Bernice: I have read before that it can take up to 5 years for a planted young tree to bear fruit. (I assume this is what you did) If you planted it from seedling, it can take 7 or 8 years.
I should add, I'm no expert. LOL. This is just what I had read somewhere, in the past.
Bernice: I just checked.. they are still around. And they are free. I used them a long time ago. Pretty much the same as geocities, as i recall. They have templates you can use, so you don't even need to be an HTML expert.
Foxy Lady: It's almost 90 today in New Hampshire!!!! Tomorrow too, but more humid. I can't wait until the Autumn weather comes back! I LOVE it! No leaves are changing around here yet. I thought you were south of me.. I'm surprised that you already have colors.. In my part of the state our peak foliage time is mid to late October.