Přehlašovaci méno: Kózelny sluvko:
Zapsáni novyho oževatela
Kolaté potok(vesvětlet špil | mlovet)
Vetvořel(a): basplund
The Pond for Winners
A pond for players with at least 5 wins. Only nice people are allowed to take part! :=)
Zpátke na léstek s kolatéma potokama

Droh kolatyho potoka:  Fofr kolem kolatyho potoka
ID kolatyho potoka: 1913
Kolek može bét némiň špilošu: 16
Kolek može bét névic špilošu: co to pode
Hodine na tah: 3 dně
Odmávnoti: 15. unora 2006, 12:00:00
Konec fofro: 26. března 2006, 22:05:04

Špil | Mloveni

Ranec: 12
Czuch:(21. března 2006, 00:02:06) gg Shamael
Ranec: 11
basplund:(17. března 2006, 19:19:21) Congratulations shamael!!!
Ranec: 3
basplund:(21. unora 2006, 13:19:04) It's ok now Czuch
Congrats to Baked Alaskan! Nice Bonus move!
Ranec: 2
basplund:(18. unora 2006, 16:39:12) Czuch KNEW he was not supposed to take part in this pond. I'm sure he read it - only for "nice people". However - he felt he had to anyway, just to harress people here with his insinuations.
Ranec: 1
Czuch:(15. unora 2006, 15:15:28) So is it okay to collude in this pond? I just dont want to be left out in the rain and be the only person not doing it!

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