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O čem je toďten plk: Re: IYT Ladder..Hard To Read Here..But I am proud. :)
Socrates: There is no avoiding them because if you have an open spot anyone can challenge you. I have run across a few people who can beat programs (with their bare hands..LOL) such as Richard Fortman, Clint Olsen and Ustica. There is a better chance in Pro-checkers (3 move openning) I believe but it is never easy.
O čem je toďten plk: Re: IYT Ladder..Hard To Read Here..But I am proud. :)
Socrates: I woke up this morning to find 30 points stripped from my BKR (I didn't lose any games or anything) and so I don't qualify for your championship tournament. I liked the old ratings better. LOL.
I'm going to cancel the tournament because of the ratings and just stick with the October Open for now. I'll have a Tournament every month and the winners of those tournaments will all play in an end of the year championship.
O čem je toďten plk: USA vs UK International Match
After 7 rounds of play - the USA is ahead of the UK 51 wins to 8 wins.
Statistics for USA team:
Rank Name W-L-D
1. Schwartz 7-0-7
2. Webster 6-0-8
3. Laverty 7-1-6
4. Lindsay 7-1-6
5. Morrison 6-1-7
6. Nash(22 Years Old) 4-1-5
7. Beckwith 2-0-12!
8. Walker 2-0-0
9. Millhone 3-1-4
10. Holmes 2-1-9
11. Levitt 1-0-7 (Has left early because of illness)
12. Lopez 1-0-3
12. Bishop 3-3-6
Statistics for UK team:
1. Devlin 2-2-10
2. Breen(Ladies World Champion) 2-4-8
3. Harwood 2-4-8
4. Moran 3-0-11
5. Doyle 0-5-9
6. O'Driscoll 0-5-9
7. Owens 2-7-5
8. Dobbins 0-6-8
9. Young 0-6-8
10. Lucas 1-7-6
I'm not aware if any of these players play here at brainking.com. The match is being held in Las Vegas and is 10 rounds. 3 more rounds to go with means 60 wins up for grabs, so the USA has not clinched victory yet.
Hugh Devlin has been elected as the new WCDF(World Checkers/Draughts Federation) President. The position was held by our very own George Miller before the new election.
O čem je toďten plk: USA vs UK International Match
USA wins the match with 71 wins. UK had 18 wins and there was 111 draws. Best individual performance came from Joe Schwartz(USA) with a 10-0-10(W-L-D) record. Hugh Devlin gave the best individual performance for the UK team with a 6-2-12(W-L-D) record.
There will be a tournament book which will present annotated games, pictures and other features. See www.usacheckers.com for more info.
Is there any kind of 40 moves rules like in chess? It is bit boring when opponent will not agree draw and just plays around. I'm jumping in check checkers corner to corner and he can not do anything to cancel that.
Salkkuman: I know on IYT you had to contact the the owner to get a draw declared but then they put in the software that drew the game after 6 repetitive moves by both players. That may have changed. Goldtoken you still have to contact the site owner but she will act. Here I don't know. Each site does it's own thing regardless of the rules.
Salkkuman: There doesn't seem to be an official set of checker rules - like there is for chess. Some rulesets seem to have a '40 move' rule, which says that if one players <em>appears</em> to have an advantage, his opponent can ask for a judgement. If the player having the advantage can't convince the referee that he can make progress in the next 40 moves, the game is a draw.
Personally, I'd say that on BK any non-dice game a result (usually a draw) should be declared if a position repeats itself twice. Games that can have positions that repeat themselves include most (excluding Dark chess) chess and checkers variants, Alquerque, Jarmo, Jungle, Tablut, Tank Battle, Halma, Hasami Shogi, and Espionage (although in Espionage, positions should only be equal if exactly the same pieces are on the same fields, not just pieces of the same rank, because of the opponents not knowing the rank of all the pieces).
mp_friesland annd SOCRATES are co-chamions of the Oct Checkers Open. Signups for the Nov Checkers Open will begin now :)
The World Qualifier Tournament, Youth World Championship and Womens World Championship for Go-As-You-Please starts today in Prague, Czech Rep and our very own Igor "sobek" Keder and Milan "Goldarrows" Sip are participating. The events take place from Oct 10th-14th.
