Deb4858: Fellowships are for meeting and interacting with friends, joining in team tournaments, ponds, stairs and polls. Most fellowships are directed towards certain subjects or specific games. You are welcome to join as many fellowships as you care to, but the best fellowship is The ORIGINAL Flame Pit
We host all tourney types. If we don't have your game, let me know and I'll add it! This is the ORIGINAL Flame Pit. All others are just cheap copies. :) Now JOIN if yer not in!!!
O čem je toďten plk: Re: Would someone please explain this to me?
Fencer: It says "Subject: Game was finished by administrator" I had heard about a post from Francesco had been removed this morning from a public board (not clear which board) but I will pm him and ask. It doesn't seem fair that I lost the opportunity to play the game before it began. I can understand a game having to be deleted for uncontrollable reason (it would have been nice to have known why), but I'm being penalize for others actions? -50 BKR points
"GERRY": BrainKing has a diversity of fellowships. Some are not intended for children (as stated on their opening page). A few fellowships have boards that are dedicated for members to express their opinions, while some are intended to enjoy the laughter and kindness of others, or just share common likes and interest. It was not necessary for you to criticize or diss any fellowships here at BK. If your not comfortable in a particular fellowship then you have to right to leave them at any time.
(do skréše) Dež čekáš, až bodeš v něčem na taho, možeš bóchnót na "vechetat" o řádko "oževet" na dóležitym léstko, potem našteloj toďto hodnoto třeba na 30 sekond, abe se tě stav tvéch špilu oževoval rechléc. (Servant) (okázat šecke vechetávke)