Přehlašovaci méno: Kózelny sluvko:
Zapsáni novyho oževatela
Plke o: balvan99

balvan99 (balvan99) - Brain pinčl, 21048 Mozku, 1865 óspěchovéch bodu
Skóre v celko: 44410 vehranéch špilu, 1123 plicht, 42245 prohranéch špilu, 2157 vehranéch tornaju

Osobni plke
Zidka (15)
Veřéni kamoši oževatela balvan99

Good Luck :)FLR
dělá, že toť néni (?)
Lukas 16
kóká na dóležité léstek
kóká na dóležité léstek
cd power
dělá, že toť néni (?)
kóká na dóležité léstek

(večmochat šecke veřény kamoše)

Knižke na fotke oževatela balvan99
Posledni knižka na fotke oževatela balvan99

life is beautiful , it is always for whom to live

Počte fotek: 304

ID:53802 (večmochat menoly přezdivke)
Členstvi:Brain pinčl
Nédřivjéši přehlášeni:27. srpenca 2007, 08:11:31
Posledni héřeni aktivitó:28. ledna 2025, 02:17:59 - kóká na dóležité léstek
Počet koleček:
Volny dně:Sobota a Neděla
Zbévajici dně flákárne:10 dni - veoživá flákárno pomoci mašine

Fláknót oževatela balvan99 ke svém kamošum | Fláknót oževatela balvan99 ke svém cajzlum

Vezvat špiloša balvan99 ke špilo
Plke:Slovakia, long shape of the Slovak Republic is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It has an area of ​​49,035 square kilometers and are home to approximately 5.43 million inhabitants. It borders with the Czech Republic (251.8 km), Austria (107.1 km), Poland (541.1 km), Ukraine (97.8 km) and Hungary (654.8 km) [9]. The main and most populated city is Bratislava.

The first state formation of Slavs on the territory of Slovakia was Samo's Empire (seventh century) and later Principality of Nitra (early 9th century), whose connection with the Moravian principality arose in Great Moravia in 833. In the first half of the 9th century to incorporate the territory of Slovakia to Hungary (since 1866 Austria-Hungary). After the collapse of Austria-Hungary in 1918, Slovakia was part of Czech-Slovakia until 1993 (except during the period of independence during the First Slovak Republic). 1st January 1993 was the division of state formation independent Slovak Republic.

The Slovak Republic is a parliamentary democracy, the official language is Slovak. From 1 May 2004 Slovakia joined the European Union, 21 December 2007 is a member of the Schengen area. From 1 January 2009 is 16 member of the European Monetary Union - the euro area and became the official currency of the euro, followed by a Slovak crown. Joining the euro will complete the process of integration into the European Union.




Datom a hodine
Kamoši, co só toť
Oblébeny klobe na mloveni
Vechetávka dňa
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