a small tin of cat food twice a day along with dried food. About a month ago, the cat food was reduced from 89c per small tin down to 48c per tin....I went beserk LOL and spent $170 dollars on tinned cat food hahahah...well at nearly $2 per day when it is normal price (for the 2 tins) this will still only last him approx 3 months ....
The Natural Balance venison an pea dry food was just found to have the same chemical as menu foods. Melamine is a plastic thts been found in rice protein now from china.. I coulda killed my cats if I had fed this to them. I was given enough to last me 3 months. OMG Im sick just thinking about it.
Rose: Our vet is regularly on the 6 pm news..and I had just heard him talking about people that "home cook" for their pets..he had also mentioned having to add suppliments because of the home cooked food lacking certain vitimans and minerals...I cannot believe all the recalls..I work at a grocery store and they seem to be coming in every other day to us!! Something NEEDS to be done..FAST and a full scale investigation needs to be launched into this matter!!
Rose:True, it can get expensive feeding them people food. I couldn't do it if I don't hit a good sale. I bought a big bottle of calcium at the vet's and I think WalMart also has some supplements.
Dolittle: I just read that today about meat an rice that they lack calcium if you give them that.. i also didnt know there were pet supplements.. I wish I could feed mine food not store bought but i have too many .. id go broke in no time cooking chickens an such
Rose: Thanks for the heads up Rose. I don't think feeding that food once would hurt your kitties. It is so sad that they keep adding more foods to that recall list. I don't buy much dog food anymore. Have been cooking ground turkey or hamburger mixed with rice for my dogs. Also got chicken quarters on sale so I boil that for them. The only thing is they don't get all the vitamins and calcium that way so I have to give supplements. I will be glad when the recall is over with..
Rose: Thank You MUCH - I heard a snippet somewhere and had NO clue what brand they were talking about - what's the "parent" company, do you know? This is insane, buying pet food shouldn't have to be this scary.....
Přetvořeny oževatelem Rose (17. dobna 2007, 15:44:02)
another recall NATURAL BALANCE venison and Brown Rice Dry Dog Food and Venison and Green Pea Dry Cat Food has been recalled. My cats ate it last nite .. we have just gotten it last nite.. so they only had it one time.. We heard on NBC it was recalled for causing kidney failure.. If you use that food stop feeding it to your pets right away and contact your local vets ASAP!!!!
BerniceC: I think I got lucky when I saved a kitten last summer. Munch was given Hill's Prescription Diet m/d a few weeks after getting back home from intensive care. Either those old batches were okay, or...maybe we'll just never know.
What's got me puzzled is the talk about bad wheat gluten in dog and cat foods. There are some vegetarians (check!) who eat wheat gluten in certain kinds of Chinese food (check! check!). I never managed to find out whether I should be concerned.
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