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(V): You were the one who asked. If you don't like the answer, then ask someone who gives you an answer you do like.
I will tell you what I think, but I'm not here to tell you only what you want to hear. Talking to you has been like talking to one of those pre-progammed question/answer machines.
So tell me V, how do you figure ignoring my answer can in any way support your thesis? How does that work?
You didn't ask me, but since you obviously want my opinion...
My opinion is you only want an excuse to continue ragging on and on about religion. And since my answer would not involve religion, I cannot satisfy that desire. But if you could drop the inquisition mentality long enough to focus on the "It's a womans body" argument, I do have an answer for that.
First of all, I am not a woman. But I have cared for infants who are too helpless to help themselves. Tell me V, how many newborns do you think are not helpless, and able to survive without anyones help?
If I'm going about my business and grow weary of caring for one of these helpless little people, then I could use the same argument for leaving the little gubber by the side of the road to fend for itself. It's my body, and who has the right to tell me what to do with my body? My body is selfish and lazy, and tired of hauling this little crying and pooping bundle of joy everywhere I go.
The difference between a baby in the womb and a baby in my arms is apparently so vast, that it's probably incomprehensible for you to grasp the significance of "helplessness". So maybe you should try figuring this one out for yourself.
Or, you might try to find a pregnant woman who knows the difference between her own body and the body of the person she is carrying. But don't try telling her it's okay for her to kill that person, or she might bonk you on the head with her purse. Don't be that man... you know, the kind of man that lumps all women together and thinks he can say the exact same thing to any woman he crosses paths with.
rod03801: "Bugged me that he wouldnt say [who] he was voting for in the primaries."
None of the other conservative talk show hosts would say either. In fact most of them said it's not their place to tell anyone who they should vote for, and rightly so.
I just had a funny thought. A liberal would probably say this is a part of the right wing's strategy, to get voters to believe it's actually up to them to elect our leaders. Which means it's up to them to decide who the leader will be. What a novel idea... instead of telling the voter what to do, leave it up to the voter to decide. Naaa, that can't be right... it's a right wing trick to get liberal voters to do the same. Those right wing extremists will try anything to steal this next election. LOL And you know what, it just might work. But maybe it's not too late for the liberals to counter this devious scheme by doing the same thing. Yeah, yeah... TWO can play at that game!
The Col: Mind your own obsession, Col. If this is the kind of talk that coats yer throat, do it in pms with someone who wants to hear it. But hey, whatever bloats yer goat... say whatever ya want, it's still a free country.
Wow! Did I call this one, or what? The republicans are calling for Akins to step down, and the Democrats want him to stay in the race. He's been defunded by the RNC, he gets no more money from them, so maybe the Dems could keep Akins campaign going if they throw some of their money to him. lol
What is left to milk out of this story? How long will it take Dems to get off the teat and find something else to cry about?
lol ... so say the resident pundits, with little historical perspective and eyes wide shut. Hey, you want a hear a broad but brief overview of the Bible? I didn't think so, but I'll tell you anyway.
Okay then... the history of mankind is one example after another of people behaving like masochists, hurting themselves and each other, and then blaming someone else... including a God they claim doesn't exist.
Sounds kind of grim, doesn't it. Not like the atheists, who paint themselves as mankinds true saviors, and who glorify themselves as being... being what? The universes greatest creation? All you have to do is tune in to almost any science program, and listen to the opposite of self loathing... it's enough to make a normal person want to puke.
(V): For someone who does not believe in God, you seem strangely interested in what He does or doesn't do. I've seen this with other atheists, and it doesn't make sense. When I was an atheist, it never occurred to me that I should be concerned about a God that doesn't exist. I wasn't worried about Christians, because for the most part I could see them practicing what they preached. I could be among them, and even argue with them, but I never perceived them as any kind of threat.
On the other hand, if I was among other atheists I quickly learned not to argue with any of them, because if I did it could get ugly and sometimes even unsafe.
It's a little disconcerting when people are promoting peace in a violent way, and I know that at any moment it could spill over to where I am standing. That was a never a problem when I was among Christians. So you can point and cry out "hypocrite" all you want, it doesn't matter to me. I learned a long time ago how hypocrites behave.
Artful Dodger: Most Republicans want Akin to drop out of the race, and today I've learned that most Democrats want Akin to stay in the race... no big surprise there. I could have told the pollsters that before they started their polling.