Round 1 and 2 have been completed. I don't see Milan "Goldarrow" Sip's name under the Qualifying Tournament. I suppose he is just attending the Czech Checkers Championship later in the week.
Igor "sobek" Keder faced English Master, Rawle Allicock in the first round and lost one and drew the other. In Round 2 he faced fellow Czech player Jaroslav Tichy and split the two games.
Qaulifying Tournament Standings after 2 rounds:
1. Mustafa Durdyev, Turkey - 7 Points
2. Michael Holmes, USA - 6 Points
3. Jim Morrison, USA - 6 Points
4. Rawle Allicock, England - 5 Points
5. Richard Beckwith, USA - 5 Points
6. Dave Harwood, England - 5 points
7. Bagtyar Durdyev, Turkey - 5 Points
8. Thomas Canning, Ireland - 4 Points
9. Ingo Zachos, New Zealand - 4 Points
10. Igor "sobek" Keder, Czech Rep. - 3 points
11. Dennis Pawlek, Germany - 2 Points
12. Thomas Novotny, Czech Rep. - 2 Points
13. Jaroslav Tichy, Czech Rep. - 2 Points
14. Sun Thrane, Denmark - 0 Points
Jan Mortimer of New Zealand and Amangul Durdyev of Turkey are tied for 1st place in the Womens Championship with 8 points.
Lukas Valenta of Czech Rep. is leading the Youth Championship with 7 points. He defeated the favorite, Basham Durdyev both games in round 1 with dramatic fashion.
Round 3 update: Mustafa Durdyev of Turkey drew both games with Jim Morrison of USA in round 3. So If Mustafa can put up a good score against Richard Beckwith of USA there might be no catching him.
There is an undefeated 26-0-0 player on GoldToken who just beat me in 8 moves (no big deal) and I have a rematch where I'm going to play white single corner defense. He seems awesome but I don't see him on BK yet. And he hasn't played the likes of SOCRATES or Ustica. He will bear watching. :)
SOCRATES: His name is transfusion. Says he's a 60 yr old man who reads checker books which he names. His smother game was so many moves ahead it was uncanny..and I moved real fast which seldom works against a good player. I know of the Ulevator guy you're talking about..he is working real hard at dominating the site. I never played him but his record looks pretty imposing for someone who came out of nowhere. (whatever the reason) but he is playing ustica so we'll see how he does there. He won't beat ustica..take that to the bank!
~ GAYP means Go-As-You-Please which is the same style we play here at Brainking :)
World GAYP Qualifier - The winner is Jim Morrison from USA and he will play Ron King for the GAYP World Championship Title Match.
Place - Name - Nation - Points
1. Jim Morrison, USA, 26
2. Bagtyar Durdyev, Turkey, 24
3. Mustafa Durdyev, Turkey, 24
4. Dr. Richard Beckwith, USA, 23
5. Michael Holmes, USA, 20
6. Rawle Allicock, England, 19
7. Ingo Zachos, Germnay(?), 18
8. Dave Harwood, England, 17
9. Thomas Canning, Ireland, 17
10. Dennis Pawlek, Germany, 16
11. Tomas Novotny, Czech, 14
12. Igor "sobek" Keder, Czech, 13
13. Jaroslav Tichy, Czech, 12
14. Sune Thrane, Denmark, 9
Women's World GAYP Championship - The winner is 17 year old Amangul Durdyeva winning all her games and she is declared the Women's World GAYP Champion. Patricia Breen of Ireland is the 3-Move Women's World Champion and will be facing Jan Mortimer of New Zealand for the title this month.
1. Amangul Durdyeva, Turkey, 16
2. Jan Mortimer, New Zealand, 10
3. Kim Willis, USA, 7
4. Alena Sorokina, Czech, 6
5. Marie Reidlbauchova, Czech, 1
Youth World GAYP Championship - The winner is Lukas Valenta of Czech Rep and is declared the Youth(under 21) World GAYP Champion.
