Přehlašovaci méno: Kózelny sluvko:
Zapsáni novyho oževatela
Plke o: Linda00671

Linda00671 - Brain pinčl, 50 Mozku, 1035 óspěchovéch bodu
Skóre v celko: 17858 vehranéch špilu, 159 plicht, 27559 prohranéch špilu, 643 vehranéch tornaju

Klobe na mloveni
Zidka (30)
Nénovjéši plk špiloša Linda00671 (veřény klobe na mloveni):
16. března 2014, 13:07:27
This is what has inspired the creator of backgammon  and what design has invested in the construction. ....
At the core of the game is put the time : That 's a tray - symbolizes the unity of the year. Four corners of the box - a symbol of the four seasons . Opposite 2 x 6 compartments inside the panel - are actually 12 months a year. The sum of all pieces of 30 - as is the average number of days in one month. The color of the pieces - black and white , represent day and night. And opposite 2 x 12 units - are 24 hours a day.
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