I agree with Akin when he says it makes no sense to punish the child for what the rapist did, but he goofed when starting to say something else without explaining what he meant by it... he realized too late that it could used by the left, so he quickly brushed it off. He didn't just make one mistake, he made two.
By not explaining what he meant, he left the door wide open for his opponents to fill in the gap with obvious lies. On top of that, what I believe he was starting to say is only a minor factoid, and is so insignificant that it makes no sense for him to bring it up. Even if he did explain what he meant it wouldn't have helped him, because the liberals aren't looking for facts and reasons, they are looking for dirt. Or anything they can use as dirt. Look at the dirt (V) is flinging, and he probably does know that it's the Democrats and not the Republicans who want him to stay in the race.
This media attack is laughable... if the republicans are calling for him to step down and the democrats want him to stay in the race, it can only mean that they want this to be front page news for as long as they can milk it.
Artful Dodger: Okay, you have piqued my interest... the Dept of the Treasury and the US National weather service have bought up thousands of rounds of hollow point bullets. So what can that mean? Hollow points are serious ammunition.
So let me think... the National weather service wants this ammunition to defend itself if the global warming deniers threaten to attack one of their weather stations? No, that can't be right... it makes too much sense. There must be some nuttier reason.
And then there's the Dept of the Treasury. That's a no brainer. They are worried about the people who are obsessed with money... especially other peoples money. Obsession with money is a narcissistic disorder, but there's no point in going there again... too many narcissists will think I'm talking about them.
rod03801: "can you imagine Biden as our president"
Actually, Obamas smartest move was picking Biden to be vice president. It took me less than 2 minutes to figure that one out, after learning who Obama picked for the VP position.
Not only does it insure that Obama looks like the smartest guy in the room (it helps for Reed and Pelosi to be there as well) but if something were to happen to Obama (like tripping when jogging up and down the stairs to and from Air Force One) everyone understands who would take over. So who wouldn't want to show up just make sure nothing bad happens to the president?
Iamon lyme: "I'm still trying to proccess this in my mind..."
Oh no! I misspelled the word 'process'! Now it will be all over the news! I'm going to have to officially drop out of the race. I'm not running for any office but that doesn't matter, because I've obviously disqualified myself.
My handlers will be furious with me. They'll say, How could you have strayed so far off message? Why didn't you talk to us first? Now all of our hard work has gone down the toilet, and why? Because you went off the reservation and started blabbering about anything and everything that crosses your mind. That's why, you boob! What were you thinking?
But I don't care, and do you know why? Because they don't exist... and I wasn't running for any office. That's why.
Artful Dodger: The story will eventually come out, in little bits and pieces, but even after Obama is long gone the Democrats will need to spin this one until the next ice age is over.
There is no way they can ever justify intentionally misleading the American people. And no way they could get anyone to believe they didn't know all about this long before any of the rest of us ever got wind of it.
Iamon lyme: I'm still trying to proccess this in my mind... We can't use the faked document as evidence of it being a fake, because the document is a fake. And because it is a fake, and not a real document, it can't be used as evidence of the president trying to pass off a phony document... because it's not a real document.
You could make the case that the president didn't know it was a fake, that would be an easy argument to make, because he obviously doesn't know a whole lot about anything else he's involved in.
Artful Dodger: The first clip I saw talked about how criminal experts examined the birth certificate and have proven it's a manufactured document. One of the mistakes made when constructing the forgery was in adding a layer of security color in the wrong way. There were other mistakes made, the video didn't cover them all, but apparently there's no doubt about it. The document the president presented is a fake.
Here's the kicker though... Obama's own lawyer admitted it's a fake, but said it doesn't matter because the evidence (the document in question) CAN'T be used as evidence because.... are you ready for this? It can't be used as evidence because it's not a real document! That's right, because the birth certificate is a fake, it can't be used as evidence! Because it's NOT real! What does that mean? Does it mean if it WAS real it COULD be used as evidence? LOL to the tenth power!!!!!!
Darn it, I could've been a lawyer and make some big money before retiring. I had no idea how stupid some people can be.
That was good. I can't think of anything to add to that. I especially liked how he rolled his eyes when talking about lunacy. By the way, that's what our frontal lobes are for, they tell us if what we are hearing makes any sense or not. oops, I just added something, didn't I? Oh well, sooner or later it had to happen... I mean really, can anyone MAKE himself stop thinking? Aw crap... okay, I admit it, that was a stupid question... I see evidence of that every day. oopsie on me again.