O čem je toďten plk: Women's World 3-Move Championship
Jan Mortimer of New Zealand was the challenger vs. current title holder, Patrica Breen of Ireland. Jan Mortimer won the first game but Patricia came right back with a win in the 2nd game, it never trailed after. The final score was 6 wins for Patricia Breen, 1 win for Jan Mortimer and 8 draws.
Patrica Breen withstands the challenge is still the Womens 3-Move World Champion and in my opinion has reached grandmaster status, even compared with the men.
Jan Mortimer had just played in the Women's World GAYP Championship tournament a week earlier, which could have affected her endurance.
17 year-old Amangul Durdyeva of Turkey, current Women's GAYP World Champion, should now have the rights to challenge Patrica Breen for the 3-Move title.
O čem je toďten plk: Re: Women's World 3-Move Championship
I played two practice games (face to face)with Amangul Durdyeva when she was fifteen,at the time she was not familiar with book play but the speed and depth at which she analysed positions was frightening.If she maintains an interest in checkers she will surely be world champion in the not too distant future.
O čem je toďten plk: Re: Women's World 3-Move Championship
Socrates: It would be outstanding if we could interest her to come here and treat us to a few on line games with our best players..Miller, yourself, Trice and Ustica to name a few. How much we could learn.!!
ustica: Indeed. It is no exaggeration to say Richard Fortman can be mentioned in the same breath with Tinsley, King and the greatest players of the last 40 years. It is an honor to have you here and I hope we can have a game.
Socrates: I agree and as you know George is a household word in the checkers community for good reason. And Richard was winning his first Masters and writing books on checkers when most of us were in knickers.
If you have not aleady recieved an invite and you are 2100 then tell me! If you are a border line 2100, then you have 9 days to get there! Starts December 1st.
O čem je toďten plk: Sites to play i real time (direct on line)
The sites which make it possible to save the games are rare.
However that is quite useful to be able to analyze the games later.
I know Yahoo and Kurnik.
Kurnik makes it possible to save the games but
there are few players for this game on this site.
Yahoo always has many players but it does not make it possible to save the games.
Do you know other sites which make it possible to play checkers and to save the games?
Sphere Froglet gave me a good idea, or at least I think it is. Endless checkers, wich connects the top to the bottom. every time a player reaches the top, he (or she) can send that piece back on the next turn, receiving one point. The game can end in two ways, which are 1: somebody lost all pieces, and 2: Tie's are possible when someone cannot move. The "winner" is the one who has the most points (most pieces reached the end and returned). some variatons could include that the sides are connected too, or give the player who caught all opposing pieces a little point bonus. Do you like the idea? or do you just think:"Shut Up"?
daniel2: I don't think this should be added until brainking has added the traditional variants of checkers - international 10x10, brazilian, italian, russian, etc. I am still hoping for 7x7 checkers too :)
Checkers and Anti Checkers Master, George Miller has won the 2005 Brainking Autumn Checkers Championship, going undefeated getting 7 points out of a possible 8.
O čem je toďten plk: USA 2006 Checkers National Tournament
For all you Americans (or anyone planning to go), the American Checkers Federation has announced the 2006 US National Tournament will be played in "Medina, Ohio" from June 19th-23rd. More detailed information is at the American Checkers Federation's WEBSITE at USACHECKERS.COM.
The currect 3-Move Checkers World Champion, Alex Moiseyev, is completing his first checkers book called "SIXTH". You can pre-order the book in the American Checkers Federation' Store here: http://usacheckers.com/viewstore.php?cat_id=2
I am a beginner in checkers and i would like to propose two questions for learning a bit about checkers:
In this game of turkish checkers
the double capture 61...Qb3-h3 is an ilegal move?
I have read the rules of Turkish Checkers, Czech Checkers and Checkers and i am not sure about the reason of this move could not be legal.
(2)In the rules of Czech Checkers is written a player can choose between two possible captures but in Turkish Checkers is in this way too or maybe the player must make the capture of the biggest number of enemy pieces. Thank you.