You can save positions either in the Game Editors found on the left (or top) links or after creating your set-up for a game. As far as I know, you can save as many as you want and can call them whatever you like. Instead of creating a new set-up for the next game, you can load your previously saved position and either leave it as is or make changes to it (and re-save it, if you like).
When you are on the page where you are going to set up your board for that particular game, there is an option to "Load position", and you type in whatever you named that starting position in the games editor.
I THINK I'm right about that.. I actually haven't started a new battleboats game in a while.. so I'm just going on what I THINK I remember..
Someone correct me if I'm wrong..
For the "Fast Start" tournament, I will try to keep them going today as fast as I can.
BUT unlike with BK1.0, I CAN NOT start a tournament right away. There is a script that runs every hour to see if any tournament has passed the time limit and will start it automaticly.
What I will do (and have done for those tournaments), is go back in and set the date as "already expired", and once the script runs again (Withing 1 hour) the tournaments will be started!
But I'm sure I'll be going through a few of them today, so keep checking them out and sign up for all that you like. (Plus I also have the BIG TOURNAMENT which has all 3 new games, and I'm sure will get many people to sign up!
O čem je toďten plk: Dark Battleboats & Battleboats Plus
Battleboat Plus & Dark Battleboats - If anyone is looking for a game, since it looks like a bug is currently not letting people see all the games in the waiting room - Feel free to invite me to a game of either/both of these new games.
(If others are looking for a game - feel free to post in here that you will also accept invites!)
Like I mentioned in my post, I have a handheld battleship game and that version is on it. I havent seen it on the internet sites though. Someone in feature requests where I posted this idea first said they saw it somewhere once but didnt remember where.
Přetvořeny oževatelem Brian1971 (28. června 2004, 15:41:32)
I made this request a few months back but now BK2.0 is in place I wish to make it again. There is one more battleboats variant I would like to see. I will call it Battleboats Bonus. It is played like regular battleboats but the bonus is if you make a hit on your opponent you get to keep your turn until you miss. Actually you could make this a 2 variant request. You could play it with a dark version too if you would like. I havent seen this version anywhere else so this could be exclusive to the Brainking lineup of games. I have a handheld battleship game and this game variant is on it. I like this version and I think others would like it too.
if you install the auto-pass feature you could do it. If you get a hit the autopass would kick in and you would get to shoot again. If not it would be your opponents turn. Just a another reason to have the autopass feature as an option but for my game idea it would be mandatory feature built in.
Another Battleboat Idea: Loop Battleboat (Also can be Loop Battleboat Plus, Dark loop Battleboats, etc...)
Overview - if you can hit your opponenets ship with the correct amount of shots without missing, you don't give it time to "sink" and you capture it! You can then place it back into play as one of your own ships!
Details: Sink ship with correct # of hits = let say you make a hit, if you can finish hitting the rest of the ship without any "miss" shots - you capture it. So a 4 ship will take 4 shots from the first one that hit. (If you miss with one of them, the boat has more time to take on water and sinks - not letting you capture it.)
Place back on board: Not one can you place it back on the board, you can also place it in an area that your opponent already shot! (So instead of "hit marks" on the board, you will have a "1", "2", "3", "4", etc.... that way you you can tell when you last tried to shot in an area easier.
O čem je toďten plk: Re: Seeking Married Females Or Females with Boyfriends For Any Type Of Battleboats Games.
Hi BabyGirl69! Are You Married Or At Least Have A Boyfriend? I Would Like To Play You Battle Boats. I Play At But ILike To Play On This Site Too.
O čem je toďten plk: New Battleboats Prize Tournament - *Swimmers On Your Marks !* ~*~
Framed by the KillingMachine 'Adopt A Pawn Program' you now
have got the chance to win half a year Knight Level Membership ...
Only stipulation for a signup: today, you must have been on brainking
one full month already - to minimize creation of redundant accounts yano ... 8)
please make sure to have four game-slots free - YAY !! only four
- that's like so consumerfriendly - great !! my modest and humble
consideration is worldfamous indeed ... 0:) ~*~
PS sign here for a frolic splish-splash,
in warm waters - that is if the heat-backup works ... :D
I would suggest leaving it like this. If a game times out, or ends for some uncontrolable circumstance, your ships' location will be revealed for your opponent, making it impossible to continue the game and forcing you to restart the game from the beginning. If it is a tournament game, that would slow down the whole tournament and render pawns like yourself who are in that tournament unable to join another until that game is complete.
Although the same problem could arise in Dark Chess, i like seeing where my opponent's pieces were, and be able to play through the game in that :-)
hey people what do u think of my idia of e-cards?
fencer is puting that on his to do list. please tell everyone about this and get thier opinion on e-cards ok