Artful Dodger: "... was too busy being young and immature"
That's reminds me, we better saying something political or we could lose our street cred. Hold on a sec while I take a quick look...
Okay then, the bionic woman is not real, just a fictional character. Darn it, I was hoping she was real. So now I need to say something equally significant... Gilligan's island was filmed in Hawaii, so they weren't lost. It was all a hoax to entice viewers to tune in.
Next point... Not everyone in academia is throwing their support to Obama. Big deal, not everyone supported him the first time around. Those in academia and other members of the 'intelligentsia' who didn't speak up before are speaking up now. Big freakin whoop, I didn't say much the first time around either. But Obama should keep in mind that union thugs aren't the only bad asses out there... you don't want to cross paths with a gang of enraged geeks, wielding sharpened no. 2 pencils and ready to draw blood... it's enough to make a union thug's blood run cold.
Obama must be freaking out about all this. Where's all the love and high fives he was getting the first time? It's as though they've all turned against him. Obama is the only one whose feet are firmly planted on the ground, it's everyone else who are being mean and fickle minded and pissy towards him... and for no reason!
Iamon lyme: Oh crap! I meant to say "At my oldest daughters", not "At most oldest daughters..."
Good thing none of them come here to see what I'm saying... at least I don't think any of them are. I'm going to have to call my Dad again... maybe he knows what I should do.
Artful Dodger: "The monkey is harmless. Most days."
I know that, but for some reason I had the same feeling when one of my kids would cry... when they were little. At most oldest daughters birthday party someone said she was middle age now. Middle age? If she's middle age, then what about me? So I called my dad, and he said "Yeah, you're an old man."
O čem je toďten plk: Latest update on rumored Martian attack
Anonymous sources reveal no new information has surfaced regarding a previously purported impending attack against an unidentified person (or persons) of interest living at an undisclosed location. These same unnamed sources have revealed that all other pertinent items of information are assumed to have been redacted from classified documents, and are presumably in the possession of the proper dope smoking authorities. It has also been revealed that these documents have been secretly classified under the heading "For No Ones Eyes Only" for an unspecified length of time, only to be opened and read by no one in particular after this unspecified length of time has expired.
I saw that picture somewhere else. I decided not to use it because if you look at his mouth, you will see that it only stops him from biting... he can still talk.
Artful Dodger: I know this, you know this, and even they know this. And we all know who they are really trying to fool with this nonsense... those who don't know this, and are most likely to vote for them.
There must be enough people who don't know (or don't want to know) for the Democrats to be making this kind of pitch, otherwise it wouldn't be worth the effort. No one goes out on a limb and intentionlly says foolish things unless they believe it will accomplish their purpose... I don't know if I'm underestimating liberals or overestimating them, because they seem to think this will work... they can't all be idiots.
A Martian emissary whose existence cannot be verified has sent us information that cannot be confirmed about an impending Martian attack on an unidentified Englishman whom we can't be certain of.
... Sorry, I forgot. He is not American so it doesn't matter.
Artful Dodger: I don't get how he or The Col think they can get away with defending voter fraud... it seems their strategy is to call it anything but what it actually is. And if Canadian conservatives talk like our liberals, then I can only imagine what we would be hearing from their liberals.
Next thing you know they'll be against the death penalty because more Democrats are being executed than Republicans. If it was the other way around they would be encouraging the statis quo instead of kicking against it. But it's hypocritical of me to... to do what? To disagree with their point of view based only on wanting to insure standards of fairness are being equally applied?
Normally I won't quote what I've already said, but hey, why not... I'll probably be accused of 'nicking' myself. lol
>>>> Or when a five year old says "That's not fair!", you know it doesn't mean "I've looked at this from other points of view, and it's obvious to me that standards meant to insure fairness are not being equally applied." <<<<
Is that 'literate' as in knowin how ta read and rite, or 'literate' as in actually understanding what it is you are reading? Please elaborate with the usual obsfucation.
I could ask 'without the obfuscation', but ah know that ain't a going ta happin... nope.
Liberals get so excited over tempests in a teapot. After calling them on it there's nothing left to do but laugh about it.
