For All Who Have Fallen In Iraq (Nrchcábe - vesvětlet špil) Many lives have been lost on all sides of this painful war: the Iraqi people, the innocents caught in the crossfire, Red Cross and other agencies trying to deliver aid, and troops required to follow orders of military commanders they may disagree with in principal. There are widely varying political opinions, and this tournament is not meant to inflame the situation.
Play in this event if you just wish it all would end, or wish to honor the memory of anyone who is no longer with us. Zpátke na véčet drohu špilu Droh mača: Obečéné špil Droh tornaja (?): každé s každym jeden špil Véška členstvi: Kolek može bét némiň špilošu: 4 Kolek može bét névic špilošu: co to pode Kolek može bét névic špilošu ve větvi : 8 Koncové mač pro větvo s dvóma špilošama: Mač na 3 vehrany špile Časové hlidač (?): 5 dni, obečéná flákárna BKR špilošu: 100 <= BKR <= 4000 Špiloši bez BKR: ja Nebodovany špile (toďten tornaj nebode započitané do BKR): ne Sókromé tornaj (bodeš vepóštět osobni zvaci léstky): ne Verovnat do řade špiloše podle BKR: ja Jaké je stav: okončeny Datom a čas odmávnoti: 11. června 2005, 23:42:43 Datom a čas okončeni: 7. prosenca 2005, 15:04:57