Irishrose had 7400 points and bet 2900 in the last round, that's why she has 5000 points now. It's more than probable that she's going to bet 3100 now.
Přetvořeny oževatelem Pedro Martínez (23. března 2005, 22:51:38)
volant: Thanks volant, that was one of my hardest pond wins, the "endgame" with Vikings and fra was one headache bait, as Vikings named it.
*dancing to the swan song*
Well, it is only you, Zorro, who deserves appreciation for this win...congrats!!! This pond was very special and didn't actually fit in any of the BBW's examples (which are great, BTW). Well played...
Přetvořeny oževatelem Pedro Martínez (15. března 2005, 00:19:06)
Zorro: Well, you definitely can win this pond. Your bet now should not be too low since you would fall in the pond but also not too high because you are about 800 points behind the leader and you need to gather these points somewhere. So, your goal in the upcoming round should be to bet as low as possible in order to bet at least 1300 points less than the leader. The other way to win is to let the leader fall in the pond, of course (that's the easier one, LOL).
OK: Let us say there is a pond with one day time limit. The moves should be made, say, at 3am today. Now when you go to somebody's profile shortly before the deadline and see that the last time this person was at BK was BEFORE 3am yesterday, you can set your bet to this person's last bet +1 and be sure you won't fall in the pond.
Walter Montego: Yup, for me there were two options: bet low or bet high...I assumed lukulus would think I would bet everything and bet 1226 (I didn't actually realize that in this case, 1225 would be as good as 1226) + I wanted to bet as high as possible just for the case he would bet low. That's why I went for 511.
I don't agree with this. In my opinion, individual rounds are not important (and especially not the first ones). The final table is the only thing that should be taken into consideration.
But the Rovers made it to the semis while the Magpies didn't. That's what's making them better (in the FA Cup). They won their quarterfinal game and Newcastle didn't. Plus, why didn't they have a chance to get to the finals or win it eventually? There's always a chance. I assume you'd still call them worse team just because they're playing "bad", right?
Přetvořeny oževatelem Pedro Martínez (4. unora 2005, 20:16:04)
I happen to disagree also, Bry. You gave us an example of two players, who both who fell in the pond in 13th round but both used a different strategy. I don't understand why do you favor one of them. In these kind of games, it's not important HOW you play, the result is what is essential and what everybody is interested in looking at the final table. Same thing as in football, for example. If Arsenal drops out of the FA Cup in the first round but plays a great, attacking football, nobody cares if the 5th Division club manages to score 1 "grubby" goal in the 90th minute.
Stardust: How come you don't follow one of the main rules of the discussion boards? I was told by Londo, the Global Moderator, that it is forbidden to delete posts that somebody replied to.
I would like to let you know that I'm not betting 0 now. In my opinion, it's Daniel Snyder's fault. It should have been mentioned in the name of the pond that the minimum bet is 1 and maximum bet is 10. "Min bet 1 Max bet 10... Who is going to be the winner?" in the pond description is NOT enough. First, as you can see, not many people read the pond description. Secondly, there are people at this site who do not speak English. And thirdly, I doubt all the people read this board and I'm 100% sure I will not be the only one of the people who didn't "abide by the rules" in the first round who will not bet 0 now. And lastly, are the players in this pond supposed to bet 1-10 nly in the first round or during the entire pond, in all the rounds? Poor job, Daniel.
I repeat, I will play this pond as if it was a normal one.
Arctic Warrior: 7) Every player who does not make the first move (after the run is started), automatically falls to the pond along with players who use the least amount of points.
Chuck - I will never ever start or join any pond like this anymore. Like you say, there will always be someone who either can't read or type and screw up the entire pond.
Stardust: To have a shill make moves in my pond is not cheating. Period. If you say somebody's cheating, you also have to say who is cheated. NOBODY's being cheated in this game as everybody KNOW (or can know) what's going on. Period. None of the players involved have complained about this fact so far. Contrariwise, many of them signed up BECAUSE of it. Period. Moreoover, you say that to have a shill make moves in a game is cheating. Then, several sentences further in your post, you say that the best thing would have been if EdTice had not said anyone he was going to use his spreadsheet. I don't understand the way you think. It would not be cheating if he used a computer and didn't tell anyone but it is cheating when everybody have access to this information? I don't get it. And another PERIOD.
Stevie, I don't think so. It would be cheating if nobody knew this was going on...since it was announced here BEFORE, the pond started, everybody had the possibility to consider it and sign in or out, depending on whether they want to participate or not. The secret person will be revealed anyway, so what's the problem?
BBW, Chuck - I'm going to keep records of each round so we can see at the end, when the secret person is revealed, how everyone bet. The table will be similar to the Bad Bishop's and will be accessible on-line.
Vikings - yes, it's easy to leave out 0, but it will never going to be the same tourney as it would be if all of the players bet as much as they were to. I am 100% sure I wouldn't have won my 19900 tourney if you three guys had abided by the rules. Diogenes would have been out in the first round. Bry wouldn't have fallen into the pond as ridiculously as he had... ... ... ...
Thanks, Chuck. I'm not entering any 10000, 15000, 19900 first bet ponds anymore cuz as far as I can see, there will always be someone who will screw up the whole tourney...Vikings has already made it twice...