News of the SPREAD of PANTIES was a FALSE REPORT. An information source of "A fire in1932 was...PANTIES" is a Tokyo newspaper story of those days. However, the story was a false report. It deceived me, too. One woman fell off rain gutters to try to descend along them. One woman fell off her belt for kimonos to use substituting for rope. Two women were driven by smoke, and had their escape cut off, and jumped down themselves. Though the above women existed, there were no women who perished for not wearing panties in the fire. Zpátke na léstek s kolatéma potokama
Droh kolatyho potoka: Fofr kolem kolatyho potoka ID kolatyho potoka: 7160 Kolek može bét némiň špilošu: 16 Kolek može bét névic špilošu: 25 Hodine na tah: 2 dně 12 hodin Odmávnoti: 10. května 2012, 14:05:07 Konec fofro: 30. června 2012, 09:05:06
(do skréše) Ťokni na špilošovo méno a pak na oddil Okončeny špile, pak na méno špila a nakonec na orčité špil, nad kerym tak možeš přeméšlet do aleluja. (Servant) (okázat šecke vechetávke)