If I was a liberal, I wouldn't be trying to influence simple minded voters unless I believed most Democrats were simple minded. They insult the intelligence of their own people. Either that or it's understood by all Democrats that party identity and loyalty are all it takes to be a good Democrat.
A simple minded grab for power may get you there, but once you get there then what? Then you get goof balls who have no idea what they are doing other than to try keeping that power from slipping away.
Then they complain that the opposition is not playing fair and is being mean, as though being a gentleman pirate is something everyone should strive to be. Aaarrrrrrh, give me all a yer booty won't ya please?
Iamon lyme: Maybe The Col is right... maybe all republicans are law abiding citizens and all democrats are criminals. I don't think that is his point, but what other (logical) conclusion am I supposed to gather from this?
If you're going to complain that obeying the law is giving your opponent an unfair advantage, then we need to change the rules of chess as well... because as it is, it gives unfair advantage to those who actually play well. LOL
rod03801: No kidding. I guess liberals (and Canadian conservatives) see nothing wrong with allowing anyone to vote, especially the ones who can't (or won't) follow the rules. (V) made the point that it's not about logic or morality, but it's all about survival. He makes this admission, and then tries to appeal to our logic and sense of morality... I honestly don't think he pays much attention to his own rhetoric.
Here the left leaning news media had their way for a long time until the right started to hit back. At first I thought The Col was talking about Canadian media... I don't know anything about that, I just know what has been going on with the American media. Sometimes I don't know if these guys are talking about their own countries, or about Mars, or the lost City of Atlantis, but then I remind myself that these are liberals who are talking.
O čem je toďten plk: Conservatism in North America
According to Wikipedia...
In Canada, political conservatism is generally considered to be primarily represented by the Conservative Party of Canada at the federal level, and by various right-leaning parties at the provincial level. The first party calling itself "Conservative" in what would become Canada was elected in the Province of Canada election of 1854.
Canadian conservatism has always been rooted in a preference for the traditional and established ways of doing things, even as it has shifted in economic, foreign and social policy. Like Edmund Burke, they rejected the sense of both ideology and revolution, preferring pragmatism and evolution. It is for that reason that unlike in the conservatives in the United States, Canadian conservatives are generally not republicans, preferring the monarchy and Westminster system of government.
(Note: The United States of America is a federal republic, while Canada is a constitutional monarchy, a distinction resulting from the American Revolution and its aftermath.)
Artful Dodger: Something just occurred to me. No, I don't mean the toilet in the kitchen idea, I meant something else...
We have a large Mexican community in our area, documented and undocumented. Pandering to the Mexicans can backfire on democrats when they offer to take care of them via food stamps and other services that make it easier to avoid work.
Machismo is a big deal for many of them, and it's the kind of machismo that feminists will get their panties all twisted into a knot over. It's very ingrained in their culture, so to suggest to any Mexican male that we will help them to become dependant is huge put down. "Here, let us help your men become like a dependant woman". Like it or not, this is how many of them react to that kind of "help".
But that isn't the idea that just now occurred to me. It occurs to me that I have never seen or even heard of a feminist who is also a conservative republican. I know Mexicans who are more conservative than I am, but not once have I ever talked to (or seen anything written by) a conservative feminist.
Artful Dodger: "...a huge majority of voters think the country is heading in the wrong direction, the race is tied!"
I'm not so sure the race IS tied. I'm just speculating, because there is no way to definitively tie this down, but I think a lot of people who know how they will vote aren't saying anything.
One black conservative said the percentage of black voters who will vote for Obama has been grossly over estimated. I saw a number that was so high I didn't think it could right... 98%. According to the black conservative, who is obviously closer to the black community than I am (so would hear things I wouldn't hear) believes the actually number is 2 to 3. That number could be off too. But his estimate of 2 out of 3 blacks either voting republican or not voting at all makes a lot more sense.
But that's just one example of how far off the numbers could be, because the same situation exists among white voters too. As well as other groups that have been divided into racial catagories, and are assumed to automatically throw their support to the democrats. Many of them are just as offended as I am that anyone would pander to them on the basis of their racial background.
The democrats have no idea how much resentment they have stirred up for themselves, and they still think of themselves as the champions of the oppressed. These various groups of people are not stupid, they know who has been oppressing them. And they are none too happy to see the same clowns who have been oppressing them coming back to act as their saviors.