Thad: I'm with you. I knew 11 had a chance of falling this time. I had been betting 13 and wouldn't have gone near 11 ( as per my post on discussion board).
Přetvořeny oževatelem Bernice (5. března 2005, 06:34:22)
awwwwww *pout* i ran an easter holiday is mothers day....actually for aussies and kiwis the next holiday is anzac day...but I wouldnt get enough players....I have already run one lady's only...and had no responses, but then I didnt check it out before it started either LOL...this is a prize tourney and there fore I will be checking it closely
***EDIT*** oh and if a man slips through and wins it...NO PRIZE
the thing is, anyone of any race or gender can obtain a knight or above membership. Calling different membership levels segregation is a bit of a misnomer.
I could have said nothing and just deleted them fron the pond...I thought i was doing the right thing and asking them to remove themselves voluntarily or I will do it the day before and keep checking...I am not segregating Red and you are just nitpicking.LOLOL
If you were a woman you would be welcome LOLOL...what happens when Fathers day comes around...???? would you be interested in that...I will set it up now for next September if you wish...:(
If Fencer set up a tournament for just one group of players, then I might have an issue with it. But if a member wants to hold a tourney for certain other members, I don't see the harm. I could hold a prize tourney just for my friends here, so why not one for just the sexy redheadded ladies, or just the guys who like the same football team I do, players under 6 feet tall (sorry, I don't know the metric equivallent) or whatever.
redsales: Why have a problem with it? You're in a Dark Chess tournament right now that excluded me from playing just because I had too high of a rating. Ponds doesn't have a rating system, so that's one type of segregation that doesn't apply to it. All the others are still available. I like how Thad summed it up, though I don't see why Fencer couldn't have a tournament just for his friends or other invitees too. If it's my tournament, I should be able to have in it who I want to and will have an invitational. If I don't care, or if I want anybody that's interested in playing, I have an open. Simple enough, so where's the problem?
Walter Montego: Of course discrimination exists on this site as it does everywhere else in the world. But I contend that discrimination based on rating is an entirely different ball of wax than segregation based on nationality. If you equate these two, i'm afraid nothing else I say will be of any value to you. So the Dark Chess tournament, had you been excluded on basis of being American, it would've been the same?
<Simple enough, so where's the problem?>
Oversimplification is the problem, and I do not see all types of dicrimination as ethically equal, even though they are functionally equal.
Přetvořeny oževatelem rod03801 (5. března 2005, 12:11:21)
There are plenty of other ponds, tournaments etc., to sign up for. Why be bothered by it?
People who create ponds/tournaments should be able to set whatever parameters that they want.
It's only a game site! It's not deciding who is going to get subsidized housing or something like that!
I say, lighten up.
Přetvořeny oževatelem Walter Montego (5. března 2005, 16:00:55)
redsales: I didn't say I agree with someone not allowing me into their club because of some quality about myself I have little choice in or don't want to change. I said a person should have the right to set up those things for their tournament and exclude me. It's their tournament, it should be their choice. So they purposely make it so I can't play, that might not be fair to me, but thems the breaks. In a world of plenty I can go somewhere else. As rod says, there's lots of Ponds here. In a world of scarcity such discrimination can hurt and I may or may not take action against it. Aren't those the major causes of peace, war, strife, and famine? Almost seems like these games sites/ discussion boards are a little microcosm of the world as it is. When California launches its attack against Czech Republic because of the ongoing pattern of the discriminatory use of prize funded tournaments here, then I might worry about it. In the meantime, let them have their club. It's one of the good features of the site. I'm surprised it bothers you as it's the very same thing as if all the members of a fellowship that you are a member of that doesn't have open enrollment decides to have a prize tournament. I wouldn't be able to play in it, nor would anyone that wanted to that the Big Boss of the fellowship wouldn't let join his fellowship.
Stevie: I was just curious if it was a whole site thing going on to not use Globs as regular mods (as that was an idea I put forth many months ago) Plus I was curious if all mods of public boards were given that honour by Fencer or if it was only the 'main' mod and that the other mods were the decision of that main mod?
I wasnt trying to stir, but now that I see your defensivness on the subject, I assume that something between you and BBW must be going on?
I have made it to the final round of a pond for the first time..
I'm sure there is something I'm not seeing, but doesn't the person with the most points in that round automatically win?? I mean, all they have to do is bid one more than what their opponent has?
I'm sure this is really stupid, and there is probably something obvious I'm not seeing.
There are many cases where the winner is determined many rounds before the end. there are mathematical formulas that can easily work out when this is the case.
I would suggest that the winner be crowned as soon as the victory is inevitable.
There is no need to move the last piece off, the other player should resign. I consider it a little inconsiderate to continue playing. What is the point?