Přehlašovaci méno: Kózelny sluvko:
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Plke o: diogenysos

diogenysos - Brain pinčl, 184 Mozku, 1220 óspěchovéch bodu
Skóre v celko: 7339 vehranéch špilu, 362 plicht, 5777 prohranéch špilu, 226 vehranéch tornaju

Klobe na mloveni
Odkaze (2)
Nénovjéši plk špiloša diogenysos (veřény klobe na mloveni):
18. června 2014, 02:01:19
O čem je toďten plk: Finished!
I hereby announce my retirement from the long-time free and enthusiastic help for the owner of this site with the german traductions due to the lack of respect and response from the site-owner! There is, in my eyes, no more need to help this site growing, as the boss does not seem to work on it accurately any longer.

There is also no sense in helping to give this site an additional value as long as the owner just thinks about the money he can earn by selling the site instead of caring better about his paying customers.

Fencer, please quit me from the list of traducers. Thanks
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Plke špiloša diogenysos na veřénéch klobech na mloveni:

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