I’ve to reply to your message...again.
First, what you are saying now it’s very different from the other messages that you sent me, because you accused me TO MAKE YOUR MOVES and TO CHEAT the games. That is an accusation that I’ll not allow you to do.
Second, if you have a problem with me you should talk to me first and wait to know my answer. Besides that you are lying about it, because you sent me the first message on 8. September 2004, 13:27:45 and you put a message here, 3 minutes later on 8. September 2004, 13:30:53, without let me see yours in the game or replying to it.
Third, i never said that i did not see your games, or other games, because they are public and anyone at anytime can see it. Play private if you don’t want to show yours.
Fourth, i learn how to play some games by seeing others playing. It’s not illegal, or against the rules.
Fifth, in gammon games everybody can see the last move and the dice roll for the next move, but THEY CANNOT CHOOSE THE DICE. Computer program is the one who make the dice roll, not me or anybody else.
Sixth, i do not know if a player can generate the dice roll or if the dice are already generated and it shows only when a person sees the game, and if it is different if it rolls at 01.00 am or at 05.00 pm. I don’t know either if anybody saws my games before i play it and if it does i really don’t care about it.
Seventh, supposing the dice rolls only when the first person sees the game, it’s still completely indifferent because you cannot know if the dice roll, is better or worst.
At last, your other remarks in your message like “dice god”, “bozo” and others, are totally stupid to be commented. Grow up kid!
I think your dirty message needs an appropriate answer:
First, a public game can be seen for anybody. I use to see games from other people, because it’s a way of learning and improving the way I play, as well. If you watch some, you might learn something…
Second, if you don’t want your games to be seen, play private games.
Third, I don’t have and I don’t need to have another nick to watch another games.
Fourth, before you make an accusation, be sure you have proves. Cheating is making anything against the rules and none of what I’d done is illegal or against regulations.
Fifth, if you have a problem with me, act like a man, say it first and politely or write to the owner of the site, like I did.
Sixth, call bozo to the guy you see everyday at the mirror.
(do skréše) Dež seš napnoté(á), jak probihá tornaj, do keryhos vlitl(a), možeš ho se svéma spološpilošama okecat rovnó v "Mloveni" o toďteho tornaja. (HelenaTanein) (okázat šecke vechetávke)