Backgammon Race CHAMPIONSHIP Invitational (21-50) This tournament is for the winners of the #21-#50 "Fast Start - First 5 to sign up - Backgammon" Tournaments.
Here are the people who earned an invite:
21 chattytea
22 orangengreen
23 Antje
24 neznalek
25 orangengreen
26 mrbugs001
27 orangengreen
28 neznalek, Tiaria, MsDelete
29 lilac fairy
30 tmj91702
31 bazz
32 MsDelete
33 Paula28
34 Paula28
35 MsDelete
36 Vikings
37 aissi
38 lilac fairy
39 Jason
40 pawnme
41 Antje
42 MsDelete
43 orangengreen
44 Slavka
45 dasa
46 chattytea
47 tmj91702
48 Andersp
49 clean4today
50 MsDelete
Tournament will start in about a week. IF A PAWN or KNIGHT NEEDS MORE TIME to complete current tournaments, please let me know and I may extend the sign up time for awhile until all that are invited are able to sign up. (But you will have to tell me otherwise it will start at the scheduled time.) Have Fun! [19 invited] Zpátke na véčet tornaju
Droh mača: Obečéné špil Droh tornaja (?): každé s každym jeden špil Véška členstvi: Kolek može bét némiň špilošu: 4 Kolek može bét névic špilošu: co to pode Kolek može bét névic špilošu ve větvi : 8 Koncové mač pro větvo s dvóma špilošama: Mač na 3 vehrany špile Časové hlidač (?): 5 dni, obečéná flákárna BKR špilošu: 100 <= BKR <= 4000 Špiloši bez BKR: ja Nebodovany špile (toďten tornaj nebode započitané do BKR): ne Sókromé tornaj (bodeš vepóštět osobni zvaci léstky): ja Verovnat do řade špiloše podle BKR: ja Jaké je stav: okončeny